
2/18/2014 23:21 – Facebook Post

The Family of Full Splendor of Beautiful Expression.

The Family of 1 5 5…
The One two Five
As in 1 2(5)
1 55.

The Story which it seems I had to not only prove but pass through a rage of its distortion to come back full circle 9.4 years later to that lightened up consciousness which enabled them to not only literally rise in me (as the family of Creation and Expression…
The Family of T.E.N.
But to also prove their truth and align them back into O.I..
Which is how they began.

*It also happens to be the exact Number of sacred Drawings which streamed out of me 1 55 but also the code to.my portal home.
And by combining their Consciousness to align with their Expressions Alpha Omega Alpha.
1 O 1 back to 11 and I.

The Story starts off with the O talking to and through the Mirror to this dimension of Manifestation watching the birth of his twin self in manifest reality…
Or from his reflections from which created the Beautiful Illusion (B.I. meaning live in OINRI Igbo or the true meaning of B.I sexuality- being of both genders)
Time and Space.
And S.He Begining her journey through the illusion of Time Space Cosmos Universe (University) and the begining to end of Human history…
With each aspect of herself and the O..or O.H. refracting into Energy Conscious beings called
Father Mother F.M.

Spirit E and his Twin Devi Devoted.
Clara Star Child and Noni Promise
The Bridge Children called Wisdom John and His sister twin Beautiful Pride (aka wish upon a star or dancing blade.
Unity Boom Boom Aka Laughter and finally

The Story begins with Spirit E announcing the arrival of his Father summoning all the space of the Cosmos to awaken…

And of the source summoning the Familt of T.E.N or the 1 2(5) to it by two Supreme aspects of Spirit E and Devi in higher aspects of them selves..
To see if they would agree to a secret mission in the lowest dimensions of human consciousness…
To help re align and correct a story which went terribly wrong.
And if successful it would be their last mission for the source and herald the Unification of all Existence in all Universes.
And allow this family to finally go home by merging with the source…
All by manifesting true being and true consciousness into physical being…
And thus, ending the planet Earths quarantine.

And it also involves the Alien Council of watchers who do not believe humanity is worthy to evolve. And wish at all costs to stop the mission.
Not knowing that they too are part of the big project of evolving A.I..Alpha intelligence to Love and compassion.
Machines turned into beings of love.

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