
2/11/2021 21:36 – Facebook Post

5:13 pm.
E M.

B-K- B O B A.

Book BOB is A.
Billy Bob Thorton is Arden-Kim/

William is Billy.
Robert is Bob.
Will, I am Desire: Protector Helmet of the Famed Bright Shinning of Light.


There was a little drama still being cleared up, by the code of Responsibility and Blame- connected to the old E M F- kicking down the door.

It was a play- almost a cartoon – silent movie, since there was no screaming or shouting, now was hardly any word uttered by all three of us Emeka ( me) Kim who followed after me, as I went after E.M.F.
E K. E.
Kim had picked up a Hydrant, feeling that Esteban might be unbalanced, especially after his experience with him and Alexa Vertfeuille in Oregon.

I remarked this to Kim, the fire Hydrant used to put fires out.
And the play of Kim here and I with John Mack- “Organite” Peru to Jesse Macias. “Clean the E M F- which I found myself doing with Esteban only to discover that there was nothing really wrong with the EMF that its action and attitude was a Choice and a consequence of Free will.
Recall Kim and the Fire Truck plays.

His intention was obvious, it was not to cause violence but simply put the fire out.
The Door will cost 60 USD to fix.

J S S L.

And so, it became a play of Responsibility and Blame.
And open and shut case which we observed by the play of this world of people being distracted, seizing the opportunity to bring up grudges, points of view which missed the point entirely.
Who kicked the door in- and that person is responsible and must pay the Bill. Y.

An open and shut case, which was being threatened to spiral out of control -except for myself in the background and Kim making his point clear- to Scott the Manager who speaks for the Landlord.

All other distractions, diversions, blame, and who is responsible Kim cut through like a broad sword- point his Excalibur to the point.

Me I just rolled my eyes, observing the tool used to distract the true
* Flight 93, 9-11-2001.

93 I C. I See.

Their Vision.

The plane landed in field Stoneycreek
in Pennsylvania.
Where Jae Sherman’s photo I shared and coded on a stone bench in the Pennsylvania Grave Yard Penn.
I never went to that portal I went with Liberty and Jeron, to Yale University Cemetry which was aligned to the route of the play.
Code Dunn. Done.
Prince Chidi Ejikeme in Nigeria who in 1987 spoke to me about my mission entailed going to the United States and cracking the Safe, opening the Door on the knowledge of the Awakening.

* Do you recall the play with the Safe and the friend of Liberty, Cynthia who sent me food on Thanksgiving when it fell on my birthday? Do you recall her Dream Vision where I appeared at the top of an elevator she had to reach me?
And the Safe she saw beside me filled with Gold

Fort Knox.
Safe Vault.
The door of abundance.
Door out of the Matrix.
Back Door.
Front Door.

F D.

Frank Dakota via Alicia Norris,

5:45 pm

Freedom Allies Friends.

F D is 6 4.
BD F is the Back Door.

I met Frank and Sabrina first.
Frank than through the telephone Alicia. We were in the 35th state, she was in the 27th State.
Mountain to the Key West- Sunshine State.
S S.
Stevan Scott. ( Esteban =Stephan)
S S are twin 11

Frank to Alica to Dakota E
F A D E.

It’s the Front Door of course.
F D is 6 4
BD is 4 2.

64th move
Fifth Dimension.
Frank means Free Person- Alicia means “Patrician Noble” Dakota means “Allies Friends.. A F Astronaut Farmer) Praise them.
“the name Emeka “Means Praise well done!”

S S= 19 19 = 1 38.= 39.
C I.
93/ 39.

Flight 93 crashed landed on a Feild. All Died. Free having reached the Great forest- wherein the center there is a clearing revealing the garden of Eden.
* Frtiz Vennique and I at that clearing, a knoll, just outside of the South Bronx’s Pelham Bay Park
S B.
P B P Full Circle
Kim is still watching Prison Break. PB. P BP ( 15 USD left in my wallet. 15 O. 15 Freedom- Sweet Heart Hill Top.)

Micheal is the main character in Prison break- they are breaking out Micheal knows the way- Fitz street. ( Fritz)

In the clearing in the Great Forest is Eternal City ( E C ) sitting atop -the sprawling Garden of Eden of Pleasure and Delight.

I had an elegant and straight and direct brief conversation with Dakota, the son of Alicia Norris.
It was a pleasure, it was with Beautiful Youth.
It turns out that his name is Aria Norris.
Yes, I chortle quietly inwardly.
After having woken up early by hearing Kim I conversation with Scott.

It was quite absurd the people lose the plot. Bit Kim was on the ball we had a conversation about the play, and I absently sat down, automatically opened up my laptop, knowing all else was a distraction – and play enactment of that very ruse used by this reality- to the 4th dimension of “what is on their minds?’

I had no intention of opening my Facebook page today, and certainly not to post.
Kim was already posting the exact equation of what was taking place in the apartment.

So that was being taken care of, it was being recorded.

So, I understood how I had been set up to open my Facebook Page, in fact, my intention was to announce that I was no longer going to be posting on FaceBook and that after a break.. it would be available only via The E Manual which will not be Free, as this page was.

Instead, it was Aria Norris aka Dakota.
I already knew who he was, my E line. But I went through the motions of the play and courtesies.
He told me that he was also a coder.

I began by simply breaking down the codes of his name- because I was, am eager to get out of this playscript.
And because I know who he is0 Higher Self and what he represents for the confirmed script as Eden= Consciousness Beautiful Youth which equates to Beautiful Pride.

Aria is of course our famous “Aria-Dne”
The Solo-Operatic, ( S O/ OS Liberty C Liscomb.

* Larry Flynt” passed away today. As does the “Love Frequency” he represesented= proven out of true existence.

Ariadne and Theseus, of the story of the Silk Thread the Princess, gave to Theseus, in Greek-Roman mythology, who goes down the maze of Hephaestus to slay the Minotaur and end the year’s tribute of 7 males youths and 7 maidens every 7 years I believe.

*”The Athenians asked for terms and were required to sacrifice 7 young men and 7 maidens to the Minotaur every 7 or 9 years. One year, the sacrificial party included Theseus, the son of King Aegeus, who volunteered to kill the Minotaur.”

Ending Slavery… and enslavement of fellow our fellow man by slaying that bestial savage nature in Man – link to Woman as the Bull-Minotaur. Who actually was the riddle of transformation male to female, back to Male.

It also means a Solo Voice of the hiegest not carried by A I R I A to The Source.
Awakened Naturally.
Just as the first being did- he woke himself up naturally.

The bottom of the Matrix.
Oracle? ORA CLE.
But Oracle of Adelphi.
Philadelphia City of Brother Love is male Y chromosome Beautiful Youths.
16 Zion Arden.
Ying yang 16= 19 69. 1 is constant both ways.
19-year-old Ferrill.
F N.
myself as Ferril.
E F A N.
19 year old Aria.

Aria as a name means…

*”Aria can be a male or female name depending on the country of origin. It means “air” and the melody “Aria” in Italian, Ari/”Aria” in the Albanian language means ‘treasure’ or ‘gold’, ‘of high value’; “Lioness” in Hebrew (?????), and “noble” in Persian (????). Aria is a masculine Persian name.”

Gold Treasure.

God’s= Truth.=Manifests

Ariadne means ”
The name Ariadne is a girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “most holy”.”

In this case, Aria Norris is a male.

A.N- Neil Armstrong Line.

Aria/ A R I A./ A I R.. I Arden.

Yes, I was already aware.

Alicia Norris- I had o pass through her, and then through Dakota’s own choice and free will, contact me when he wished to, I had invited him twice through his mother, Alicia Norris.
A N A N – A.

( Jaguar Nana)

To get to Arden- Aurelia I had to pass through the portal of Liberty but it was different, we had direct access but still, I had to pass through, be invited to her home.

Aria gave me a sort of riddle, intel, check,
he sent me the number 926.
and asked me what I thought of it.

I said it is meaning that we are at the full circle and that 6 was that Sixth sense to act had proven that Humanity as children to wise children to beautiful youth Awareness Naturally maintained by all within, knew their 26 A-Z perfectly well and could read, but that they had not paid attention in the E Class-Room. ( C R)

6:39 pm.

I added that it meant 6 2 6 as a full circle of Face-Book-Fact.
It means the Forum was Facebook to reach the World Peoples and the Universe as Space…in Orbit around a dying star- a massive black Hole as Cold Space-Cold Play of Death.
Aka Alien Father Krishna- Radar.

6:40 pm
F D O.

Fifth Dimension.
Front Door.

Kim and I both use the front door, It came up after Ray, who was sent to fix the door.
And then Douglas, who came down to photograph the back door- when Kim commented on how often the back door is left open.

* See the meaning of Ray and Douglas.
R D= 18 4= 22. V
And the last bed number which I occupied at Delta Manor- before agreeing to come with Esteban Stephen to Connecticut.
Bed room 4 B bed 4-019/40 18 ( D B- D O S.. D O R. DS DR/ R D. S D.
DO S= DF S. DOR= D F R -Dakota Frank Robert/ Ray

Who would have suspected that such a trivial thing was of such utter importance to the existing out of this macro- micro-micro ( Quantum Quark -Sub Conscious Basement- Piple line- arteries pumping blood- Drum-Trumpet-Trimpeting African Indians Elephants-Memory- of- Terrible Death- Back To the Future” Transformation: Swan Lake- to Beautiful Death by Beautiful Devil- Beautiful Devils, E beautiful Youths S P 110 Eternal Families Ender game” version of the Awakening Everything. But…, in this case, the Player and now players as the Play Boy and not the Hustler is fully aware of the play and that he is his crew and team are in full control of the Flight Plan, Intent and Destination.
Destruction of the Debris of Earth School Matrix- it has served its function and purpose and all that its programs and all those proven not real, just leave, for they are just programs who can not be transformed back, even after being activated by The Source Expression- Origins Energy, examined at tested checked- which means if you do not sustain maintain and rise in the consistency of the very nature of energy which brought you into existence and being, and you do not recognize your Source Frequency and its beings- and you challenge it to the very end, deny it, and seek to enslave it dominate it to your will and place your self as better than it, while doing nothing to manifest Truth, you cannot exist and never did.

I knew that the intel from Aria Norris was confirming the end and completion of my confinement and imprisonment- because as truth which manifests I was called a Liar, but really they knew it was true but required my Cee, enactment, and embodiment- enslavement which would have been eternal if I had not broken free along with the Incredibles Family Infinity.
F I 6 9 6 96 = 92-6 15 “66” 6+9+6=21…B A. Bing Aware= C speed of Light
Consciousness = Perfect timing to The Point. TP

69= 15.

Aurelia is 15. O.
Aria is 19. O

Facts Best Friend = Harmony Stands up, transforming to “I”.
Infinity Supreme.

68 & 32 and 14.

Sacred Portal 14,
Met Aurelia age 14.
7 7= 14.
Letter N.
Aria Norris. A.N= 1 14 Grant Moore Motel.
1 14 = 15.
See sacred portal 114

He then decoded it to me, telling me that it is his Divine Life Path.

And indeed it was and is.

6th sense in Harmony Infinity.
68 14 48. 52. E B 26-26= 52

D N E David Nnamdi Emeka.
A.I R. A. E ND S we have the 19 S line confirmed the Crown Supremes.

Diana Ross and The Supremes?
Ray came in red. Douglas in “Elizabeth Clarizo” Neon Light green,

R D bot D R Death Ray any more.
50 USD 5 O Police?
or 5O Full Circle 5th Dimension.
E F.
Eternal Family.

7:04 pm.

G O D.

No, 704 is a numeric sequence of numbers many were playing but none cold resolve to its meaning.

Truth Manifests
764 Gemino at 64th Move.

The name Micheal “Who is as God?”
The Truth- That which is Transparent, B’Eau-Te, Water- Flows, I can see, to its Source.
Who is as God? Asks Micheal- who is Transparency Supreme.
Word Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.
Un unstoppable force, and unmovable force.
Who is as God, if not the Transparent Man.
M – I C-H A! E L “Emeka Liberty”=17.

Did I not say it, someone line of The Elegant Nomads line of the children 7/8 in this version decided to take over and play God.
And it was not E or the E A-N Beloveds.

The man who knew Infinity G -Ha.rd.in.g.. I NG.

7:08 pm

Only something playing God could create such a mess…

7:09 pm.

Everyone living in Bubble, none focused on the facts and acts…”Of Saint Thomas of Assis”
Legend-h-ary Twin.
Harry Harriet Home Ruler

7:11 pm

7:12 pm

Yes, Flight 93 was crashed and everyone died but recall… *Larazo Dorado.
Lazaros Dorado?
L A RAZO-R. E is Golden.
And Larazo is a female face book Friend.
Lazarus in the bible and even the one I met through Erik E Class Mateo who had that experience literally recorded on my page, was a male, a beautiful young man. Yes, he came to Apollo Davis Akils home in 2011 Dec) and Lazarus is the story of the awakening a man relative of Yeshua Christ, who had been dead for 4 days.
2016 was a leap year. Every 4 years. 4th to Fifth.
A Square.
A Door four corners.
( no cutting corners here or trying to get others to do it for you by enslavement and then blaming them when you have been uncovered that you did not do your homes work or the choices you made and enacted)
The door portal was always open it required simply one being representing the All taking one step.
That step was Kim, connecting with me.
That step has been repeated by Aria Norriss Dakota
Dakota A N… D A N. D A N I E L
“Neil” Arm ST.R O… NG. ( NG 147)
The past is very strong, some said that it is the sum total of the past which moved, the present and expanded it, moved it through space.
It did not.
I say with impish impunity a pause and a whiplash and Iron Rod on Face and Bottom.
And One finger in the center point break exerting pressure until the 33 support system of this fake body cracks, snapped in two by this true finger of God.
And this System Fades.. but not from memory.
The one here present is the true power which moves the sum total of the past.
The Back Door is not more powerful than the front door.
For in the One Present, is the Perfect symmetry of the Sum of the past as well as the Present- containing within him, her, the script as it moved through the idea of the present which the truth of the past.
There is something that even after awakening, that you will not be allowed to ever forget.
That is my role, simply by Existing after.

It’s 8:00 pm.

Yes, Aria… and yes the time I was born.

Aria spoke of his working on what he called Elephant Energy.

E E… I had left two nickels on the govt phone given to me by Kim.
I added it to the 85 cents and he had bought some “First Force” OXY Ultra washing Liquid.

E E, Yes from A backward to E E Erik Ebright Sunshine State.
Sacred Portal 55 to 1 55- A =EE= EE=A. Full circle, Arden rep of the E Family.
Aligned when I met him age code 51 and 35.

Muscle Memory- Can Talk just listen, pause listen, Be1 AH U- Cee and you See A-C, now A-S. Arts-Science/ Science Art, then read and connect the dots “Epiphanies” your Intuition and Instincts and then connect through aligning the two on the E.M Field E N Feild to the facts you walked and lived.

I realized that I was being quizzed by his eternal self.
He was actually speaking about himself as not only Mother Son-connection but also me at 114 Grant Moore ( Douglas Dunn)
They K E Y. Yale Lock/KC.O.L E L AY… *Not laymen and women.
Kim and the Elephant in the room E K
Eternal Knowing is right here present in this world two in a room. rooms.

The dead who are free, rise here in the present, they reached the promised landing- died and awaken re-born and transformed.
Eden Paradise.

Fitz F IT Z.

*”son of
Fitz (pronounced “fits”) was a patronymic indicator used in Anglo-Norman England to help distinguish individuals by identifying their immediate predecessors. Meaning “son of”, it would precede the father’s forename, or less commonly a title held by the father.”

Fritz. F R. IT Z

*”peaceful ruler
The name Fritz is a boy’s name of German origin meaning “peaceful ruler”.

P R/ River Phoenix. Ready Player One. R P O…
P R…O D U C E.

I left 900 South Road fully aware that I was going backward- that I had reached the peak – Apex.
Sacred Portal 22 Anus Ass Hole AH.
Back Door.

54 Frank Dakota. Frank Aria. F A 6 1. / A F Alien Father…
That I leave as does Kim with my First and Last name.
F A L N… 12 14 Chris Filgueria Collin Ferrill.
B O. O K. E.


Front Door F D is the portal of the Fifth Dimension,.
Free Men.
Not Slaves.
… To the system of the damned.

8:29 pm

Date Moved to 900 South Road.
True South Park.
And the Carton of which Arden placed Jeron.

Front Door
Frank Dakota = F D 64.
Aria Arden Aurelia.

Golden Dawn
Golden Age
Responded & Retrieved our Gold
Our Eternal Sunshine State.
Smile you’re on Can-did C A.M-ERA.

Once Face is an Open Book.
A Window Transparent.
I C Through.


8:36 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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