
2/11/2016 14:18 – Facebook Post

From Jonn Blackwell

Happy Feet…

The Journey is to find what makes you Happy by finding out what makes others Happy..
And when you find the Answer…
then to me that mission is complete.

But to be Happy, you realize,
you must solve the riddle of how to bring Happiness in the World…
Which is why the “True Journey” to find Happiness,
is linked to understanding what makes people Happy…
Truly Happy..
And the common theme is what links your happiness and others happiness as one…

And that is why we start at Laughter, represented in my own Creation Story, with Unity Boom Boom! Laughter, the 9th and 7th Aspect of the Family of 10 (1O) and 8…

And through that Laughter which unites all, can we see what makes people laugh…

And at the end, of that adventure, we realize that the journey to Happiness, is not really laughter, which unites like a wave, a tide, a Tsunami..

But that the riddle is making people smile…
Its makes the Sun Shine in and causing a quiet elegant R.I.S.E…
A Smile, I found- making people smile, deeply quietly,
sharing an open-secret smile… that smile of All Knowing..
Without even uttering a word..
This I found is greater that the force of Unity…7
It is Harmony 8 to Infinity…

Happiness begins with a Smile…
And the Happiness increases, until it can not be contained
and with Happiness Filling you to the Brim..
People burst into Laughter…
Unity Boom, and Harmony -Smile..
suffuses all Being within.
And creates the Lightness of feeling that you can accomplish anything…

Laughter is what I call created Evanescent Light..
The Big Bang.. Was really an Explosion of Laughter
I.Cee You…

Laughter here can come from cruelty, mockery,
..though I do not call that really laughter.. Real Laughter is Loud Carefree and infectious..

Nor can a Smile really be cruel,
A Smile is like Sun Shine
It parts the Clouds and the Blues…
And it is a deep understanding,
12:58 p,m.

…Oh what really makes the World go round…

“What the world needs now, is Love Sweet Love,
no, not just for some, but for everyone…”

Burke Bacarat… Now that is what makes me Smile…

And so that is what I personally discovered as a child,
“no not just for some but for everyone”

And what does really makes the world smile…?
Beauty, memories of experiences of Harmony, when everything made sense, where everything came together perfectly…
When there there was no fear of things going wrong…
Most people I spoke to, recall these moments most as having existed in moments and periods during their child hood…

When they knew.. they just knew…
everything is going to be alright…

So, yes, the true foundation and symbol of Happiness is the smile, that radiant quiet expression which transforms the face and lifts peoples spirits in a blink of an eye out of their moods, our spells…
A Smile like the radiance of the Sun…
It brings light…

Happy Feet….
Yep that was and is the Foundation of Existence..
And its signature is the Radiant Smile…

Which makes you RISE…
from the Slave Ship, chained to the oar like a Galley Slave bound for the Fires of Hell because of ones being of anger and rage because you forgot that to Smile (S -Miles David… Smile of the beloved”
transforms you, in an instant to remember that this is what life is all about…
That lightness of sharing a quiet Smile…

And from Galley Slave ship, shackled and chain to the oar,
you rise to Cloud 9,
and C.I…the S-Mile Da-V-IS…
Smiling Welcome Home…

1:13 p.m


People what to feel that Warmth and that Light..
Harmony…and Unity..
Smile and Laughter…

This is how I have morphed physical matter, represented as people..
I Smile in recognition of the One I Cee within…
they rise, and suddenly the persons transforms…

And the Bond, the true bond of Infinity Eternity…
is that they smile back in return..
Quiet Joy…

1:18 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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