
2/18/2021 22:45 – Facebook Post

From Liberty C Liscomb today.

En Point yet again.

A Glitch in The Matrix.
“A G IT M… A G I TM. ( 1 7 9… 20 13…33= 1=A”

A G I T M- A. A G Arden Gemino- Alexander Grove – I -A

A G I A.

The article is by Bilge Ebiri. BE/ E B.

Bilge is a Turkish Name.

B I G L E… B I… AT E 001. G L 7 12= 1984= 103. J C

Bilge means “the name Bilge means “Learned, wise, sagacious; wise man; scholar” and is of Turkish origin.”

Knowledge & Wisdom. Arden photo.
Tree Sage Cosmos Interantion
Me in Constinople Istanbul.

Philip K Dick, On my post today P K. 1977

Paul Gude .. P G… Lion Onion…. L A Please see the post on Slavery the Ship which landed in Virginia – 1619 was called White Lion and the other “Treasurer”

L W Luke Wilson Laura Walsh
L W & T. L T.

Joshua Andrew Cook
AG in this Article- J C 10 3. , 13= M. is from Virgina.
Yes Sam-E Cook

Alexa Le Vine… A L.. A L V.. Alexa Vertefeuille

Laeo Mystwood. L M… LA E O.. . Brother… L M= 25 Y. AFKG=25.

ASCHER… A – SC.H.. ( South Carolina is the 8th State.
A,S C H. E R

AS Cher :Cher means Dear or Darling Cherished in French.

I am no longer linking and correlating, I am done with that.
It was just because its Liberty and I am felt today and intrusion to post

But you can see that the Author of this article is an idiot by his closing statement, and yet he is himself igorant of how he himself is being moved by the E Family not even the matrix or Universal Simulation Awakening any more- all done.
This is literally his being movd to represent the expression of EXistential Death… To make such a closing comment ‘Big Mouth” publicly.

At 15 49 Favebook Friend code Jesse Savage born 10-19-1978.

And once again, why it was necessary that there was a base, a blue Print and an E Manual which anchors for 9 .2.3 months consistently the foundation base or Legend Map of the codes aliging consistently to a Patten which actually manifests vua Echo response and Manifestaion.

This is the idiots comment.
Bilge Ebirir- B E/ E B confirming the script of today and AG..IT M I TM.
When he himself is being moved to his manifest desiniation for not being sure of his investigation via researching before signing publicly and opening his big mouth

“The world is fucking crazy, dude. Some people respond to it with religion, others by assuming we are controlled by a giant video game from another dimension. Anybody who claims to know for sure is either lying or insane. All we do know is that, in the end, we’re still a bunch of meat flaps, virtual or not, and we’ve got a lot of flapping to do.”

Lying or Insane.

What a comment to make- and can you imagine what he will feel like after it manifests and he understands why he is sent to Nome Alaska the 49th State. D I E.

9:45 pm.


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