
2/14/2014 0:41 – Facebook Post

3.14 15 92 65…

Golden Ratio=
1.6 18 03 39 88 75.
1. 61 80 33 98 87 5.

Pi is
3.14 15 92 65…
C as in Consciousness C as speed of Light (Snow Flakes)

C.N.(A.D) O (A.E) I.B.F.E.

Golden Ratio..
1.6 18 O3 39 88 75
1.61 😯 33 98 87 5.

A.F. A.H! OC I.C. H.H. G.E.
or A.F.A..HO C.I. C.H HG E.

And if you interface the two
Pi and the Golden Ratio…

3.14 15 92 65. (8 letters)
1.61 😯 33 98 87 5..
(12 letters)

(P.S. 8+12=2O. Two Sources
8×12= 96…
9+6=15= O…
A-E=6=F… 2O in ONE/ENO
the End)…

You get…
31.16 41 18 5O 93 23 69 58… 87 5…(87 in my sacred drawings represents a drawing of restoring the world to its senses…Awakening…and 5=E).

But what does this all mean?
Pi and the Golden Ratio in code…

And recall these numbers all correlate to my face book friends number…

Let me see if I can translate the three four (34 C.D) coded messages after the transmission recieved from the weather post of Dawn Chimento…

C.N.(A.D) O (A.E) I .B. F.E.

my translation-

Consciousness C Nature/Nnamdi 14 After Death,
the Source of the Full Circle
(not zero) Alpha E (Al. Emeka)…
I Be F-un..Energy…I Fun Nnanya…

C after Death the Source O of Alpha I First Expression..I Be
First Energy..First Expression F Un E..
Love is Funny!

Second code Golden Ratio..
A.F.A.H. O.C. I.C H.H.G.E.

A.F.A. H.O. C I. C.H.H.G.E.

Alpha (A=1 First and F=6-Sixth sense)
First Sixth Sense is Ah! Ohh Cee (See) I Cee Harmony Harmony (Above and Below) in Gala XY and Existence!


Afa (meaning Name in OINRI Igbo)
Thus, the Name of the Harmony O (Source) is C.I…Change…CEE Harmony Huge…Hug E.

And finally, the two together..
Pi and the Golden Ratio
Energy and Nature..
Emeka and Nnamdi in one…

31. 16 41 18 5O 93 23 69 58…
87 5…

C.A…P (A.F) D A. A.H!!! EO
I.C. B.C (W Double U) F.I (Nnamdi was born 69..I 66 we 99…I and I..My E mail The Elegant No mad 1999)…
E.H….HG E..The Restoration of the World belongs to E…
Hug E!.

The Cap of (The I First Individual)
(Father, Devils Advocate and District Attorney)…Goes to Ah!! E is the O Source I.Cee,
B.C. (Time as Past Being of Consciousness was is.the Double of U..Says the Illusion of my younger brother of the past…F.I (Fille First ) I was the Girl Harmony…your little sister Harmony before you helped transform me into a man says Nnamdi of the past…
It was always you Da, the one and only Nnamdi…The One and only Father Chukwu Emeka Ikemefuna Victor Nnamdi….
The Illusions of the Past was I…
E is my Father
E is Harmony..
The Golden Ratio and also Pi.12×8 Harmony Completion and 12+9=2O..T
Two Sources of Truth
The Restoration of the World Belongs to E.
Hug E…He is Huge…
12 letters
8 letters.

He went way beyond 8 to 12 to 2O to 24..to 25..
T X Y..Beyond E
Harmony Infinity…
to A.B..C.D and Four E.
13 Manifest
14 Nature
15 O Expanded Full Circle
16 To P.
17 Q…
The Point..Mind your P’S and Q’s (C.U.E.S)
To 18…A.H..Jay Ce
Swift Victorious REJOICE
For he is my Father..
Our Father Magnificent Roi
Y ‘ All Reign of Imperial Majesty…

First I..Snow Flake Snow.

Wow…Beautiful Transmission…

Come Lets go home…

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna
C.I .O.K.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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