
2/18/2016 18:50 – Facebook Post

Excellent Intel..

AN Electrical W.A.V.E..

A Flooding of Invisible Electrical Wave- Yes Hue A.H’s Ark?

I wrote an equation about this two two days ago which prompted and play and conversation with Alex Reyenga..
Code meaning and undercover in him, is the A.R…E/ E..R.A.H of the”All Seeing Eye” Defender of Man, Do Rey…E.N GA..5-14..7-1″ The second Sound Wave…
The first is to “Do”
– The conversation led to the answering of a question as to my own secret undercover identity, or the one undercover guiding me- which his Espirit responded by posting a course in miracles- Host of God..
and to this ridiculous notion and word called “Sacrifice”…and to the Equation as to why there must be Destruction and Deva-Station to get rid of this occupation with Sacrifice.. for the sake of others..

It was a Post a Gif with a great Wave of water and some people flying away..
As birds are able to do..not escape.. but simply leave…

I especially like the quote,

“The best and only thing man can do now, is turn to God (Whom I call G-Ode- the Music of Creations Wave- the E consciousness have no concept or words called God as equated to the consciousness of this planet. G-ode to us is an Ode, Solgeggio Voice 1-7, notes all sung in perfect Harmony that it brings light.. So I suppose God is to E, the song of the First and Original Hue-Man family who created this play of the Family of 1O, evolving through ten principles of Existence, moved back to the Original 5..the 4 3.. 21..
5+4+3+2+1=15..Letter O..
The Original 5-6… E.O.F..)

And Improve themselves “Consciously!”(meaning that you are fully aware) by elevating yourself to H-IS, Vibratory Level, so as to find Oneself in Harmony with the Powerful Wave which will soon submerge you..

One can not help but notice the Harmony and Synchronicity of both our posts..
And on the literal same Wave Length… even to the affirmation of posts…

5:28 hrtz.. H RT Z.. HZ..RT..(Heart Beautiful.. not romantic meaning literal meaning…Clean..Beating on its Natural frequency 5 28…E.B.H
Expression Being Human (Energetically Being Harmonious)
Expressing Full Circle in perfect symmetry “Perfect Timing’
the Eternal truth until it manifest into solid fact for all to see..First Energetically but when it manifests in Physical form.. then you have failed the test of the E, B.H because like the planet, Humanity as well as all creation Exist through Expression Energy 6th Sense…

..Not physical manifestation..

Birds know when to fly south.
Animals can sense danger in the
Air and Humans are Masters of Sixth sense- their whole world cosmology and even science is based on Curiosity, Imagination.. Six sense and through the journey of investigation observation do they finally arrive at the fact and the truth.. for example the Universe is Expanding and contracting at the same time- as a woman exemplifies in isolation of Expansing then contraction before giving Birth..

A Woman Knows when she is pregnant
Sixth sense, the Expansion confirms its presence
the Contraction confirms its Time..and Timing..

The Fact that a Child is born… requires no confirmation,
for at the moment of Sixth Sense and Expansion,
one knows already a baby is present and in 9 months he or she will be born as a reflection of the play of Time.. A.k.a Death…and Transformation..
Where did the Child come from.. Sperm and an Egg..
A Squiggly line, Sine and A Circle..
Sperm Egg..or did it come from somewhere Beyond.

And so it is with the Universe Expanding E
Contracting Cee..
Until the One Being in Stillness of E and C..
the one who is constant both expanding, contracting, and the truth of both are representatives, of the one Being Body BB.. 22 V inside.

Thus, the E line 5 28.. E O..F..
know for certain of a presence who is the E and the C combined expression of three Cees as well as the 4th dimension..
Because we know its alive by the quiet beating of its Heart..

The 4th Chakra, the 4th Dimension, the Heart..
The base and foundation of Universe Existence..
9 Months, the birth of an Individual…

And so those who do not align when the presence of the Child, the Cee Present within, “Hannah” Meaning Grace and favor of the Creator is the Gift of a Child..’ A Child represents the Constant truth..
Get pregnant and a Child is born 9 months later..
Aligned to 1-9 planets.. Birth is the Sun, and planet Earth (the 3rd Planet is the Cee) and O 3 3 3.. Expand Add.. 9 3 I.C…./C.I..
9+3=12..x 27.. L..B.G..C.I

Code I Cee L=12 Completion (January to December J.D..1O4..14 N=E, J.D.N.E)
Code Ariane Oates A-O.. 1-15th Letter..

I Cee Life’s Blue Gate.. Conscious Individual…

Ref Richard Schooping “Blue Gate”
Blue is the 5th Color- Throat Chakra- Voice Solfeggio..Do re me fa sol la ti do.. 1-8.. 5-8..
Code Donna O’Sullivan..
Q..Quintessential Quantum change.. Code Carlos Mauricio Quintero Marcos Quintero… C. MM..(Z) QQ.(G), Quintero means number “5”.

And Finally Harmony
Alpha Omega

Emeka Kolo…

16.. 55
P.-A.F/F.A.. 4th Note, 55 EE…


5:5O p.m

See sacred Portal 55 “EMME”

E E… Aligned with Time.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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