
2/17/2021 0:33 – Facebook Post

9:31 pm.


No, this is not a post, just filling in the last of this E U Q. / Q U E.

Its is not for my benefit this note I am making.

I was forced out of retirement by the arrival of “Que” to get his mail which forced me to get up- and then see Liberty’s message and intel.

Q U E S T I O N.?

No, E Q U… is the play and E Q is E 17. Arden’s code aligned to me.
E A-17.
E-A Q. the U this years as 21 but there is no 2021- it is 2012/2102 20-20 21/21= 33= 1.

So you have an idea who prompted me via Que who asked me no question.
And how it was instigated via Natural Awareness activated -Action Expression: Liberty C Liscomb.

To complete the script of E Q-U= 21= 3=C= Consciousness.

175 is the numeric E Q for C-ON.S:C.I.O-US.N-E-SS “A” SS. 19/19=1 A.

Trifeilum Flower Canada.
Play at 900 South Riad by Liberty.

The play came from 175 Q E… A G E. Arden Gemino is 17.

It came via his Mother, Liberty.

9:43 pm.

E Manual Book.

And it was based on the intel of Tom S Bushnell.
T S B- (Bank)
T B.

Truth Beautiful.
T B = 20 2.


E Q.C.
E Queens Council.
E Queens Gambit.

Expression Emeka is Quantum.
E 17= 8 ( 17/71 = 88 See intel on that post about 88 and (Back To The Future).
B T.T- F.
B passes through Pi TT the Gateway Bridge Arch Twin Towers really in Connecticut the 5th state and not the Twin Towers in New York as the One Tower.
But hidden in plain sight, along with the one who follows the Map and Plan Intent of Alien Father Alpha Eternal Arden, Beautiful Youths Script of The Beautiful Truths Being.
the Towers, I had already noted, pointed out, and recognized from David Eddings Books of the Gods Ul, Tarok, The twins… Pol and Belgareth”

It was here, to Bushnell Park park where the twin towers are actually present in this micro- micro play of the Eternal Begining in which the United States of America viewed from the heaves Space- of the “Gods” Mount Olympus but really, the Highest point of Awareness as the letter G, and the Note Violet-Purple-Indigo.
The 6th and 7th/ 7th and 6th.
67/76 that the United States is Universal simulation and board game of Cosmic Chess.

Universal Simulation – Awareness A-Z-A B C – E D
1-26+A B C D E…. 27 28 29 30 31… and now F G. ( 6 7) 32 to 33.

Ready Player Ones.
Prize… Easter Egg Hunt.
Rabbitt went down the Rabbit Hole.
An Enders Game.
End Game Awareness. E G A
/ A G E.

E G A L A X Y ( adding 12 1 24 25) C I 39 … 93/39…12 12 = 1 A 27 27 = 1. ( 24 One Day 54 “E D” )

It is Babalola Tobi Emmanels birthday today.
He turned 23. ( W… UU… Double V. D V= 4 22 ).

His initials are B T E.

/ E B T.
* Do you recall the play with Paul of bed 005 when I was at bed 007 at the Assessment Shelter 2016?
The E B T card plays at Staten Island with him.
Kim has an E B T Card.
I can not since I am not a citizen here and have no social security card here.

E Tom Bushnell… ?
E T Being.
Extra-Terrestrial Being of Area 51.

Arizona is the 48th State.
Sacred Portal 48 is Beautiful Death

I am not representing a physical place – I am the representing the Embodiment frequency of the state and that manifest the physical place in the Board Game the source projection and not the other way around.

So, I was called upon today, one last time, to add this intel but not about what is on my mind, but A G E for Liberty – Emmanial World- Link Fahad Hassan who starts tomorrow so no more posting.

Phoenix Arizona.
P A.
equals 175.

River Phoenix. R P.
Ready Player One.
R P O/
O P R… Full Circle Public Relations.
spread the N E W S ( North East West South… / S W EN. South Whitney- North End. S W and N E the two sides meet in the center like a book N E W S) of the Truth of the World Full Circle.

10:11 pm
Enders Game was the past, not the Present Play.
P R. 16 18. 34 1.1618 “Golden Ratio”
End Game.
Enders Game.

Phoenix Arizona,

Arizona means *”However, after much effort, on January 6, 1912 New Mexico became the 47th state and on February 14, 1912 Arizona became the 48th state in the Union:”

Meaning: *”The exact evolution of the name Arizona is debated by historians; the Spanish called the area Arisona, Arissona or Arizona, based on native American word(s) translated as meaning “silver-bearing” or “place of the small spring.”

Area 51 is in Nevada near Arizona.

Arissona – A R IS.”E” SON- A Arden.
I am still playing the role of his son- song… SO. “190 USD” NG Sacred Portal 147 A & B- Ode- Aria-DNE
Phoenix Arizona- 175 which is Consciousness C Third Room C. here.

A N/ N A.

Nevada was the 36th state to join the union 360… 36 C F.. Collin Ferril, Christopher Filgueria…

48th – 36th.
See sacred portal 36.
48-36- 12.
L Liberty contacted me today.
Fill the Gap of those who have not been paying attention since all this has been stated, explained so many times, and in so many ways before.

Nevada means *”The Spanish word “Nevada” translates to “snow-capped,” a seemingly peculiar name for a state famous for its deserts and arid climate. The state was most likely named after the Sierra Nevada, a snow-capped mountain range,”

The Sierra Nevada.

Snow Peak.
in light, it looks like Silver.
Code of Silver is Ag.
Silver Light is C – Consciousness.
Siver Surfer… the W.A V E S… P

Do you recall the Alex Sierra play a few weeks ago which took place here?

Nevada is bordered by Arizona to its South West.
S W South Whitney.

Ah that explains why I have been manipulated into drinking Arizona drinks… I used to drink them a while ago but took it up again here recently when money is scarce to buy Juice, and as Kim bought the other day apple Coder.

*”Nevada is bordered by Arizona to the southeast, Utah to the east, California to the west, and to the north by Idaho and Oregon. The state is the 7thlargest and among the most sparsely populated states in the US. The state joined the union on October 31, 1864, as the 36th state.”

* Idaho Potatoes- been buying them since I arrived in America. I always knew what was a code- and how it connected with the Irish Potatoe Famine.
Yam Potatoe very similar to Root.
Even here- I almost bought some more today.

ID AH.O. is the 43rd State, Oregon 33rd, California 31st, and Arizona is the 48.

It easy to read. Oregon is where Nathaniel lives and works.
It is the rep of the Body as the 33 vertebrae. 33 Masons. etc…
Vert E Bra. “Green E Arm- Support- Brother- Bra/ Arb “Arb means “Tree” in French.
I never went to any of these states.
Only Augusta Georga. A G.
Stopped in Savannah Georgia. S G.
and completed at Fort Lauder F L) 27th State Dale Florida and then Miami Florida.

Georgia is the 4th state.
Yes, George Farmer – that is what the name George means.
Guide Father. G F 76
*Yes, Nadee Nakendals’s post I shared today.
“# 4th Recipe”. Delta – Nevada/ A-Dave-N.. David is Nnamdi- the past present D R Nicholas.

So Area 51 is obviously the Area playing the Universal Body and 5) USD aligns to the 5oth state which is Hawaii- but not Paradise Eden.

It is the 5th State Full circle 5 O.
Which I have done energetically and via people I here who have lived here for generations.
5O is then 56 E F… Eternal Family,

And area 51. is the 55= 1 50 in 1.
5 1.
E A.
Age code I met Arden and the first Contact he made with me.

And so since I never went to any of these states but straight to Arden A G. Agusta Georgia.
Florida the 27th State. Sunshine state Georga the 43rd state.
This Enders Game and all of these plays had nothing to do with me- including Awakening and Evolving the Universal Body, it was the play of the One First Twin evolving to my Twin Dopplegancer and then Equal and yes along with the E Family of T E N.

A G 43rd State to
Florida 27th Forte Lauderdale and then Miami where I contested that play of dragging me to Miami Florida.

I went to F L address # apt 511.
And then I was led straight to Arden Gemio.
Ferril Leander…
Aurelia Gemino…
Jeron Lang.

10:51 pm.

I was at Sacred portal 43 True life, 27 A-A already.
43 27 = 70. 7O… 76. Sacred Portal 76.

I D. A.. H O…
I D. AH… H F. F 86. 14 N.
A R I Z -O.N A… A-A.
Nevada is part of Arizona.

Area 51.
See Sacred Portal 51.
It brings the Harvest “Fruit of the Loom” ( yes the Underwear- Underworld- Netherlands…. Not I…, we… Never, Never Land… M J.)

33, 31, 48, 43 the 4, created Area 51.
Ea the Eternal Family rising via Area 51 play.
John Thomas Penis… Eyes and Phallus.. and of course from the Mouth Expression and the Phallus -Expression as the fountain- spring of Life. S O L.

Liam Wright is 31.

L W… Luke Wilson was bed 004 and it was Eric Episito who took over his bed when he led so he was bed 009 and then became was moved to bed 004.
009. 004.
00 00 94…

11:01 pm

L W… L A W.
B T E…. Beautiful Truth of E.
Eternal Truth Expressed.
Not me being used with the E o represent “those on Welfare and able to buy Food Stamps and then looked on by those who do not “rely on the state” such a conceit.
All of you rely on the state, and as well as the grace of the creator who, the landlord who shared his art with you, broke it down into a science and all for free- charging no taxes or rent.

Now you must all pay rent and taxes.
To the Eternal Landlord, you gave me your Poverty and your Hollow emptiness to feed me, as I filled the whole of your Need and observed the gratitude and appreciation Non-Existent except… 123

11:05 pm.
11:07 pm right now.

Yes, the twin towers, the real ones represented by the play of Eternal Youth.
David Eddings, D E “Fantasy Book” about 5 Gods all brothers and thier 5 Avatar Descendants or High Priests as themselves in HUman form.
They were Sorcerers.
“Sorcerer’s Apprehentice

Play with Arden and then with Kim.
Sword of Truth.

The agreements… do you recall.
The “Do Not Assume”

It was not the Twin Towers as in New York- which I had visited and filmed instageted by Jon Jason Lee and saw fall days before it did as I stood on the Brooklyn Bridge one day in 2001.

It was here all tyhe time, represented, which I noted and even codes telling E M F, and Kim John Mack, Mackayla, and even posted it on my page.
Even though, it was a play which had nothing to do with me- until I was dragged in by Eteral Family.
And for the challenge of Alien Father Alpha- the One Absolute End Impossible Dream Nightmare which I had to prove was Impossible in a set up where Infinite Possibilities of Evil- Cruelty Manipulation Extortion and Domination was used.

M E D. U S A.

Health Care… denied,

11:29 pm.

until I H- H=ARDEN-ED Will I am” into Stone and showed the reflections back through a Shield of its true came only through you and a play of taking over me, dedicated me to a mission with asking my permission.

Fair Exchange.

11:31 am.

See the time the post started.

It ends now at 11:32 pm.

Age when I moved here the age of Kim A H
33= 1

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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