
2/18/2018 19:56 – Facebook Post

This received this message from Dee Marie who was a former facebook friend,
some one suggested her as a Facebook friend as I pressed accept with out realizing.
– As my older face book friends know, the rules of this play in the Spirit realm or Astral plane in which I have been in demands that I do not meddle or take on Face book friends through my own choice, because not only does it interfere with the equation Echo Response, but because it must be each persons own free will to come to this play….

– I am so so tired of dealing with Human Avatars and their Ego’s and inflated self importance…
They have no say, none whatsoever until they have understood the play of the Two Awareness which has been moving Humanity since the beginning of time,
to learn from them the rules of engagement before they learned to Merit and Earn the right to evolve by understanding the two points of view…
And then merge then and then defeat their Two “Sensie;s” called Nature and Naturalness….
N N…

At 5-28 p.m Dee responded by stating that she was watching this when her face book request was accepted by me,
she urged me to watch this.
I responded that I did not send her a Facebook request and that apparently she was meant to be here since she was being moved by the two awareness’s …
And then there came here response which seemed offended and seemed to blame me for disturbing her piece…

I hastened to make her aware of the facts.. and how I read…

Someone whom must really love or cee her, was slick enough to send her as a facebook suggestion perhaps fully aware that she had once been my facebook friend and had left.

-She was listening to this when I accepted her request… which logically would mean that I am the Source of the Peace….
Deep Sleeping Calming… D S.C… Delta Source Code… D South Carolina.. 8th state.. Infinity…

The piece is called Infinite Waters… I.W..
It speaks of Gaia… E ART..H.

NN Is 14 14… 28… I am born the 28th.

The feminine mirror of this rep in this play is was moving through Nadee Nakandala born 5-28… the Very Time which Dee Marie got my message and responded to me..

Nadee recognized what I was doing 3 days in becoming my face book friend in 2013…. Authoring Harmony… A.H.
And is one of the sole reason I continued posting because I was baffled by no one responding with recognition of what I was doing, which waliness s so obvious.. She further added that I was feeding the World…”

D.M.. I at Delta Manor….

D M.. is 500 and 1000 in roman numerals… 500 1000… 5 1… Power of 02… 03… 1500… 15 is the letter O… and A.E…

432… 4 32… 4 5…. I did that play yesterday, moving from my room 4B to room 5A to challenge Dwayne Smiths rep of Humanity as E O M… / M O E… Meaning of Existence E OM.. E om is Expression of Power as being Miserliness Forgetullness of those who sustained them, helped them supported them when they were down and out and the manner of when they have “something in their pockets” how easily they revert to power… E OM…
Room 4B to Room 5A, both my Former rooms.. I moved from 4B to 5A about this time last year… Full Circle… Meaning last year I was in room 5A.. Bed 5-006…

I started the play at Delta Manor at bed 3-002….

4 88 88… is 32… Which means 4 Harmonies… A Box… a Square… which forms a Circle… 32…3+2= 5… E ART…H…Harmony…

Link the meaning of Fred Delshad a beautiful Avatar… Always in Harmony… It was his birthday yesterday the 17…Q…
His name means “The Peaceful Ruler is Joyous and of a Happy Heart…”.. ( but not while in this play)…
Peaceful Ruler… P.R… R.P..Raymond Pruitt… R.P… P.R/R.P… Full Circle…

Do you see my point?
About how Humanity get in the way of the play?
They, You could have each been part of the play if you wished to, Lord knows enough explanation of the Play and its rules were explained to my everlasting detriment,
but you each decided what was worthy of focus and attention, and most of you believed that you knew better than I, The Elegant Nomad… T E N.. Who spent most of my life in research, writing peoples stories, investigating why People perceived the way the did… And 28 years later it led me here….

5 28 Hrzt is what I had been proving that the planet was set to Evolve to…
Some call this the New Earth….But as Humanity were meant to Evolve to Hue Manity.. back to Their Original Selves.. so was the Earth…

Paradise Eden was never Lost….
6:39 p.m.

I got a coffee, I did not need one- nor could I afford to buy one…
-Which is what I have found incredulous through out the years the fact that such little support was given to someone who was forced to literally leave reality, not have family kids a life friends nothing.. not even his body and being… to investigate what is really wrong with People and why they can not be themselves by going out on the field- forced to live with in over a hundred homes of people interviewing them, thousands of human portals I had to pass through.
Living in the most precarious situations.. not be able to see my mother in 29 years!!!..
A family all abandoning me except 2 or 3… enduring slander gossip, rage curses .. all for being forced to investigate the by doing what no one else was willing to do… Investigate thefacts and go out onto the field to truly get the truth….
And through out this discovering the true nature of most of humanity… so cruel cunning… thinking they are slick… so so so vile…
that it created the last nail in the equation of why such a species of such absurd selfishness and cruelty can not Exist…
must be made extinct..

My coffee.. Is it your first of a refill Yasemin asked me…
I said give me refill.. I did not answer that it was my first or not…
I did not lie…
Cunning… sly… deception… I know these games much better than Humans… but I do not use such tools of manipulation.. it is for the Weak..
The strong are Transparent…
The CUP number is 15…
A Young man whom I had noticed here with a sweater which I had noted and which even this energy in me made my body move a few days ago and literally pointed him out to me…
His Sweater is interesting it has the patterns of Light… Universe Cosmos exploding in light…

I had sat in front of Tonne.. the only seat available… T.E…/ E T…
Then He came…
just before I ordered the coffee… He had left moved from the Woods side to the Metropolitan side …
When I got my coffee number 15.. letter O…

A Seat was made vacant in the Metro side where I could charge my phone.. George and Henry left.. G.H.. 7 8..I took George’s seat and found myself sitting between Reginald age 26…
I asked the young man his name who is now seated besides me on my right… he said Freddy…
Fred means “The Peaceful Ruler”…

6:56 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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