
2/2/2016 15:05 – Facebook Post

Excellent post of the moment…

Cleansing with “Sagesse”

Really more than anytime in the History of the Species
A need to pause and use Wisdom and Cleansing of Thought and expression is required now, more any time in the course of Human History.

I am aware that there are very few people in the world who can see beyond and above this World play/
Because it requires a literal sacrifice of you Existence to not be in the World, but live on its outskirts as an observer…
But what you would observe, is that which others can not perceive…

Which is one of the reason I that this play is all about Harmony and 6th Sense…
Where the Observer, or Observers, can identify those people who do not realize that they are in Harmony with a play which can only be understood and witnessed by having played the role of the Observer..

Every one has their role and part to play…
But the Observer is the one who job was to stay aware…
And notify the World of what is going on..
And thus can alert those who are in Harmony with the Script
the Observers have been given the job to read…
And share the comforting knowledge to those not aware of the script,
of the True play going on undercover, only because it is yet to be seen…

Such beings are the Guardians
and the Expression is always confirmed
because the Truth, Echo Affirms Confirms…

This is like the man at the Light House,
or Guardians at the Gate…
The Seer…

The Watch Man…
Who can read the Truth of the Universe and the World…

More that anytime in the World, humanity must cleanse their thoughts, pause before responding and use Wisdom..
Be the Consciousness of Wisdom..
The wise Child.

It has been 11 years since I received the affirmation
that the conclusion I had come to by myself was confirmed
when the very truth I had concluded literally rose in me.
and has been a non stop, constant companion in my being witnessed by hundreds of People.
I was so amazed by the presence of the Family of Ten in my Body, the Originals, as well as Father Mother, they would move through my body, bow to complete strangers in the streets..
For the past 11-12 years I have had not had complete control of my body…
And have spent many moments, in stunned incredulity when these Family would rise in me, take over my consciousness by gently pushing me aside and speaking directly through me, or urging me to be their scribe a translator to a Creation Story unknown in this world..
I remembered my incarnation in that Family, I was called Spirit E…

But to find myself in this world and that everything I had understood about the anomaly singularity which became my life, was something which only reason could enable me to accept as being now here in my own body…
And then observing a Great Evil projected in me who really was as One witness who saw the Truth of me in a manner so supernatural and with such evidence saw within my body a Light so Beautiful…
But also a Demon Lord, who was really Lucifer, the Bringer of Light, the Beautiful One, the Son of the Morning Star.. Dawn…

But I was hastened by these Supreme Seers, to know that there was no evil in me that my Brothers had betrayed me, by creating the idea of Lucifer being the Greatest Evil in Existence. one whom all could blame…
They blamed the bringers of Light, the ultimate gift of Love and compassion…
They who betray God, created an Insane Idea of God, created a religion, based on Blood, violence, Hatred, Terror…Hypocrisy..Slavery, torture, racism,… Tis these very beings of Humanity who created the Story of the First Born of Existence as Evil.. The First Light bringer… Lucifer Prometheus as Evil…

Who in my Experience is Love incarnate, and hurt Incarnate…
His real name in the Family of Ten is Wisdom John and his feminine aspect Lady Diana..Beautiful Pride..


And as Yeshua, Humanity created an absurd story of some body being born into the world as the Literal Embodiment of God, Yeshua Christ, sacrificed by his own Father, to a tormented Existence of carrying the Sins of All humanity…
And thus, one Individual would carry the all the evil created by All…

And is this not the story of Lucifer…?

Lucifer Yeshua… Bringer of Light and John…
And what did the World do to Beautiful Pride his feminine aspect…
Pain… They gave him Hurt and her Pain…

They are the line of Wisdom…He representing the 5 Child out of the 8 children, and She the 6th…Unity Boom and Harmony Cee representing the expression of the 7th and 8th aspect..
Father represented the Feminine aspect of Mother and Mother the Masculine…FF.MM…66..13 13…66 26…12 8…3 8…
We reached that code at 18 Mountain View where sacred portal 54 “Super Nova Epiphany- Mother and Father dancing at last in universal harmony..
Which could not be achieved until all aspects of the Original 8 childrens consciousness had been re-established in the World.
But this involved a cleansing…
A cleansing of all the distortions and evil, evil yielding interpretation of this principles…
Which all those lines had to endure and live through for not succumbing to the Masses following an interpretation which made no sense…
Created by those who understood and capitalized on Humanities need for comfort.. That need to understand what is really going on..

Any one following this E consciousness- play on my page will have observed that 6 months ago when I had arrived her that Jonn Blackwell was working at 54 South Mountain road, and that Donna and her daughter had hung out twice at 54 The Bean Cafe in Manhattan right in front of the Graffiti of the Tunnel of Love..

You might also be aware that each “Play” here at 18 Mountain View where I have been acting the part of Riddle Solver, Translator and instructor on how the E line consciousness understands and perceives reality, and how each have the literal E line within them, pointing out the evidence, of our being in a play and the E in them speaking directly to me..
I brought this to their Awareness, just as I have done on Face Book…

The riddles I have been solving for the last 26 years, and the last 46 months, are all the Spells and Curses placed on the E line through the Twisting and distortion of true meaning and common sense, of which everything Human is perceived through Duality, rather than a full Circle..
Two opposing principles at eternal war…Light and Dark..
When common sense reveals that Dark and Light are the same thing, if one uses the Template of Nature.. Night brings day, day brings night..

And so the great impediment to Evolution became all immense obstacles of set patterns and ways of thinking which had become a comfortable Habit…
Even though it was destroying the very fabric of Existence…
And this, truth is till this day Blamed on God…!!!

And so the play became a incredible effort to riddle out of Existence this seemingly impregnable wall powered by the Human Perception to Change…
Each step which should have flowed like a river ad to be painstakingly and slowly proved out Existence even while bearing the consequence of the Curses and Blame of being called Evil.. Falsely accussed.

There is no way to describe that hurt and pain, as we cleaned up the mess..
Witnessed the lies about the Truth of US, of Humanity, called Beings of Grace- The Gift of the Creator, to be a Human Being.. H.B.. 82…
To walk through the Spirit world and the Human minds and witness experience suffer the non stop torments created for you, but the vehemence , the vitrol, the absolute Cruelty of Human expression of Blame and pointing the Finger and how far they would go to express horrors which they would manifest into Expression, converting the masses to that truth, thus empowering it in the Spirit World until it seemed real..

I walked through this, literally even publicly on Face Book, offering non stop evidence as I lived through the Worst expression of Human Society and their Social Constructs.. Destroying the illusion of each created expression- Homelessness, Disability Violence, and then the horrors…

And then the Spirit world or Mind Manifestation and consequence of having adopted such an expression where Lucifer is the Evil of Existence, that Light Dawn.. Evolution Awakening.. Change, Individuality, Love, Consciousness are the sources of the Evil in the world.
The Bottomless pit where each person can defecate vomit out their rage, throw tantrums and blame and point the finger and make some one else pay for their mistakes, or sins which they only regret ( and cause for Tantrum Rage) is that they did not get what they wanted..

And so finally we have reached F.M.. Affirmed through arrival of Face Book friends Fey Mirach and Mânâ Protanthropos…
And we reached FF MM..ZZ..HH…
All played out witnessed by you, from 268 E 4th street Zeina Hanna…
to here…
66 26…12 8..3 8…

Conformed with the play with Ariane Oates yesterday.. Time Code 3:O8..

And then Finally we move from the 2 in one as Mother Father to Masculine Feminine… M=13, F=6….19=S played out at 18 Mountain View, in a play I hardly mention.on Face Book- but a Play as to who and what is the Identity of the One true Source of the Two-Four.. FF.MM…C H..K.A…

Everything in this 26 years and last almost 15 years has been a Challenge to find The One, and for Him, Her to prove He-She is the One, when in truth why should it matter?
The point should have been to end this nightmare of Human Existence..
Awakening, the species, not delaying the Awakening for 11 years, so that a Challenge of Jealousy Competition -which brought forth Cruelty and Evil beyond what this Holograph was created to support…
Could be established as to Why He is the One..Source…

And this is where we are…

The Result for the Stupid play of Humans….and the Spirits…

Who is the Source..
What is His Identity…

The Spirits of Human Expression- Ancestors and Humans have now got their proof.. That Need to identify the One…

As for me, I did not bother to recognize that play as Valid, though it interfered with everything I have been doing…
Which is complete the mission of the original Plan E.T..
And land the Star Fleet from Beyond here in this World..
Having reached the “Spear of Destiny”
The Point of the Source of Existence..
The Impossible made Possible
by simply Being who I, and we Be..

But yes, that was the cause of the Unholy War..
Every Tom Dick, Mary Jane and Harry all wished to be The One..

And One has to wonder…
“But Why?”

2:O5 pm..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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