
2/17/2019 23:26 – Facebook Post

2/17/2019 23:26 – Facebook Post

8:03 p.m.

I can no longer prove that THIS IS REAL.
That you must focus your attention and live in only the frequency of The truth manifesting woven before your very eyes.

I never did,and do not even more especially now, ever agree to this play of Proving to you all and reminding people that this is REAL..

That this Script,as awful and petty as it is ( yes manifested as a direct echo and mirror reflected back at your from your thoughts and reflections)
Is the actual Script of how Humanity Evolves.

I can no longer be crucified, tortured thrown out for reminding people how real it is.

i am astounded by how cruel the script is, but I also finally understand how it came into Existence.

If you do not vibrate on the E Frequency of Evolution Awakening you will die… worst actually fade out of Existence.

This was never my responsibility… to stay aware,especially with all the evidence of my page and goig on all over the world.

Your free will and choice as to what you chose to focus on has always been your Divine Right..

I can not force you to pay attention to the script.
I have shown you how to read, see and even use your five senses in one.
And how to read the script, solve its riddles even the pathway out of the E M F Field.
B O W…

Evolution Awakening is a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.

Let me reiterate, A Universal Simulation designed to test Awareness…

8:04 p.m

1984 Big Brother is Watching You:
24/7 Survelliance manifested here as a reality in this world.
The entire Human Poplulation is under survelliamce..

Via Sateliite
Sat Elite Moon… Abygale Moon

The Entire Species are being watched…

Just as Nenad and Kyle Murphy testified ( amongst other) that we are being watched not only in the world but on this facebook forum.
Eric James Murphy testified to that.

A stupid play took place the moment I interacted with some one here- to took me out of my Calm but not out of my natural Chill- I have been alone for almost a week.

But it concerned my once again being forced to step in by being made aware of how much confusion and disharmony humans people, Avatars can create when given the illusion that it is they who lead and govern theier lifes…

The confusion started from the moment I interacted with someone in the play.. Rays McKayla and John Mack then through Tree Sage to Esteban Miguel Filgueira.

The confusion manifested I could see the reason and cause- the most recent conerning soon recovered oven pans..
Petty inconsequential stuff..But because you are in a Play..
or Nightmare or whatever..Where everything isintentionally set up,because everything..Everythin has a meaning and purpose as to why it was set up…
Hence a Script..a Play, Set Up.. Rules…

8:16 p.m.
Yes Esteban Miguel Filgueira birthday ..and my computer..
E M F.. H P…/ P H F M E..

And yes, the post came about over a conversation with him and which took a place a moment before Tree Sage who I had no idea before had come up and was in Christopher’s former room… came to me with a gift- a painting of me BOWING…
It was from a photograph by Kerem Sanl?man. K S..
Chiefy saud he always liked it, and so he painted it…Sage Kim.. S K …E…

A Conversation with EMF.. After RM.. and T.S…
Room Electro Magnetic Field…withthe Present in T.S.. 2019
Based on the non consequential Pots and Pans..P A P.. I..

In this Script of Evolution Awakening it requires 24/7 Awareness and Linking Weaving
24 7 Awareness full Circle of the Attention and Focus of Attention on only the One Truth linking and solving its purpose into manifestation.
The E T and Supernatural and Natural
The Naturals were simply asked to focus on the Truth revealed to them-

that you are being Observed Watched in this play of of the Awareness of the Full Circle and connectivity of everything.

RM J.M. EMF..Do you really wish to again point out that we are in a script?

Of your own awakening and that I can no longer play the Big Brother

See my Date of Birth Day on Facebook…


84/ 48…

George Orwell’s book 1984…

G O… And yes Esteban was born in 1984.

7 O…

John Mack left his wallet and had to turn back full circle and drive back 70 miles.

And by the way, no one can use my Truth against me,

11:11 p.m

but today some one dared.

I am Beautiful Death and Terrible Death represented.
I have Rays McKayla great grandmothers Black Horse of the Apocalypse on my Altar besides Tree Sages gift.
My Great Grandmother is represented by Sacred Portal 88
Code linked to Sarah Kaizer ad it has the code on it Dec 30..
S K is 30 years old.

It is called ;H.R Highness Absolute and Ultimate Death as The End..
That is what Rays McKayla and John Mack testified to experiencing…
I am the 1 who is 4..
The one Rider of the Apocalypse… the one Darkness Mystery who brings the End, to all who challenge my Authority, Merited and Earned through this Script from my Father Mother and finally the Supreme s- Supernatural.

So many have tried to Judge me…
When I represent Judgment Day Revelations,
J D…R A Y E…

It is I who decide who passes the Test of E Family based on what they acted out and expressed in Action Words and Expression Loudly with Sound or Silence…
I hear see feel sense all.
Especially those who silently judge and criticize M.E.

11:26 p.m.

R M J M…’Andrew” A N- Drew.. Drew Reyn
lEmeka Kolo

To those who dare lie to me when I clearly see that they quiet challenge the E..

11:29 p.m.

Dragons Rage..
Dragon Fire..

11;30 p.m.

11:31 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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