
2/19/2014 18:26 – Facebook Post

What story do you wish to share…

As a story teller and then later Creative Director Choreographer and then film maker…
I had always wanted to tell a Beautiful Fun mischevious story.
One that would make people smile, laugh so hard they would be rolling on the floor.

A Story that had all the Elements of life. But no lessons…Just a story which is my personal understanding of Existence in which all Existence could see themselves in.
In which each person can privately take whatever they wished from it.

I have never been a “heavy” dyde. And so the intensity of my life came as a great surprise. Since I knew I came into Existence to boogie.

Of course, there are serious issue that we as a species had to address. But I felt a light hearted approach would prove that despite the illusion..
That Nothing is that serious- because there is a simple solution for all things.

Yet, this attitude made many in the Seen and Unseen world assume that I did not take things seriously enough.
Not as seriously as these “illusions” had affected them.

They wished to wipe the smile off my face, and the ease in which I navigated the terrain of a script of life designed to make me as angry and serious and as heavy as they.

These Seen and Unseen powers thought I would be irresponsible with the “role” I was given to play (which I never asked for)…
A Role they chose for me, you I to play which they forgot that they chose me (us) because of who we naturaly are.
They forgot that the “potential” they saw in us was Natural and came from that lightness and humor.

They forgot that we or at least speaking for myself, was already aware of my own potential, and that I had already self activated it in my own way..
By carrying it lightly.

This is what these Seen abd Unseen forces could not understand…
How to carry things lightly and most importantly ourselves.

“It is not that serious.
Being First Born or Last Born, having the Memory of Existence being born or not…
It serves a function as all things. Its function and role should be respected…As all things.
But in the end it is not that serious.
Because without I Fun Nnanya…what a boring Existence it would be.
Not even worth being born, waking up, or even coming into Being and Existence.

The Alien Council and the A lien Council are those whom I am addressing.
The Watchers Unseen by most (though most of humanity suspect that they are being watched…observed)
And the A lien Council in form are the Babies, the Children who don’t fully understand cause and effect…and responsibility.
And who never leave that Childish state of throwing tantrums or the lesson of repeating the same thing over and over again in order to get it your way, or the way you want does not work.
Nor can you control life, the world…but you can learn how to temper your temper and accept that there are Natural Laws set in place.

Sigh, I wrote a Fun story at the age if 8, yes it dealt with serious issues. Awakening, destruction of the old ways of thinking…But it was lightly dealt with because…It is not was not that serious.
It only becomes “serious” if one adds to much weight abd “Gravitas-Gravity” to it…
It will pull you down into creating the illusion anomaly called a “Black Hole”
Fear stinks…

Watch the Movie Perfume the Book by Pateick Suskind.

In 2004, I wrote another Fun book of the Family of O1 2(5)
and again it was interrupted.

I wrote another in 2010…Again it was interrupted.

I even wrote one on F.B called the Christmas Story…even that post got interrupted.

This Alien Council of Watchers here and out there wanted me to be serious and heavy.
To feel the rage, anger, hurt all the emotions they felt as they observed as watchers the horror of History of humanities “inhumanity to each other.
Focusing only on that.
Forgetting that it was my line of E who had lived through.the experiencing of all that and we were still light.
We of course did not accept that treatment as being okay.
We even identified evil.

But it did not make us evil, ir consume us with rage. It was not our problem. We had come to help show a.way to cure it…
“Lighten up!”

And for suggesting that as the cure, the Alien Council kept re writing or changing the Creators Script to make it more intense, darker crueler so that we would feel the same impact it had made on the Watchers who had not even experienced the full understanding of the Experience of it.

That is why the Alien Council had to be born…So that they could experience the Truth…
That it looks worse than it really is.

And that it was their interference, just as a Hacker might interfer with a program which has a beneficial goal. But decides on it own through its own “Childish darkness” as opposed to Child like innocence to interfer and play..Literal play Con..Gode’s Code.

This extended 23 month posting was a Con on the Creators Original Program.
How do I know?
I down loaded the original version at age 8 and 33 (Festival of Paylasmask- sharing the responsibility of the Awakening through the Art of Fun, again in 2004 and again in 2010 and again on Christmas day..)

It was never meant to be so serious.
And simpler more fun way had already been created in the Creators Programe which could address all Revelatiins, Armaggedon, the Awakening, Evolution..even the Virus in a Fun and more pleasant way.

I loathed the play and script I found myself in…And the role I was given to play.
And that is the main reason I fought it.
It was intense, heavy not of Nature and certainly not in my Nature.

The Alien Council were so intent in making me and my line see the cruelty of the human species.
How irresponsible they are that they forgot about thier true essence.
Their perfume and thier Beauty.

And no matter what the Alien Council did to me, even seeking to make me look like a fool in front of the whole world by blocking collective Manifestation of Awakening each time the Creators Original program…
– The only program I read and used (though I was aware of another programe interfering which made say, this is impossible until I discovered the audacity of the Alien Council…To Hack into the P.C Full Circle of the C.O.D.E…
Just to make their point.

Basically switching the program and interfering with the Avatars of all Huemans up in the Epiphany star ship Enterprise seeking to Land in their bodies…And merge into one with them…
Thus, Interfering with the Awakening Evolution (bc thevAvatars had no perfume, (memory…13 D.N.A..M as in Manifestation signal of alignment had been warped, no heart, and no true commitement of Sharing- the original.programe of the Creator had been scrambled)

And do you know why?
It was because when the Alien Council A.C. and the A lien Council realized what their interference had done to Unified being…
Like Children they became scared to the point of creating a pathway of confusion so that the Programe Creator would not find out what they had done.

Sounds familiar Huh?
The Adam and Eve Story.

23 months 9 years four months of correcting and having to take on all their anger rage…which did not please me at all…
It is not my way.

And so I am back to my way,my kinda story…my understanding of the Creators Programe…
I Fun Nnanya.

No more of these Heavy Stories…These Um Biblical stories. These religious stories. These deep philosophical heavy pondering and Mathematical theories…

People want light and lightness…
Not 23 months of posts which was not fun.
I hated it, just as I hated my 13 yr journey, my 25 year journey and life in which these Alien Council wished to prove to.me that Life is not fun.

Life is fun..
Even in the midst of great tragedy…that is what makes being human and eventually Hue man such an incredible experience…
And why all essences of Existence now chose to incarnate in human form.

Just as the Program Creator did…
Because it is a Body of Fun created by the Spirit if I Fun Nnanya…
That to live is to love and see all with a touch of Laughter in the eye…
As friends Kerem Christopher In Istanbul and Robert Bar do..And that is why I love the lune of Father JayC.E Tuan so…

..it is not that serious…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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