
2/17/2014 21:51 – Facebook Post

The Everything is G.O.D.E/C.O.D.E.

I heartily Agree…
GODE to me is CODE and CODE based on my research and understanding is The Everything.

But in my Research with Reading a seen and unseen script consciously, and being pulled by an Electromagnetic force which not only insisted I read it but led me for 25 to witness its truth- which I have been downloading constantly from own being. Then affirming it through “Pause” Echo Resonance Reverbration Response…

That “The Everything T.E”
is C.O.D.E. for G.O.D.E. (Which means 7 O 4 5…Clarity as Ultra Violet/Violet the seventh color in the Rainbow Spectrum visible Full Circle of the Square/Box or containment field called Life and Deaths Expression..I.E Earth and World).

But Man -once he has aligned in Harmony with the Everything inside of him outside of him by reading his Nature Environment…Through Natural Expression…
The process of retaining naturalness and hence activating our D.N.A sequencing which “Gets us with the Programe by Understanding Natural Expression Beautiful..Lifes Law-Awe of the World.
U.N.E..B. L.L.A.W.

We Become the Sum total of The Everything T.E…E.T.
Meaning by a simple thing called “reading” the writing on the Wall, Each other, the Cause and Effects of interacting with each other,and our Natural World, we in consquently become the Full Circle…Pantheon, Panethesim Pan View Pan Vue and The Point of it All…

Beings of Energy…Light and Lightened Colors called Hue men Beings…
Lightened Beings of E.
Energy Beings.

As most reading my posts…I have made no claim in these posts apart from reading the Impluse Stimuli Reactions comming from within me and my Environment.
As well as coming from directly from.you and.the F.B environments (Being peoples posts appearing on my.message board.)
Which a literal physical twitch and pull in my body and.mind force me to link and connect.

Believe me, I do not “think” when I write these posts…
I just Link…
Each time, feel I am finished the intense discomfort rises in my body until a “revelation” hits me. Which requires I link…Which inevitably leads to a literal stream of information to pour out of me in an exhausting river force flowing out.
I find I can not stop the outpouring until it teaches me the Full Circle of its trajectory until it feels like and Ocean filling a void of Space.
And only when its pointed has landed. Can I Ground, grinding to a Halt.
But despite my irritation anger rage and such a process
I can not deny.that its point is solid and for real.
And links with common sense to the previous post…As If from impluse to Stimuli to Electricty (movement jerking of my body) to release (weaving) to linking to stream of consciousness outpouring- Water; knowledge…I am creating a river, river which moves to its source. Filling a Vacum or Void with Salt water and Fresh water..which then finally makes its way to land.
And like Lightening becomes grounded through a Hue man Being. H.B.

It is true thst I have memory, awakened memory even to.the First Alpha Being.
And to how Everything…The Everything was formed (and perhsps we all potentially do).

But believe me, this impulse to link weave and express is not my Individual weave alone.
It is a force far greater than I in the present.
And I comply because for the moment (Given circumstanced and comditions which.surround me and which despite the greatest of my.efforts to change)..I have no choice in the matter of this process for the moment…And this is why I still find myself in this predicament of Explaining…

And it being the only avenue made available to me to lead me home…to peace.


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