
2/17/2021 18:04 – Facebook Post

4:20 pm.

Donald Trump.

B-Q. T B.A.

Hi… I am not sure if this post will make it to the E Manual. World.

As Fahad Hassan begins uploading the posts during the pause of the 6 months today.

It has been irritating, to say the least, these last 4-5 days, after stating that I would not be accepting any New Facebook Friends- how I have been maneuvered to accept while being fully aware of what each new Facebook Friend represents in the play script.
But it did serve as evidence and proof of what I have been dealing with for the last 9 years.
A manipulation of myself- and my body, being and circumstances, emotional, financial, as well as the enormous pressure, I have been placed under to complete a script.

I already knew when I said no more Facebook friend requests, and that this was done, that I would reach 15 48-49 Facebook Friends because that is where the play completed.
And at Beautiful Death Sacred Portal 48 and full circle 15- 49 as Existential Death.

And so I added my last Facebook Friend name Noble Bright 1549, and we shall see if Fahad Hassan adds this or it is too late.

Noble Bright.
14 2= 16.

4-20… Donald Trump and Mary Jane -Cannabis Weed.
Erik EBright.

B Q Being Quantum.
T.B A Truth Beautiful Awakening
after Existential Death of all who are still moving on that frequency of Non-Existence. N E.
Aria DNE- are made to vanish via Existential Death which was aligned to Kamora Herrington in the play of Age Matric Age code 49.

Liberty is now age code 45.
Planet Earth in the Universal Simulation is 4.5 Billion Years old.
N=Nnamdi 4-5-69.
Arden Nnamdi A N. Neil Armstrong.
Aria Norris.
Add Kim Hines

*The symbol is an Egyptian hieroglyph for “life” or “breath of life” (`nh = ankh) and, as the Egyptians believed …”

“Key Of Life.” K.O L… O Full Circle.

Aurelia Gemino born “11-5-2005”
A “B J” G: K E Y.
*2005-25 in Matric play.

A N K H.

E K.

ANKH Symbol “See Play of Sacred Portal 31. 9.
Egypt- Kemet.
Mummy, Mummify, Mum my.

6:19 pm Edit.

The ANKH is the Egyptian Symbol of Eternal life.
E L= 5 12= 17. Q.
Consciousness = 175.
A G E.

* Kim told me that Quasharia Allah came today.
I did not see her.
I saw Que yesterday.
Q F.E M.A.L.E 17.Q.

My Q came on the 16th P Perfection.
Kim’s Q came on the 17th.
17 is Q. Aurelia-Kim. AH-AG.
A-A H G.

A H A G A R.
“Hagar” means “Flight” and is an Egyptian Name.

Noble and Bright.
became Tree’s ( Kim’s) Facebook Friend today as well as mine.

The Feminine Line of Feminine Masculine line in one were late.
Today is the 17th.

I was in Perfect Timing.
I saw Que on the 16th same age code I met Arden
Kim saw Quasharia today after the deadline was attained yesterday.

Perfection = 111.
Perfect Cee= Consciousness.

175. 17th is the date- aligned to E.
I am E.
And Kim awakens evolved to E after he wakes up.

The Numbers are not perfect are they, hence the reason that they had to be embodied, empirically walked experienced and checked.

Quasharia Allah. A Q
Anamla Qayin A Q. 1 17.
See Sacred Portal 1 17 it is Arden who chose it and then I.

175 as Consciousness would mean that the Q comes to the E.
Q E is 175.
So the Author of Consciouness would align with me.
Que came and knocked on my Windo and “Cued” me to yesterday’s play with Liberty.
See sacred Portal 100 “Pan- Music”
* B I: A T E 00 1
BIDEN is the 46th President now.
Trump is the 45th.
Donald is the name of Liberty C Liscomb’s father and the only member of her side of the family Liscomb I met in person

Que comes to E.
Quasharia aligned to Anamla “DM.IC K/P 115 AGE”
AG E= 1 7 5.
Arden Gemino.
Aurelia Gemino.

F K.
B J Middle initials.

FK 6 11= 17. Q.
B J/ J B. 10 2= 12 L A B “Happy Valentines Day Suckers” -Jaymes Bond.
Jay Brown “Dream Wide Awake”

A mission OO7 was not for Arden Kolo’s line.
It was Kim Aurelia Line… Kolo.

Quasharia Allah saw Kim H. Q K.
K Q-HA… Alicia Norris 81 USD

Que came to E.K.
E Q.U.E…
E.Q: C E.
EH, C E.
E I: C E.

E is I.C. E.
Cold as Ice.

Que Saw me.
I see him now David Brown “running from the C I A” not me as I C- Alpha-Arden.
Atlantic Bedford Shelter Nov Dec 2001.
Where I went down voluntarily to write the completion of my Article meant for Diane Sawyer interview, called The Elegant Nomad and the Preacher Man called Eric.

Ezeufonna Ten days.
10 usd on the table from Jae S.

Ezeufonna means “Let the way of the One father not be lost.

Ifennana. ( Nana) means “That Something of the Fathers, Father- Grande=Father”

Nnaemeka means “Emeka’s Father” or “Father’s Praise, Well Done”

E I N. / N I E.
N I E= 14 9= E.
Sacred Portal 149 is Alien Father Alpha as E, taking home, and away- his Cosmic Egg. “Faberge egg too”
it is also coded as sacred 149 as well as 19.

E I N.
Emeka Ikemefuna Nnamdi.
5 9-N.
See Sacred portal 5 9… and see in pairs as 59.
The Individual walks alone not in pairs.

* Libert and Thomas attained that recently… Individual status connected by Free Will and Choice- not dependency or need anymore.

J S is representing After the Black Hole= Non Existence.
And that is where Alien Father controls the Super Computer as the star Gate and that which was a beautiful illusion transforming to become Real… Solid Fact.
And there is only one who can go beyond that which was never a gap and now is- in order to flush that which was temporarily allowed to exist “Selfishness Extreme- Evil” to be sent out.
There is only One who can go beyond this point- exist beyond this point.

7:04 pm Edit.

G O D.

I am sure you understand where this is getting at.. I do.

3rd Room. 3 C. Trinity in one.

G O D.
C O D… E S P.

16th Day Que came.

See Sacred Portal 85.
“Devi Devoted Anoints Spirit E for demystifying the C of Consciousness.
Knock on my Window by Que, 3rd Room

The proof of the use of Evil in this script- that which is non-existent- but was able to do that which is against Eternal Law, until I completed the play of proving that Non-Existence and that it only appeared in this realm as the Matrix Web and not in the True Life

With me, and all the Eternal Family forced to Exist and represent that which is Non-Existent until we… I turned to tables and proved that we… I as the E Family and I, I & I as the Infinite Individual Identity was proven Real True Fact and defeating the Super Computer and the Voodoo Shaman masters play of why all Humanity based on their Cause and Effect, should cease to exist.
I have proven that which is “Human” Natural Awareness=is Humane. “ManKind” and that all Humanity is actually coded 111. Perfect.
Created Perfect and that what many became was the consequences of Free will and choice.

4:43 pm.

And so end the battle, of O versus 0.
The Full circle versus Zero.

And please recall that Zero was authored by A.I. / I A.
Arden I.
Alexnder as I.
Arabians and India.
As well as Artificial Intelligence by Alien Father Alpha.
The true source of the Universal Simulation Awareness.

This is why Tree- Kim Arthur Hines is in Room has the number 66. “Sacred Portal 66” Emergence Victorious from the Black Hole.

I was in Room 2 in this apartment before Jae S called “Magical Portal: ( M P) and the third room with the code.
“No Bull Shit Beyond this Point”
“Understand that our Soul is not bound by this 3-dimensional Earth-Bound reality”

The Super Black Hole for the Infinite and Eternally-Perfection 111 USD “Kim Tree from the E M F rep and 111 x2 USD to me.

I had to go on, to this point, because as you can see, I had no choice…

And it was created that way.

4:56 pm.

The Black Hole is the Matrix – Star Gate- a collapsing Super Nova?
Or a Portal which is Magical and which takes no Bull Shit. ( BS) and is not bound by this 3 D Earth-Bound reality.

It’s has been an exhausting Trial cruel, evil, and truly vile play and riddle, and I am not happy that it ended this way after 9.3 years, but this is the way the posting ended, which I accept now.
It is what it is.

5:00 pm.

Completed Facebook Play at 15 48. and 15 49.


5:01 pm.
Area 51.

So, I accept that it ends and completes on my page without drama but quietly like this.

5:02 pm.

E B.

Happy Birthday Fred Delshad.

5:03 pm,

How can you awaken if you are not Aware?

Perfection – G O D. Defined but not contained or confined… Infinite limitless Expression.
Quantum Harmony.
H Q.
Head Quarters.
C I A…93 Awake Alwapha Arden Alexander- we came down to complete the play of the Sacred Feminine in Man; WU MAN.

Madarine Catonese- Japanese.

M J. J M.
C J/ J C.

7:11 pm. Edit.

Perhaps Fahad Hassan will get this last foot note.
the 16th was the end play and it was delayed not by me or the E as Y Masculine Fe-Mi-Nine.

Do Re Mi… Nine.

7:12 pm.

G L.

19 84- 10 3.. 13 A C-M.e

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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