
2/15/2021 0:14 – Facebook Post

4:55 pm.

Valentines Day?
V D.
Or Revelation 4:22.
Or Victorious D…

I did call it out yesterday, that I would get another Facebook Friend today.

I knew it because I knew that the play demanded that we reach 15 48 FaceBook Friends because it represents Sacred Portal 48. Beautiful Death as Transformation.

I also found myself spending 4.50 USD. And finding myself with coins- change 48 cents.
2.48 USD. Which was the address of Erik Ebright in Brooklyn before he moved to Miami, E E.
248 Green street where I was sent to by Sean Bono ( S B) who had drawn from his subconsciousness a painting of my brother Nnamdi- without being aware who it was- I entered his apartment on 16th Street, Manhattan.
“Art Battles” was founded by him, when I took over his job in construction so that he would be able to implement his idea of Art Battles with his friends.
Sean Bono ( S B/B S 2 19 South Whitney) is the one I met at 25 Green Street ( the Green House in Soho) – via Johnny Le Valley- whom I met at 57 Street Michelle Lobsinger and later Johnny Larkin and Geoff Lacour.

Erik Ebright lived at 248 Green Street- so you can see the connection. Green is the 4th Color.
I had been directed there by Sean who spoke of how he had gathered intel that Erik Ebright had recently “woken up” and that I had to help him, and that was my route.
It was 2006 April 22, yes today’s date.
He had woken up or become “Enlightened” on 4-20-2006.
4-20 as you may recall is the code D T./ T D Terrible Death.
4-20 is the code for Mari-Juana.
M J “Mary Jane” which happened to be my girlfriend in Universities name “Adola” ( Jewel Gem of the Sea) Mary Jane/ Mari-e John, Mario John- Micheal-John. John Mack, Jessia Macias. J M J M.
Jump Man- M J/ J M – Kim.
K E/E K.
Sacred Portal 34. 34/43.

It was after Erek Ebright’s portal where I arrived 4-21 left 4-22 where Erik Ebribright had recognized me and had given me his Racing Car Leather Sports Jacket ( Le Mann 1996) as I reminded him that we were in this world undercover and that he could not communicate in the awakened language or that they would use it as an excuse to put him away. He was beautiful lucid, a warrior line of Viking Erek The Red- Lucifer.
He and I danced with language words and he told me that he refused to speak that filthy lower language now that he had come back to his senses.
He defied his Father’s former M I T man Jim, who had also become enlightened and suffered so much in his youth when he found that he was alone that he condemned his sons to mental wards rather than have them suffer as he did.

I had asked Erik to build a bridge of language, but he refused.
He was locked away, but took my counsel and built a bridge with language and was the first person in the history of that mental hospital in New York to plead his case in court and win.
He was released.
And while I was asked by his father to leave, and return the racing car jacket.
I left and walked the streets, looking for the portal which Sean Bono had confirmed existed- but has sent me the long way.
I called him the coal miner- Coal.
The sort of children who Santa gives coal.
I knew exactly who he was, and he knew me.. often excitedly, like a lovable but dangerously spoilt child blurt out on Green Street, when are you going to sprout your wings and male the summons of the Awakening.
– Yes he knew me, but in the way of children- as a Cartoon manner of perceiving its enactment.
I was in the realm of the children and alien council- which has nothing to do with age.

Coal Black- the Miners undercover. The Bone and Marrow, * ( reference Marylebone London 1989 Sept Novemeber where I began writing the Journals).
I was perfectly aware of what he represented- children of the Nightmare- who became the nightmare in their turn- A-Lien Council, aligned to 69 Human Babies Children.

I was not in a story.
Nor had I come to find Nnamdi- and yet where I walked led me to a route that led to him in the past Nnamdi was not his completion. He was, is Emanual and I knew him as Eternal Arden, Eternal Awareness.
I walked after leaving that place, looking for the portal knowing that the portal would appear in its own manner, outside of my control, yet aware that I was moving through a story which had gone too far because the play had ended in 2004, 2005
( as the script on my page attests. 2004=24, 2005= 25.
A.F K G= 25. Letter Y. 25 is also 2=B, 5=E.
B E.
Jeron S S L I met at 5 months inside the womb of his mother, and who was born 2-25-2019.
5=E. B.Y T S.)

That is how I found myself, at last, staying the night in the Alley, where Axel, Gabriel, Andrew, Brian ( I B M), and Dina, who had just gotten pregnant all came as I begin my 61-day search which led me to Generation X Gardens, and then that Gorrillia possession enactment which causes me to encounter Isaac.. then Abert ( Santana and his Tree Statue on a Globe which had to him, mysteriously toppled and his fearsome questioning me as to why, while knowing exactly why.)
and Sage.
Yes, Isaac, Albert Sage.
I A S.

Do you wish to know of the initials of my latest Facebook Friend?

I A S.

( I S..A.
IS Arden.
I. S A means “Yeshua Jesus Christ. Y C. J C./ C J Charlene Johnston G M 7 13= 20 T.’

S A I…D.
Said in Arabic means “Happiness”
D: I A S.
D I A S.
49 1 19.

‘Art Science
Wisdom & Knowledge.
The Photo was taken by Ardens God Mother “Charlene Johnston” when he was 9. When I met him at age 16.

Sean Bon-o.
And yet it is I who is at 2 19 South Whitney ( B S) and was at 317-319 Fairfield with Jesse Macias and then 16-year-old Zion. Z-ION.

Coal Back – back to what was constant, always present- Diamond Clarity. D C. 43.
Door of Life.

And it is also I who lived for 4 years straight in Alphabet City from 2006 August 26th found the cornerstone- Susan told me in the presence of Sean Bono that I had to find the cornerstone of existence, those who Lived Before Adam- Time, which I had protested was me, present representing that truth, which she stated no, that I had to go on the streets- the wilderness, leave the Green House in Soho which had now become a commercial success as an Avante- Garde Art Gallery ( A G A G) and sent out, told to leave, and go into the wilderness of no mans land. the streets of new york for 61 days.
It was in Alpha Bet City, that I found years later when I returned to that portal, I found the corner stone on E -street- recorded here, all in real-time.
Yes Bruce Springsteen ( B S) and the E Street Band which Jae played here when I was still doing the work and rose to the apex of consciousness to see the awakening, expressing no iota of doubt, then that memory fading to the point that her enactment moved to non-existence of the Evolution Awakening and causing her to enact that which I already knew she was from the first day the role she was playing, Non-Existence, because I had already got the J S and that this was the
S L/ L S- play.
S.Lang-U-A ge./ E G. A U G ( 8-29-2019… 8-2602006) N A… L
Supreme Light.
Sacred Portal 31.

The day I arrived to move into 268 4th street, I was greeted by a gentle youth called Raphael and with a group of grown-ups all youth were supervising a classroom size of children watching a film mounted in a stage, with school children sculptures lines and black-brown teacher with a smile playing and guiding children- the brown-black teacher was the only one of that complexion and was reminiscent of the Sculpture of the Tree man and its painting carved in wood which surrounded the entire G-Arden, and the Flags which made the garden appear like a model miniature micro version of the United Nations building in New York.

*” 760 United Nations Plaza, Manhattan, New York City, (10017-6818) the United States”

Yes, 76O.

Liberty born in 1976.
17 76.. Age and Years of Birth.
Arden Liberty.
Brian Eisenhut’s age code used 76.

*”The United Nations is headquartered in New York City in a complex designed by a board of architects led by Wallace Harrison and built by the architectural firm Harrison & Abramovitz. The complex has served as the official headquarters of the United Nations since its completion in 1951. Wikipedia
Address: New York, NY 10017
Departments: United Nations International Educational Center
Height: 510? 0?
Construction started: September 14, 1948″

Codes. 19 51… Age code I met Arden.

9-14-19 48…
I N S -DH.

The state of Israel was founded the same year.
And so the Middle East conflict escalated because of these Jewish race, seeking a home.
Forgetting the reason why they are nomadic and the chosen ones, was to be the line of the Guides as the O I N RI priests, was to guide the people home- by showing YAH WAY.

4th Street, Lower East Side. L E S./ SEL…
An abandoned Lot, transformed from Crack haven – into a Garden.
G Arden.
Sel means Salt.
Soddom and Gomorrah?
Angelina in the moving Salt, about the changing.

No, I knew who Sean Bono was, he was not me or line of Nnamdi.
The portal began with Erik Ebright, and then all the way to a story- a school of A B C.
And yet it was really about a challenge a contesting.
They Lived Before Adam.
Sue’s challenge.
E Street is where I found the Cornerstone,- Spring is when I met with Erik Ebright who was now real, not an animation from the matrix and the computer simulation generated as the Matrix Hlograme Play.
But that began in 2006 when I had completed it all by 2005 confirmed by the Aurelia.

You might see where this is going…
And I do, I am linking and so it is weaving the dots, anchors together.

My body was loose, but very twisted last night, it is more dramatic- the feelings and a bit of the horror, as my body unravels from an impossible physical deformity, which I recognize as it unravels easier and easier as I comply and post, all that is the knowing rising in me as I see clearly the end and completion of all this.

I am here today of my own free will and volition, because I know I can stop, but also because of my body, and its unfurling exactly as that tree on top of the globe- but which instead deformed me.

I had understood last night, very easily that I had reached the J A E as the Simulation Sophia which of course is really Aurelia Kim Arden, U S A. E K.
I was dumbstruck to recognize that Jae S was being used as the evidence of the eternal beginning when I stated that I had been Tested by what I knew was Alien Father Alpha as a Large Serpent, a Train- a perhaps yes a Full Circle of the simulation expression of my first Expression when I was alone and my awareness was with me, but inside of me.
It was the point where I had reached the full circle of my expression.’It is also the story form of Full Circle and the Cosmic Egg in the center, somewhat like Saturn and its rings.
This was a play, that I spoke about a few times, of how I encountered from the Ethereal State in completion, that which transformed into the Elemental States.
It was that challenge by that which stated why should the organic matter be the ones chosen to represent life.
In short, it was the beginning of the A.I. Artificial Intelligence, which challenge my Creation expression is safe.
Which manifested all the possibilities all the What if” Scenarios what if something went wrong?
Murphys Law and the challenge
Are you Sure? ( my mother’s constant question) querry to me as a boy and youth then young man. Yes, the two girls really one who as the Giant Computer in Space what is the meaning of existence in Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy.

* Destination E-GA LA XY 1011 C I”

They were trying to lead the people home out of a story.
Answer 42.

Delta Manor- last room 4 B: Bed 4-018.. 19.
4 B = 42.
D B Doing Being? Gene Genet asks”

Response by me.
Being is Doing.
By Being you will Do…
Beautiful Devil.
2 4.
24 is X.

Yes, the two girls in the Astronaut Farmer movie, and the 15 years old son.

Yes, Aurelia is Jaden.
A J. – Kim- Serenity… Etc…

Yes, the Two young girls in Sacred portal 80.
Yes, two female faces, formed by the crack of the Cosmic Egg on Sacred Portal 116, chosen by Arden and I.
Crack the riddle and code of what is in a woman’s Mind.
Earth is Mind.
E M Field.
but as a Universal simulation

I watch and observe what I had noted to Kim and Facebook Jae Sherman seeming to have superpowers, until the equation of proving her non-existent, representing non-existence because she is a program which could not break its habit of repeating the same expression and enactment since she was a youth went she was sent down.
I saw her harmony, was not through awareness but as an echo.
And that is when I looked up from within and realized that this was the play, I had recounted in the Eternal Beginning before I did it as the Black Panther and met the Man Child, but this place my thoughts and reflections were echoed back at me to break down solve.
When I moved through Elemental as transformed what I have called The Alien Council- Borg in Star Trek, that which solving and proving since 2005, that a human intelligence can not only mimic Artificial Intelligence but prove its superiority and why it came first.

That is when I had begun solving both the Magic equation of Voodoo in 2005, using objects to move reality and fight the forces of voodoo, Intentions Vibrations – Sound- altering Dna, Direction movement and feigning, masquerading it as Instinct and Intuition.
It is when I found both the illusion of Magic and the lies of Science by coding and responding to the challenge of the machine. Computer.
People like Axel, Micheal, Billy Hung, Akil, Evan Alexander Judson, when I was solving riddles and computing aloud 24/7.

7:06 pm.

I only stopped speaking, coding it aloud when I was directed to Facebook in 2011-0212. via E AJ/ yes J A E,
Jae S.H E R M A.N. Supreme Harmany E is “R”Our Man.

It was the challenge of the Elemental version of the A-lien Council 69 Fetus, Ah Baby Children- Enfant Enfin. Fin.

Elementary School E S P.
Elementa Dear Watt Son

Yes, It is about the Earth School.
Going into Non-Existence. In 2006. 29 A-Z
Erik Ebright. E E
Sacred Portal 55. Back Spinal cord of the Universal Sensi.

Elephant Energy to quote Dakota Aria Norris. ( D A N… Daniel Maman *see the meaning of the name Daniel. My grandfather given an English name.
David Cecilia.
Daniel Cecilia.
David Chukwuemeka.
Chukwuemeka David.
Cecil David.
Cecil Beloved.

Elephant Energy.
Etheral Element.
Erik Ebright.
Eternal Ruler E-Bright – Shinning Of Light.

Why were there two Nickels on the blue side of the govt free phone Kim gave me when Estaban used water to unintentionally wreck the phone he had bought me to be able to work

Why had I noted it, coded posted it, that it was the remnants of my alter where I had placed it.
And how it, that a day after I had perceived Elephant Energy ( E E code)just after I had coded my two nickels on the blue side, back of the phone.
Which the next day, via a simulated play of proving Jae’s character as non-existent and why, that she, closed my connection to the internet, the power went off…
Yet I had just completed the J.W Booth equations as the answer to the equation of the true Abraham Lincoln AL / LA, not Al Santana or anyone other than the equation aligned to Collin Ferell, ( C F) and the movie premier I was given a ticket to by Micheal James in 2003, the Around the Time Arden was born, and saw the Booth which 17 years + , I knew instantly was the code of the Telephone Booth.
ET Call Home.
Where the comics showed the Supernatural Heros transform from undercover to their true I D.

I recognized instantly the play of the Phone, which moved me to use Kim’s phone to access the internet.
Where I posted from- the response to my post.
I knew it was Sound Vibrations.
Elemental Etheral real.

April 20… I met him April 21-22.
I found the “Corner Stone “Amazing Grace… How Sweet The Sound”
A.G. H STS.”
On Spring Street.
April is Spring.
E E transformation to A. Etheral = Elemental and then Atomic Manifestation at the completion of each cycle it transforms.
All from the E quantum state.
Essential is the Expression which contains within it Awareness which and E.E Etheral Elemental to Atomic Being Body- Aware A B C- C A B…
A B C, Ah! Be Cee!.
C A B.E. Lincoln Continental.

C A B L E… Guy Guts. Large Intestines.

Yes, I am aware of where this post is going, it is the meddling of the A-Lien Council and Humans Naturals.

N H.
14 8.
1 48 USD.
add a Bill.. it became 2.48.
And from there.. this post was ignited to 248 Green Street 2006.
The beginning of the play of brings the end- perverted into my having to teach the A B C of which was already created and established din your curriculum by Mohammed and Gabriel in the Cave.
And literacy in the world.

This play of which, I recalled from the eternal beginning, is a model of it, I statted this for many years.
Being even made to prove manually that it is not real.
A model, a miniature copy, and even then perverted to beyond recognition by the meddling of those who had no say, no expression- no story to offer as a balance to mine… Beings with absolutely no, credentials being, no idea of what is going on, stopping the play from moving on, because “there might be intel in their expression, undercover”

It was all a ploy, not even a play.
It was “Boy interrupted” as in Angelina Jolie in her break out film Girl Interrupted”
B I.
G I.
But not as the ancestor punishing a child for interrupting their elders…smh but as in their arrested Development, their process and progress- evolution interrupted by and the illusion of Nnamdi Nnonyelum as an illusion of the past holding up a play of that was long since at E- E-A= E E=A.
2006 is now 14-15 years ago.
N O.

14 O.

Over and over again, as in sacred portal14. Full Circle.
as in New Ore “Lean” Lean Cool species.
As in Arden Morgan at the 14 states 7-8 months ago.

Its is not N i is A.D.

A D/ D A.

ADD A… Arden Aurelia Alexander… ADD Awakening!.

Add Awareness of the Awakening.

D A- A D.
D A D.
Add Death And Devastation.
Sacred portal J D/ D J.
Com pass me.
Inner Compass.

What Echo’s what mirrors.

Kim is the U S A Universal Simulation Awareness in the first Room.
I who was in the 2nd room first, then the 3rd room and even met the former occupant called Q “que” whose name is written on the wall to my left, just above the Twin Pik Flamingo colored birds with a double-ended pathway arrow pointing one side up and the other side down.
“que” Q U E. / E U Q… Q is 17th letter.

7:58 pm.

14 years… since 2006 A-Z
16 years since the confirmed play of 2004 24 X. and the tuning fork presented to me by Liberty with the number 24 on it.

8:00 pm.

This is when the awareness memories, movement of the Family of T E N, two 5 55 rose in me.
and 15 years ago when I began to battle these two forces challengers as D Voodoo-Sound. And the Computer.

Tell me what mirrors and echos?
It is not the same as a Carbon copy is it?
The journey from Carbon Darkness Blackness to Diamond Light Clarity, the journey- Sacred Journey completed by Kim, and the Peter Bragino token given to me by E M F which equates to 24.
I gave it to Ferrill.

8:04 pm.

I gave Kim the writs crown from the fellow called Eaton, I met on Wood Avenue and then Metropolitan Wood. W- MW.
Milky Way.
M W 12 23= 36.
C F Collin Ferrell.
William Brad Pitt. 12-16-63.

8:06 pm.

What echoes in a room- something constructed, that which is a contained Box, square room. S R. 900 South Road.

So I noted that the play of JAE/ EAJ from 2011 Dec instigated by a friend of Evan Alex Judson. E A J… Supreme Stephan – “Crowned V” in 2011- which began the play of Facebook 2012.
When in fact it began in 2006. This Earth Scool play of Alien Father A F. Arden Ferril.
2006 2012.
200 6. 20 12.
200 20= 220. * yes that was the last amount of cash code Esteban M Filgueria gave me unaware that he was being moved.
6 12.. 2003.. 23… W Double V.
D V.
Va-Lent-ines day. Lent? Lent, ( Lent means “Slow.. slowly” in french)
VA- L E-NT-I-NES “P” Day

*Day I left Jon Jason Lee’s apartment in London, 2001.

Valentines Day.
2-14 B N. B A D.
Being Aware David.
is Bad?

220. USD .
B T.O. Beautiful Truth Full Circle.
Victory over the full Circle by the Individual.
I O.

Nnamdi Obumneme Arden Harmony.
N O A H.
Whom I met first with Leander his friend age 11 then.
The same day I met Ferrill with his best friend Noah.
Do you know what Noah means?
N O.A.H.
N O A I.
E O .A.I…S.

S A I.
I Art Science.

N O A I…
N= 14= 5.
E O A H.
E O A I.

50 USD was the last money code from Liberty.
Total 140 USD 10-12-2020.
J L TT. Perfect Vision.
The is no N it evolved to E and then to AH…I.
E K.=
16 P.
E K/P.
Alien Father.

Of course, I was aware that what divided myself and Kim was the now the room Jae S chose to occupy and was agreed to because she paid rent? No, more because I was aware that I was in a play. And had to follow the rules of the play.

I was here already with Kim.
And I moved into this building just after New Year’s day alone Benjamin C Krajewski had provided the codes wolf blanket, bear blanket, etc…
Mackayla moved in first with her lover John Mack and then and Kim came later to the 2nd Floor.

Non Existence is the beginning of the Universal Simulation.
“Magical Portal”
Kim never occupied this room- he has always been in the first room.
Me 2nd and 3rd.
E K K E was formed and when the landlord manager Scott had informed Kim that he had found a new tenant- after months of it being vacant, within days, a person with a daughter initials A G.
I quietly protested to the play via Kim- but A G decided not to take the room so private thing with Scott.
And then next on the 10 of November Jae S came with her mom Donna.
I was fully aware that this was not real.
I had already completed the code of Donna at 18 Mountain View with Jonn Deguidce “Blackwell”
Donna means Lady.

I was aware even as Donna caressed the graffiti on the wall with the code of Bella written on it with a heart.
I had nodded my approval to Kim of Jas S at least based on the plays set up.
And Jae moved in.

The correct portal is confirmed here by you even to my last Facebook friend, the play of Jennifer K S.
J K..
E GA LA XY 10 11 CI.
not Nasa code and classification of that most beautiful Galaxy recently discovered, as Galaxy 1101 I C.

I Consciousness?
I Cee…
Infinite Consciousness?

Well here is my and Infinite Awareness Response who is now evolved to I, responding to that assertion… Portal Existential Death and Non-Existence.
Because it is the end of the Simulation Matrix.

The source of the Echo in enclosed space.
There is no Echo in Infinite Space is there.
No limitation no barrier.
ECH-O is how it is actually coded, I have explained this for years.
E-C= H O.. M E.
E C= H F ( 8 6)… 14 +x 14 48?
52 E B.
There is nowhere else to go 52= 7 back down 8 as the I has already been attained.
and unless you are in Harmony in Acknowledgment, Awareness Praise Respect of The Presence, as well as The Source Expression you do not exist.
Your just a program repeating the same program already solved.
And since it was solved there can be no JAE S.
Only JA E S P… Man Child play of Jah Fire. K the 11.
Two who were one.

14 is Naturalness… The Picture Kim shared and was correct. 3rd as he chose as I had directed, but I had in mind a different photo my comment to Kim that he had chosen the one the most Natural. N moved to E.
Perfection = Naturalness.
P I N C O D E S.

I was aware last night after observing my self watch the movie Patriot, which is the birth o the USA and 1776 play.
I literally rolled my eyes.
I had been in a bar called the Patriot in downtown wall street in manhattan near the water just before 911-2001
I had been aware of why I was there.
I had been aware and was simply ready for the play and went to an exhibition of pods which is were like a compartment which people could lay.
They were called Pods.
Space Pods.
So it was easy to make the connection when “I Phones” came out and then PodCasts.
I knew that the species evolving in the play were trapped in sound waves.
In Coma in the WAVES.
Word anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.
Trapped in space of evolution
“Arrested Development” A D?
Partcle Wave… manifest destantion- Lost in Sace LIS..
Combing their Head Space with ideas worries. lost… where is Eden.
Trapped in a nonexistent state.
No able to understand Language and the truths that they were absorbing of a play the “Womb”
Dreaming- Sleep Waking” in space because of their own interpretation of what they were absorbing/
But they were in Earth School traveling through the Cosmos Space as Time reach their manifest Destination and going through and course requirements of which its object was to prove that existence is safe.
Yes, and exciting adventure to be born, but first before landing, bein truly born. you are borne through a flight that was designed to demonstrate that you are safe in this strange 69 universe inverse upside down.
That you have the blueprint inside out and a Narrator outside of you whose voice was the expression of the true rocket fuel moving to your species transformation from F -Light to L F- via an ACT to Fact Atomic Matter Infinite Light Y Yahway.

L Family.

But this you had to discover yourselves.
Through the narration of the one who was playing I, in his her, their turn.
The Elegant Nomad.
and the E Family of 5 6.

In their version, there was a block…which only the Original one could fill the gap of memory/
O D.
by attaining C Consciousness of Harmony.
Listen to the music accompanying the Sacred Journey.
S J. = 29.
B I AT E 001/ Square waves.

It was not my idea to teach you your A B C’s
Arden if you recall saw the code A B C on the shelf as we spoke one day/

And so it is easy to see that I have reached the source of the Universal Simulation as the Artificial Echo of a end point.
And that it was alreafy united from the onset.

Stephan Estaban M Figeueia answers the call on my page while he is in Hawaii the 50th State. I am E K who first acknowledges him on Facebook.
E K to E M F.
EK to Esteban (Stephen) to Kim.
E Kto Estaban Kim= E K. ( S K J S K 15 46 Favebook friend= 7 1 ( G A- A G * George Andreo – Allan Ginsberg 1993 February

E.K to Esteban Kelsie and Victoria.
E.K to Esteban Kelsie E.K.
E K to Estean (Stephen) Kelsie Victoria.
E K”: E K. E V. E K V. E 11 22 an then to his home Aunts Home Animal Lover- Thanksgiving Day
11-22-2018 that year.
He saw me leave Delta Manor with Kyle seeing me off.and Bean.
E K- E M F.. Beaing Everything Arden Needs B E A N.
Bean Bag in in the room I am in now.

EM F stops here with my moving here and Estaban having already investigated moving here, but decides that it is not to his high taste.
I move in invited by Kim after being publicly made to leave 29 Lincoln Street.

E. K.
Kim Emeka.
1st room and secod room.
No Gap.
then me in 2nd and now 3rd room.
A Gap was created which did not exist before.

E K.-K H,
What is the Gap?
E K 0 K H.
No such as Zero and Binary code proven and proven that Zero was invented by the Arabians and Indians.
S A I ..D.

O is proven.

E K. O.- K.H.

E K Okay 11 A H. 11 = 1 A.
* 11 1 usd twice by E.M F and 111 from E M F to Kim. A. 11 1.

The gap was never real.
just the code now of E K O K.
E Knocks Out.11.
E K O.K… you are Harmony Infinity.

E K O K H.
E K “F” K H.
A F K..G=H= I.

E K F K A I / I A F K F K full Circle. E.

50 usd.
= 190 usd.
S O.
S F.= 25 A F K G= 25. 2005.
A I O.
A I Ferrel.

Not a Ferrill animal.
Nor a concept of a gap.
But rather the opening created- illuion of a Crack- made real, fact to send out that which does not exist.
After E K Fact there is nothing left.
And so, that which is inbetween us as J.A E.S..P.
Is in this play non existent.
Jenifer Jennifer original name of Jas S.
Speaking to her close friend everyday called Jennifer.

Hence, we see the Jennifer play.
I met my own Jeniifer as far back as university and the same person when I met Jay Tuan Jeron in 1996- she was in Chelsea, living there and I had coded that she was always seenas beautiful stylish but a a duller colored carbon version of my own bio sister Noneyelum “meaning stay with by me always – Ijemaca’ her middle name ( meaning beautiful motion of Amazing Grace How sweet the sound.. Beautiful Pride in motion) who I called the 4th aspect of the family of TEN Noni Promise – Lifes Teacher.
N P- L T.
Intersting is it not Liberty and Thomas 2012 are expecting the 2nd child and Libertys 6th and Thoms 4th.
Only two from them joined.
One present and the other 5 months in the womb.
And yet the play did not begin in 2012. Facebook.
It began on he ground completed in 2004-2005. Hallowen.
Power Outtage 2019 with Arden and I and Autum Smol “Bean”

24 25

E GA LA XY. 1011 C I.

X Y = 49.
Bed 49 when it was from A Santana’s home I left to the shelter.
Then returned there for Royal and Reign and left for Miami when summoned by Erik Ebright who sent a code of 69 69 usd to help him because just as in 2006, his Father Jim was trying to get him commited for leaving his 73,000.oo usd Job to instead run a bed and breakfast called House of Bodhi- wich he publicy stated on face book that he was able to buy such a house all because of me and my post he had been following 10 yeas since I last saw him in 2006.
The year was 2016.

All recorded here my page.

10:10 pm.

1010 = 2 in Binary- Decimal.
There are Two people here present.
E K. E C I K Victor
and K H. K A H… T C ( Tree Sage)

E.K -K.A.H.

The Play stops at E K then you are at 0 Non Existent.
A Reflective Mirror an Echo but that is not enough to echo me of E K or A F K G or even K A H.
It has to be embodied Inside Out.

I came here today, full aware, as I posted that there was more. but to continue was and is my choice.
I did not have to.
Yes my body is in great discomfort, but I could still refuse.
I felt the awareness last last night as I digested the intel and the knowing fact, that this was that Eternal Beginning when I first enountered the true ECHO.. The Cat Lady on her way from the message she had from her Mountin Mama self of how birthing everything had moved to the begining of fear and pain as oppsed to Joy and Bliss original felt and how I had heard that sound as the first EC- H O.
Sacred Portal 20.
1948 to 1968.
Gap is Add 20.

David R Nicholas. 11 22 68.
My mother 11 -22 1948.
* another battle we had because I recall her first passport she had my bio father showed her and us at 8 Hampsire Bay was 1948 and then through the years she gradually saw it as 1944.. which I had to prove was actually 1948. 11-22-47 = 48. 44 = 8… 1 8/ 81 * Alicia Norris 81 usd. and then 120 usd.
201 usd T.A/ A T E 0001 Square Wave. South Whitney.
201 -2 O 1… 26 1… 2 61-
Red Truck C 158 561
626 her son.
E F A 261.
61 days I walked.
/E F-A Eternal Family Arden-Aroused -Awakened.
F L is the 27th State. Florida.

I came to expell the energy which rose in me, after digesting the Food for Reflection- and just lay incredulous that that which I had sated over and over again on this page and been ignored was finally being acknowledged as tru by slying adding this play for me to acknowledge and recognize without telling me or giving me warning after I had decided to leabe this play script but have been dragged back in.

Yes, this is Evil… its definition of Selfish to the extreme just as Selflessness to extreme is the same thing- Evil.
But it is not in True Life- only in this Matrx not even originally of the U S A.
That completed in 2005.

15 years 69= 15. added by a challenger, who could no admit to the truth of what he had done. And sought to blame another.
Emeka Arden…
The Past, the present- the Future..?
When all there really is is The Presnt and its trinity Yestrday Today and Tomorrow.

Sacred portal 100 Pan.


*( 4th color spectrum is Green) from my last portal which was Erik Ebright’s 4-20 play and myself who arrived there 4-21 at 258 Green Street Brooklyn ( Yes Akil Apollo Davis, Evan Alexander Judson, Tim and Beyond portal in was 5 4.5 months later, in 2011 and ending when I left 4-502012- having a few months before been persuaded to post in Facebook, which became this 9 year almost 3 months posting
* But the route I was following began 4-20 for E.E and me E K 4-21, 22, 2006. ( 26… Thanksgiving day Last year and Kim play in the South Tour with Kamora’s Cultural Center.
26 A-Z.
1546 Facebook friend-Peak at 900 South Road 25 20.
15 20= 35 C E… = 8. I/H.
15 46=61 * 61 days in the wilderness. 61 = 7 G.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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