
2/20/2014 18:37 – Facebook Post

Dear Kerem Sanliman…Brother man.

I decided to expand upon your comment to explain once more the reality of my E.T experience.

For 14 years I have had no control of my consciousness nor my body.

Since I left Istanbul summoned via messenger (Durek Verret and others) who literally channeled and delivered messages from an E.T Family and Consciousness I knew were my original family but whom I had never told a living soul about until Derek recieved their transmission and outed me in Istanbul in a private meeting in my house.

I had secretly spent my life running away from these people who appeared in my.life who would deliver messages to me about an mission from the Beautiful Ones…My Family I remembered and who were more real to me than anyone I had met in this realm.
It was not they or the truth of their Existence that I was running from but what they kept alluding to me of what was expected of me…
It just seemed to impossible a task especially now that I was born and living in this world.

I just wanted to live a life and celebrate my Existence.
I saw the aloneness and isolation and even danger of fullfilling such a mission.

And the obstacles in alerting this world (which I had not been prepared for just how deeply they had gone into forgetfulness and the implications…
I will be honest human beings made me afraid.
I was by no means in fear of them, just shocked and distrustful of such a consciousness.
It was more like,”What the Devil happened to you to forget your true natures”

That is what my journals were about.
I began them as a boy in Boarding School when we moved “en famile” to Nigeria.

And started them again in 1989 after being diagnosed with Flight or Fright which I cslled Fight or Flight…
(obviously, I was being asked by the Beautiful Ones to prove the truth of their presence and our consciousness of Harmony).

My journals Literally titles Talking to the Silence, was my literally talking to Father Joy and Mother Beaytiful Sadness.
My literal family…about my experience in this realm of reality.
My confusion, my longing to go home, my.missing them and the strange and often bewildering way ppl I encountered saw and percieved reality.
Shocking me so much that I was in a constant state of Flight or Fright…

It was an analysis of my strange life and the scores of encounters and lessons learnt about why people had become the way they were.
But to understand their experience I had to use Em Pathy and literally travel cosmicly through their expressions to not only experuence it literaly but to also discern that which was real and that which was subjective and distorted by memory.

The load soon became so heavy since I had not learnt at that point to protect myself or transform thier traumas into beauty which led me to Heaviness and a condition where my body (not my consciousness which remained unaffected and in bliss) could no longer generate energy to function.

A bit confused but nonetheless relieved that I was going home… I prepared to pass through the portal of Death on my way home.
This is where I saw the Light surrounded by a deep darkness of what obviously was the Matters of the human experiences I had not transformed.
I had a conversation with the Light and was not allowed to.pass through to the otherside to my home but instead sent back with the mission.
It stating my journals held the key.

I came back to “Earth or the play” and within a few months my Journals where discovered and my.most secret sacred world was finally known to others.

I was called E.T, Alien one of Beauty searching for Beauty.my family and told that I did not realize it was within me.

But my issue was the depth of hurt of realizing how I had suffered without realizing it. And a growing resentment at how little my personal feelings were being considered for the mission.

As if I did not even Exist..
As if I were not important nor even relevant.
My Huemanity rebelled at this and I fought the mission. Even trying to destroy the Journals.
I stopped speaking to Mother and Father and Ran away to London. Where I met an incarnation of Father in three guys Jay Tuan..and Jon.
And of Mother…Jay as father was compassionate to me, even sympathetic but he was also angry with me.
As for Mother incarnations I met, they were gentle but resolute that I complete the mission.

I was invited to Istanbul in a very strange way, and though I suspected I was still being set up in the “play” I siezed the chance to run away from my dialogues with the Silence Father Mother.

I tried to make it that they were no longer real…
I tried to be here now and it had now been over a decade where I had no contact with.my.mother or biological family.

I had written my mother in Paris alerting her to the fact that I was going on a mission.
My youngest brother yearned to see me but I broke his heart by deciding to go on this mission but never thought it would take so long and demand so much.

I went to Istanbul and stayed because of its Beauty and sought to bring the attention of the Night life world I had worked in and the world of the Arts to Turkey in a Festival of Sharing bc I was stunned back in 1996-7 that so.many in the West were ignorant about Turkey.
Remember the Hurriyette Cover?
They thought I was joking but I was serious.
But I also went there to.make money, resolving to forget the “Mission” Over a decade and all I had seen.was the pain and hurt in the world.
When I was am the Prince of lightness laughter Boogie.

I had surmounted my life of hurt easily, a life which astounded my publishers.
I had witnessed the pain and hurt of so.many people caught in a viscious cycle not even real and had been amazed at how so.many chose to stay, dwell in such putrid places of hurt rather than solve heal and rise above it.

I was sick of seeing only pain when it was not real. It could be surmounted and the ugliness all around me offended my very essence

Istanbuls Natural Beauty was a welcome relief.
But as you witnessed Kerem Abi, I had a hell of a time in Istanbul.
It was the same everywhere.
I worked so hard, I was always alone, plagued by the awareness of the “Watchers” and their influencing all my efforts in Istanbul.
I was angry with them and so it becsme an epic battle of Wills.
Of me seeking the means to rnsure a life here and inspiring people my way by creating productions, plays, events and eventually films..

Recall I left my camera with you in collateral after I lost nearly everything after the Festival I had said I would do..Which took me three years of being tested by Istanbulians to see if I was just another foriegner coming to.exploit the newly opened Turkish Economy.

But I wasn’t, I had never felt such affection or acceptance from ppl as in Turkey.
Only France could compare.

But when the Festival was cancelled..Remember Gurol Goker… I shudder at the memory of the Hurt.
Then the Earth Quake…The Ecomomy collasping
I had worked for three years what many felt was like 20 yrs. Touching so many fields from television programing to creating Marketing campaigns to working with the Youth…
And in the end I lost everything material. My house in Istanbul I was about to.purchase after spending a fortune renovating.
My apartment in London and the financial security to help.my bio.family…
Yet I had gained so much experience and spirit.
I recall Jeki Batu saying that I was a Turk now..calling mr Ahmed and I would never be allowed to leave.

But I knew I had to. I saw my brother Nnamdi literally appear after I had to admit my defeat.
He said “Time to go slow poke” I just sat my mouth wide opened dazed but not really surprised that an literal holgraphic image of my younger late brother was standing before me.

I made a prayer and a few days later Durek Verrett appeared saying to my puzzlement of what he wanted from me, I quote.
“Did you make a prayer..I am the response and I have a message for you from your family…”
Seeing my confusion he paused to take in a transmission and said !Oh they told me to speak to you in your secret language which he did…It was the language which I spoke only to them with…only they could know”

He said, “It was time to go to New York”

I had made up my mind to defy them and go to London instead.

As if reading my.mind he told me they said that they would make it very difficult for me umtil I agreed to come to New York.

I went to London instead…It was Hell…

The Only door was Nick who kept on giving me the ticket fare to come to New York.
I met E.T beings on a Park bench in London..A perfect stranger who turned to me asking me “why I was so afraid to come to New York…And why was I resisting them”

You’ve got to be kidding right.
You want me to expose to the world my..our secret.
That I am an E.T and that we are literally real. To this world and prove our existence, our intentions, our mission and plan while undercover in human form..?

And so that is how they took over my body and my consciousness. And gave me no choice.
They knew I would never stop fighting them.
Not because of the mission but because of my right as a hue man being to choice and free will.

And what is so astounding is despite all the 13 years of people seeing the Beautiful Ones literal manifestation in my body…being expression

My obvious lack of being in control of words, downloading.
Not being able to work an earn an income in my chosen fields…And I am veey qualified to work in a variety of fields.
The theft of all my I.D’s, my portfolio of work.
And even talking publicly and on the speaking to large groups at places as the Bowery Poetry Cafe…about the story of the family of 1 2(5)..
People would weep, smile laugh …I was amazed.
Complete strangers I who I tested the story on would come out from under cover and recognize!

But no one, apart from those companies I sought to work in to get out of this play seemed concerned that I was literal 24/7 jerking, bowing, channeling speaking in different voices obviously alien.

I thought (uncomfortably) that I would be on television and that there would be a media circus.
I needn’t have worried.
It was all designed (the play) where not only were people very accepting of someone saying doing explaining exemplifying and even embodying an E.T presence…
Until I realized that no matter how much I sought to explain or draw peoples attention to what was happening to me it just did seem to matter…
To anyone a part from me.

It was if what was happening to me was not even real not even important…Which almost drove me mad.

I have been downloading linking with a will A part from my own.
Any yet no one truly believes my words.
Marina Buruni and Tom Truman once told me on seeing my literal tears of frustration and incredulity…
“That what I am experiencing even what they were witnessing was beyond the human experience or imagination as real”

Only in the movies.

So,”They” have won.

“Do the work”
That is all They and the worlds and people I have encountered through all this all seem to say.

And so Kereem this is what has been my torment, explaining my personal experience of literally being from another realm of Existence…
And yet no one taking any thing I say on that account into consideration while enjoying the Beautiful Expression and way I have transformed into knowledge the literal experience of the Hell of Being in Existence with the Whole Truth accepted except that which concerns me…
That part has been made to seem non existence.

Not real and is the true meaning of Evil and being crucified in Spirit.
For telling the Truth the whole truth…and even after that being forced to still explain.

I think it if it had not been you I would not have had the strength to explain one more day…

This was my secret but I believe my family knew that this is how it would all play out.
And wished me to simply Exemplify, share my empirically embodied understanding of Harmony to this world…by taking everything away.
Even Understanding Compassion and Empathy.


And leaving it all up to me.

And so I transformed unimaginable suffering of all of the You and I and chose to download what rose up in me
.in only the most beautiful sort of way.
To inspire, despite my personal True experience being rendered unimportant and not of Existence Known.


Love light and Laughter to you and your family Kerem…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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