
2/11/2016 22:17 – Facebook Post

This was not the image I initially wished to reflect the synchronicity of Donna O’Sullivan share with one I had manifested 3 years ago..

But I could not find it and this one kept coming up instead… then I read the Title I had framed it over three years ago, and decided, yep, this is the correct one..

“Final Acknowledgment of the E, by the Sacred Dove”

Which equates to Ritz Montes-Marina BuriniDina Singh- Donna Sullivan…R M.D.D.B.S.S O..B.8.O.P.E..Planet Earth -H.O.P.E…Physical Expression=Transformation…Feminine Principle in Masculine aspect of Man…

Meaning acknowledgment of the E line, and myself is finally acknowledged as real and true, earning my Freedom from this Life and this Enslaving Play…

Of no one believing it could be done, through Expression using both Silence and Sound.. E.S,P..Sixth Sense.. 9:17 p.m…I.Q..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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