
2/15/2018 12:08 – Facebook Post

9:04 a.m.

B-O-T. R… U.E.

I.D.. “I Identify you as, Infinite David, I Delta D-ionysus”

Meaning of the word “Bot”
Bott Name Meaning. English: probably from an Old English personal name of uncertain origin; perhaps a cognate of Bothe or akin to Butt. However, forms such as Walter le Botte (Oxfordshire 1279) seem to point to a nickname or occupational name, perhaps from Old French bot ‘butt’, ‘cask’, or bot ‘toad’.

Computing Machinery and Intelligence, a seminal paper written by Alan Turing on the topic of artificial intelligence
A “software robot device” or software agent Especially an intelligent agent

“Butt and Cask apply” Annubis represent the Butt, Bum, the dark side of the Sun ( Sun-a/ Anus Anubis.. Anapa…Ana-P.A- A-Pan-A..Alpha) Dionysus)
Intelligent Agent.

The Butt and the Cask, is the Street-“Car-Body”, Way of Desire, of YaH Way, the Wine of Intoxication.”

B.O.R… B O .A.H…U E

“Bor” means

“The first part is either ??? (bor), meaning well, from the verb ??? (ba’ar), to declare:
Meaning: “fight,” from Slavic root *bor- “to fight, overcome” (from PIE root *bhorh- “hole”). See more definitions
Short form of names containing bor, such as BORISLAV or BORIS. It is also a South Slavic word meaning “pine tree”.’

I will not be doing this much longer, decoding and translating these messages but I will briefly do this one because of something I have realized….

“Arc Angel Messenger Matrix….
“I.D.. “I Identify you as, Infinite David, I Delta D-ionysus”
The Butt and the Cask, is the Street-“Car-Body”, Way of Desire, of YaH Way, the Wine of Intoxication.”
“Well I do declare, that I did fight to over come the desire to explore your Hole, until I saw it was the Pt.. and what my “Pine Tree” was pinning for..”
..The Being of the Source, OH.. AH… You E…”

*Code Esther Uzoma, Esther Ufomadu.
“Star of the Beautiful Way, Star of, and as, the Living U.F.O.”

(You;ve gotta be kidding right…? This is what it decodes to?
Problem is I know exactly what it and who is saying things, but have no desire to elaborate or decode more.).


I am at 1070 Facebook friends, and to tell you that I am done with this is the literal understatement of all Time and Beyond.
It is like dealing with a bratty spoilt child, who refuses to appreciate when you say No, and finds the way and has the power, and will revert to any means necessary to get you to do what It wants.
It is evil, really evil but It reminds me of an A.I, Artificial Intelligence, only it is not.. it is undenialbly Human in their most petulant, selfish and demanding nature.
“Eloise at the Ritz…taken to a Nightmarish Feindish level
( EL.O..Is E…E- Loi S.E… Elo means “Life Harvest Grain” And God is Perfection.. G.P, G-Point… Green Point… Golden Pt. Loi means “Law”)
Or the Giant Baby of the Witch in Hayoa Miyazake’s Anime (H.M.A../ A.M…H)
“Spirited Away” which has come up, again and again in this Script code and “Adventure” through the Matrix of the Sum Total of the Human Mind Thoughts expressed through out Time.
A Dream and Nightmare in which the Source is subjected to re-align the Source Codes back to the Original Plan E.T”

Imagine a Spotless mind ( though mischievious ) having to endure that!
What lay really hidden, not expressed by the Human Mind, Past to Present…
I can tell you Sex & Desire lead… but the way it is translated and sought is… an abomination.”

Summary “Spirited Away” S.A… A.S..

*During her family’s move to the suburbs, a sullen 10-year-old girl wanders into a world ruled by gods, witches, and spirits, and where humans are changed into beasts.
In this animated feature by noted Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki, 10-year-old Chihiro (Rumi Hiiragi) and her parents (Takashi Naitô, Yasuko Sawaguchi) stumble upon a seemingly abandoned amusement park. After her mother and father are turned into giant pigs, Chihiro meets the mysterious Haku (Miyu Irino), who explains that the park is a resort for supernatural beings who need a break from their time spent in the earthly realm, and that she must work there to free herself and her parents.”

It is a shame, because it is literally a sort of Video Game, and Computer Game, which is actually was designed to be fun. It could have been an Exquisite and deleriously informative as well as stupendous way to bring peope togther to Evolve the Human Mind Brain function, linking it to the Body Victoriously through this kind of beyond brilliant concept and design, but instead it has been transformed into a Vile tedious, self serving and truly selfish and inconsiderate one sided play of the “Dark and Twisted” mind… Allowed to go way to far in being able to do whaever it liked, bend the rules and literally get away with murder and atrocities and hide away in denial and absoulte refusal to take responsibiity, use the Game correctly and clean and refine themselves…

10:01 a.m.

1001 translates to 9…
Orien Laplante responded to my response to his message at 4:03 p.m.
43… E=Cme4/3…
I realized I responded at 9.00 a.m… 9=I.

I noticed last night that the first letters of my 3 room mates, names of the three people in the room, form a code…

F L Y! E..


We are at 1070…. J.G.O….AOGO…
17..Q… 1O 7O… 8 O…. Infinity Harmony OH.

Then I recall seeing the word Hgar on a car License plate…
‘Hagar” means Fly’

Do you see what I mean, Its a Game… Spectacular if it was Fair..
I am not a Kind person, I am very Fair… But some people interpret the desire to be Fair and consequently “Just” as a way to take advantge of a persons nature…
For example, T.J of bed 4-009 always begs, and yesterday asked me for a Rolly at the wrong time, I usually say no to him and he learned not to ask me, but he saw me talking with Blair and he sought to upload the Anubis drawing he made to my message board so I could share it with you ( but my phone does not share to Facebook)…He used that oppurtunity to ask me, he thought he was slick.. So many of the men here play that game… So many people, period play that game..Mind Game from All levels of society but in a homless shelter it becomes very sharply brought into focus.
I gave him one…
Then he made the mistake of trying to do so again as I was posting, irriatated that I was posting…
I snarled so savagely at him, after looking him directlty in the eye with disbelief and daggers…
My voice was such a roar and slap that people all stopped and many turned in alarm…
He just stared there with 25 cents believing that I would no refuse now that he had 25cents….?
What I saw in his eyes though was a glazed blankness..
10:20 a.m.
J.T… That is his intilas…
Something had happened to him, something which he allowed to die in him…
His eyes flickered with life at my words for a moment then they went dead, but I also so that it was defiance.
De Finanance came to my mind….
No, I am not going to stop and solve his riddle… I saw existential Death.. Gone… defiant .. defiance rage had made him go to that place.

“Never ever ask me for anything ever again” I added
He nodded.
Moved away then stood behind my chair as if wanting to fight back to come back from what he saw in my expression he had become..but then he went away.. and I was glad.
I have seen enough filfthy swine who could have easily cleaned themselves up, and were given so much garce but instead decided that they were clever and that the “Kind” were stupid and that they could always find another “Sucker” to take advantage of thier “Good and Kind Nature”- I understood that to many of them this was their test and revenge to the so called “Good..Goody Too Shoes people” the hyprocrites out there who cause me the same sentiment of curling disdain contempt and stomach heaving disgust and distrust.
And these vampire demons where a natural repsonse to these self righteous hyprocrites who they could see right through.
But every once in a while you come across people who are for real and who really are you last chance at redemption…

*Jace Horsford now you know why you noted the song redemption song playing twice… during our last meeting..
I did not even hear it…
It was not for my or my lines redemption, nor did I have a dream nightmare the nigt before where I was being killed executed and the only thing which saved him was that the handle of the executioners Rod, fell off.. and lo and behold the next day I texted him… through a money play created for me to lack, and thus be led to his portal to which he was the one meant to pay 25.00 usd.
And I was reminded that the last time I had done the work with him that I had told him he must pay – so he could appreicate the value of my expression…
Doing the work with him was like doing the work with Lisa Johnson…

And yes, this is what this play has been like, it drives you to the not so much as the desire to kill or murder or torture but to give that “Child” person a taste of what they are giving and to end their existence so that you or no one else fo that matter would have to endure such an abomination, such a creature whose very presence in Creation becomes a Stain to Creation Itself.

…Notice how long this post is…. ?
That is what I mean.. The Spirit.. Breath and Air, taking advantage… ignoring when you said No.
Herman Hubbard was sitting besides me, people are being moved towards me, injected into my mind, then they appear about me almost immediatly or the next day…
I know exactly what is going on, what is being done, even why I am still contained here.. but there is no power in Existence and Creation and certainly not manipulation control dominance even making me post so much longe than I intended which can change my mind my resolve, determination to not only make you pay the consequence becoming even greater a purpose but to use that moment time you think you hav gained to manipulate me to do your bidding, get your way, ignore my wishes, my existence…But which I go in, to use an transform that “opportunity of the opportunist” to create, encode even greater consequence than before and with interest.
And then I take my time to chill and make sure that the cosequence is locked sealed and inescapable…
And only the Lord of Death can find you and release you, more is the pity if the one you have pissed off, turns out to be the Lord of Death… Doorways Pathways.. The Crossing Guardian to the Eternal Realm…

Michelle Dominguez
Tina Ann
Arianna Shannon Coraline

Michelle means the same as Michael.. “Who is as God, Water the Transparent and Flowing one reflection the nature of Light and the depth and lightness of Everything”

The Lord” Dominic means “From the Late Latin name Dominicus meaning “of the Lord”.

Tina is a common female given name. It originates from Old English Tyne/Tyna/Tina, meaning river.

Chris Tine…. Anointed River… W A V E S River .. Music… Dance… River Dance… The True Kind, not the one which pounds an slaps the ground, the Earth- Snap, Cackle .. Pop… to get the Lords Attention…
Hey I am speaking to you…!’ they yell


That is my mercy… followed by a true Response you had do bargained for…
I am not Nice I am not Kind… I am Fair and fair people can ne mistaken for Kind people. compassionate that many forget that they are Fire and Ice forcged from a passion of understanding why Manners and Coutresy… Fair Play Fair Exchange is the True Balance..
All have feeligs and all are beings of light but equals are based on that which treasure has been gathered and the value of the sharing…
Not quite “No throwing Pearls at Swine..” but make them pay and pay dearly, so dearly that they can not afford to pay for a second of your time….
And any moment they do get… with you is so valued and cherished and seen understood as a supreme act of grace… Because He, I She do not owe you a Dime..
After all, this play and especialy your response proves that we were all born equal, bit we do not end up so.. or complete as E.O..
Expressions of Perfection of the Source Eternal…. E L O I.. S.E….

Ann means Grace and Favor…

The Anointed River of Grace… Music…

Arianna Shannon Coraline A.S..C

Arianna means “Golden Light”… Yes the Triangle Pyamid by Blair Andrews….
It also means “Very Holy”

Shannon means
Shannon (“wise river”) is an Irish name, Anglicised from Sionainn. Alternative spellings include Shannen, Shanon, Shannan, Seanan, and Siannon. The variant Shanna is an Anglicisation of Sionna (“possessor of wisdom”). Sionainn derives from the Irish name Abha na tSionainn for the River Shannon.’

The name Coraline is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Coraline is: From the coral of the sea.

“Golden Light, Very Holy is the Wise River and the possessor of Wisdom the Jewel form the Sea.”

M.D…. T A…A S C….

M D.T… A-A S… C

C.. S.A-AT…D M

11:08 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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