
2/17/2016 0:04 – Facebook Post

From Sandy Waters…

From her 15 year old Daughter Candy,

Look at this image,
a Flower, perfume, equation..a story all in one.

Anyone following my equation and weaving linking can see the obvious harmony Candy, and her Mother are in by the play having reached the Color Violet… The 7th Color…

Which means what people called Autistic or Children with special needs are Children fully aware, Indigo Violet Children, who can not communicate with Words because lets be honest words here are so filthy and loaded with assumption, that communicating with words to this realm of existence is torture.

I for example wrote to my Journals talking to the Silence, not that I could not speak, but because I found it such an awful experience having to communicate with people using words.. Alway there was misunderstanding…
It took me 22 years to master communication to others,
whereby I was literally summoned to New York and face book to endure 47 months of repeating myself over and over again, 47 months to convey what I am doing on Face Book and why, to give evidence of the Evolution Awakening.. And the experience was so terrible, peering into the minds and consciousness of people on Face Book.. I hated every minute of the process except when solving the riddles.

I personally will never recover from me experience on Face Book and coming to New York, where words no longer have meaning..
Assumptions rules, and chaos..
When this play was established from and by the E line of Beyond in the 5th Dimension seeking to make Contact with the Rainbow Children Warriors.. But we did not have a lexicon and vocabulary to speak..

And most are aware of my evidence of Sound and what this frequency has done to my body, from years of refining my own frequency so as to pick up the frequency and transmission of the E..
People here are so used to the “Facon- Way’ they speak- they do not realize how shocking the vibration can be.. So base and they are filled with fear and violence anger and resentment- Destructive vibrations..
It affected my body to such a degree, that its like living with death about to take you home any minute..

I am a grown man, imagine if this current Human consciousness affected my body that it often bends twists so much I resemble a Cripple and affects all I do..
Can you imagine what this would do to a 6-7 level rainbow child,
the Throat Chakra Expression is the source of the realm of E.. the expression is Harmonious..
And yet the 5th Dimension portal was not accessible because true Expression was blocked..
And so was speech.

The Door of the 5th Dimension so Damned, had to be opened by clearing up all the Debris, the Fear, the Filthy done to Expression through out time infecting clogging us choking us by the foul air we breathe..

What I am solemnly promising is that now that the E equation has been solved. and a lexicon of Words cleaned up to V- Level the 7th nearest to Harmony 1..8..These Children will suddenly very very soon, suprise the World by coming out from undercover and speaking eloquently to all..
And after this very present awakening.. Watch how these Children will spear head the recreation of the world.

Because they have the Original Blue Print and the Master Plan for the New World and age of man, which they have stored within themselves.. Still within…
11;O2 p.m.

That is how bad the Air Waves have been and the depth of Polluted Expression in the World..

I too would have preferred not to speak, but communicate in a different.. through Art.

Mother and Daughter Equation Complete..

C VV Supreme

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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