
2/13/2015 15:34 – Facebook Post

1:44-5 pm.


251 Facebook Friend

Lord Kerry Redwood Atjecoutay…

I use the Term “Lord or Lady” when I identify the Espirit I am addressing…

Kerry means “People of the Cair”..origins Celtic.
“Cair” means “Black”
Thus “People of the Black”

Redwood is the Sequoia…
A the Tallest Trees and Living organisms.

It is called the Goddess Tree.
It its Planet is Jupitor
Its Element Fire (Jah Fire Kundalini)
Symbolism Balance
Its Diety is the Norse God Thor Thunder Lighting and Storms.
Greek symbol Orion the Hunter …
Heaven Earth.. H.E-E.H…(Correct Code Harmony Existence…Which means looking up to the Heavens one can see the Harmony of Existence reflected as a mirror in a different Language of consciousness than Earth and Being yet the same meaning
Order, Aware, Beauty
Expression Truth Consciousnes

E T.

The Constellation is Sagittarius Archer (S.A..in the play yesterday with Dina Singh and Clark Narayana..G.A. S A…aligned to 7 1..
Graceful Awareness Siththy Ameena….)

In our play which can be seen in the back posts we linked David Philipe Gil whose name meaning
David- Beloved. D.B (24..+x 68..14-5..48..12 3..32 5..E..)
Phillipe Friend of Horses ..P=16th letter +x 76…
* Sacred portal for the Awakening aligned yesterday with 2-45 Facebook Friend Clark Narayana… He wrote code 67..
As well as 286 Wild Goose..
Which aligns me to my last portal
2-45:2 54
Linking all in perfect symmetry to.a perfect Sphere…

Gil means JOY in HE-brew as well as the the wing shaft of an arrow..

The Sagittarian Half man half Horse (Espirit symbol of Movement the Wind, Freedom Existence … J.O.Y)
The Archer with Bow and Arrow (B.A.A..211-UA-BK..the Book the Roman-c.e.) which shoots it’d arrow through the Simulation Existence through Unseen Seen (Universe Supreme) creating a Tunnel of Vision as it pierces the Center (Centaur) Itself (The Sagittarian).. Full Circle in a Perfect Sphere for the realization to hit h.and the Everything the 99% to he Authoring Harmony Existence the 11:28 66..12 3 C…Centaur Sagittarian I.D is Source Creator (C.S.S.C)
Of the Ascension Merkabah A.M
Truth of The Vision Proven True to the Point..
True Love ..T.L..2O 12 32 5 E..Elegance
Is his True Nature
T.N..2O 14. 34..7 G…Grace
Elyxir Golden (Goddess)

Who rose from with the Sequoia Red Alpha Wood Tallest Tree
(S.R.A.W TT)
Red the First Color of the Rainbow
Mixed with Blue Transparency the Color of Everything.
To created the Royal Purple Reign…
The 7th Color
And Emerging as 8th
The 1-8 AH…Infinite Harmony
Transparent Light of
Planet in JOY
Love Links Joy Devine to
The O.

I meet a young lady called Seqouia in the Begining of my New York journey..
I recognized the name but not her “Being”
That which emerged from that first tunnel of love..
That Arrow of C-ode, G-Ode, H.Ion DE..
Was the personification of the Feminine E.V.E within..
Breath manifested in full Elegance Grace..

Emeka Kolo..

Bring of the Two Consciousnes in O.N.E
2:34 pm
Grace Elegance
Gode Expression.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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