
2/13/2015 14:40 – Facebook Post

12:39 P.M.



Converting to letters in the Alphabet.

Tim: AB (L): C.I.

M-B-H… Manifest Being Harmony.

B-M-H….Being Manifests Harmony.


I have a new Facebook Friend.

Welcome Kerry Redwood Atjecoutay…

I do believe you represent my 251 Facebook friend by my last count.

This is a “play” of evolution of consciousness which I have found myself in.
Over the last 34 months I have sought to explain as I communicated with the “Silence” and the Seen and unseen realms which represent “The Everything.

In Science we are made aware that 99% of our environment is unseen by the naked human eye but are the building blocks to that which manifest them to Touch and Sight as 1.

The same can be stated for the current science of the Atom…
Which is described as 99% space.
The unifying factor is the 1E, or 1 expression which unifies them.

The Silence responds to my weaving and linking its Impulse Stimuli, which has been affecting my body for the last 14 years non stop 24-7.

I find myself solving the riddle of Existence but in a different Language of consciousness than this currently accepted scientific perception of reality.

I am using 6th sense combined with the age of reason which is logic (connecting the dots- ephinanies and stars) to form a picture linked (et) by understanding.
This is then affirmed through Facebook Friends who appear in perfect harmony with thier names and being (unaware to themselves), being move by the Silence and the Unseen Seen, called Existence.. To affirm.

It has been going on non stop for 34 months on this Sacred Facebook page.

All back posts will give you a full picture.

I have sought to bring this extraordinary phenomenon of what is happening to me to the public attention.
And sought out of the Espirit of Sharing, to communicate my excited discoveries only to discover that it was a waste of time.

I was brought here by a set Beyond the comprehension of most in this current world conscious to move through The Everything, to reveal the Truth of Everything by publicly demonstrating how my own perception of the Universe works.

The perception of linking 6th sense to Age of reason 33-6 which links the age of the navigation of the Stars which the Ancients used to create a picture and create a mythology of the Universe…
For example the Ancient Greeks ( who were not the first to do this but whose culture has been made popular by Classical Western Culture, Just as the Erie NRI Yeshua Christ story ( E..N.Y.C…S..yes, even the codes link me to having to be dragged to New York City..for what should have been a Festival of Sharing but which instead was transformed into a War, Constest, Battle to discover the 1 Human consciousness who could explain Existence. Instead of it being an Exquisite play of “Nicholas”- meaning Victory of the people.
For this is what it really is, this is why the codes are in all the Facebook friends whose naturally Harmony moved them to become my Facebook friends of their own free will)

Thus by using 6-33-+x 69…
Sixth sense to Logic (33 code age of Christ..C being Light-Lightness-Consciousness, L=12 letter
1+2=3…A.B C)
6=F..A C.T…Awareness Consciousness Truth
as action in the field of life, not theorizing in the non existent realm of mind.

To 9= I..
To 6+9…15..Letter O.
6×9…54…*See Sacred Portal 54…/45…9.2O..

Thus linking 6th sense to Logic and Compassion
(Greek Roman Philosophy Mythology… PM.
And Consciousness of Light (Love) Christ L.C.
Link then to 3+3=6 this current age of Reason of Empirical Methodology… To the O..Perfect Sphere of the Full Circle, which allows the tunnel of Vision (Age of Aquarius..Vision.. A V) allows all to see the Harmony.

This is what I have found that I have been doing.
Using Energetic Expression Harmony to align the truth that A Harmonious Being used Expression Energetic Harmony to manifest through full circle to link Expression Truth (E.T) to Manifest Fact Harmony as 1
– Unseen Seen AHTom/Mot-H.A…
U.S A.M…
Manifest in 1A..
1 Awareness of all.

Time 1:3O pm
*Aligning my Harmony as we speak.

For example yesterday we arrived in the weave to
Through a play of Dina Singh and Clark Narayana
Which came to the equation G.A.S A…a Planet in the Universal awareness of Clark N of JOY…
I used my Universal perception to anchor it through my proving that code in my anchored embodied truth…
Embodied in human beings.
It led to Sagittarian Centaur…
And the my noting the appearance of A Red bottle of Cologne with two black horses racing on the plains..

Correlating to the meaning of your name
The reply as your arriving in perfect harmony after I completed that play as well as with Alexandra Martin…A.M.

1:39 pm.
1:4O pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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