
2/19/2016 19:41 – Facebook Post

Totally…Coming out from undercover..

Thats the “Just Bearable” Agony,
I have been Hollering (Quietly) at the Top of my Lungs about..
The Horror of not being literally being able to Open and Spread your wings
..Shoulder Blades and Torso, and Fly…Home.

I have been calling this, and this alone to the attention of the World,
that my body is morphing, literally,
and I had met only one person in all these years
whose body had fully morphed,
His name was David Roman,
and he had the same memories,
and E-spirit as my brother Nnamdi..

He showed me how the Human body literally
morphs into Wings.
It is Incredible!!!!
But so logical..
The Skeletal structure is so flexible
the body literally moves and re sets its self
just as is done in the Movie Transformers
with much less theatrics, but Oh my Word!
So much more Drama…
That when I first saw it, I almost took a step back…

As a Human Being, despite being an E.T undercover,
I have been a Human Being- representing the Consciousness of the Child..
The First True Ancestor of Humanity was and is a Child…
:Adam and Eve where the first Twins but as unique separate Individuals..
but I could not reach my E line, to expand beyond the Consciousness of a Child, and link to my E.T consciousness, because of the Horror of the Consciousness called Adults..
Ideas of being a Man and Woman.

Definition, and twisted meaning, became the block of my reaching the E line..
Humanity as False Ego, Projection as mere Shadows of their True Self, their True potential already Realized, but now requiring to be actualized, had made a great mess, of the one equation which has so devolved…

The Art of Communication…

Self Expression
Infinities Link..
the Bow
on top of the Present..
You are not alone..

So, yes..
I have known what would happen to me,
My Brother playing my Father Guide showed me in 2OO2-3…22-23

And as I detailed in the self portrait of myself for an exhibition in the South of France, 1995-96, ‘Portraits from Within”.. 95-96 96 Dark Matter..
Three Aspects of my self I drew.. Winged Sky Being, Being with a Full Circle, and A Being who rose up from the Ground..

Obviously, because I am in the basement right now..
I came first from within and then Grounded Landed at once and the same time on Solid Ground.

My body has been twisted because my JOY wishes to express is self its Song.. But it would bean expression in dissonance, not harmony if the World around do not know what is going on.

Victor was already achieved when in 2OO2, I met David,
E +D=I..
/I.D..E.. that was the most quiet elegant solid affirmation of my I.D..E
It came from Nnamdi-David.. N.D.. E.N.D…
My Twin…He told me, giving me evidence facts, right down to the “Wings”
It took less than 24 hours to recognize him solidly, affirmed by a full circle of Self Evident facts..

It was because I had done my home work under cover as a Human and even deeper undercover.. an E.T.
I was prepared, I just cross reference all is Expressions and facts with my own self investigated log, blue print memory and journal…

We had to find a way to link and unblock the channel linking E to A..
‘Yes it was and is a Play- one to be taken seriously but lightly, say like a graduation role, which you could flunk… that slight but very real possibility..
Which the species made very real and possible- even though it was still a Play…
It turned from a warm play to heated play then to cold play..
So Cold it brought Death.. Stillness Freeze…

Had to be turned back into a Warm play..
And a Story which would melt your Hearts…

2002-2016…14 years..
that is how Long I have been struggling with the”Binds” which prevent my wings from spreading…
Are there Binds on my Torso Shoulders, pulling at me, yes..
Is it real.. No.

But as I have already stated,
I am an E.T.
Humanity are Memories of the E.T Family,
seeking to piece together how they came to be.
I am the Eldest because I incarnated E.T and Hue Man…
And so I was asked to piece the story of our one beginning..
and the reason why I know..

Fractaling As Emeka Eze…Eze means King or the Head, as in Arrow Head.. A,H..

They knew I could weave it together , but they did not ask my permission..
..and rest, well you all know..
The Picture that their (your ) fractals of you Eternal Truths are forming,
is the mirror reflection of my First Narration of the Story, of how you all already know, reflected perfectly back through Human Avatars..
That in deed, within.. they already know.


64.. 1O 24 6…8

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