
2/11/2016 0:00 – Facebook Post

9;51 p.m..

1O-2-9.. J..A.O..B..I.. (Aligned to the extraordinary symmetry with Ariane Oates and her texts and at a glance reading deciphering and expanding through her own experiences and life the codes…
Exemplifying what was meant to have been this play…

B is Being Aligned to Bee as Donna O’Sullivan Andrese Harris Burton “A.H.B!”
Brooke Elizabeth Banwer. Brooke Elizabeth Erler,
Peace Bee…
and 5th Dimension and 4th Dimensions- Mirror, one Original and the other the reflection of E+D= 5+4=9…I..
Pluto Hades….

2-1O-9….B.A..O.I……21 U..O.I.. BA is the Bird… O.I is the First Sacred Portal O.I..Ann-Drew..
Rep Drew Reyn…

B.J.I…Being of J A-O is I… Being “Ji”- meaning “Holds” and “Yam” in OInri Igbo….

Blue Jay I..E…

See the books by Cornelius Funke…
Ink Heart,.i.H
Ink Spell..I.S..
Ink Death..I.D

C.F and the play which were publicly deciphered, played out and faithfully recorded on Face Book about 18 months ago at 268…

I have a new Face Book Friend Susanta Nayak….
My 5OOth.. And the response who came to Jonn Blackwell being moved write 5OO on the comment of the Ship, linked to the code of the Bacaroc Glass which I have been using to drink- which has the code 5OO written on its Base…
Burke Baccarat…

Susan Otelia Nelson..S.O.N.
Susann Pitts… S,P…Sacred Portal…
Susan-Ta Nayak…

Susan we know means Graceful Lily Water Lily (Lotus) or Rose in Persian…And in Egyptian it means Lotus
Origin of the name Susan:

English form of Susannah, which is from the Hebrew Soshana, a derivative of sh?shann?h (a lily, a rose).

Donna O’Sullivan already moved by her Sixth Sense and Supreme activated Awareness, already posted a blue Rose..

Which represents the Code of Spirit E in the story of the Family of TEN, and the Source under cover of the E line…


Yesterday I wrote about the Beautiful view from the Deck of 18 Mountain View..
Spring and Snow…
And then I proved the equation of Quiet..

I was also delayed at 4 99 face book friend after resting 3-4 times on 97 Face Book Friends…
Light of the Words and the End.. Victoriously outing the contempt factor from the Human Race.. Light Victorious…
I then mentioned how I commented on Jonn Blackwell 5OO comment knowing the play Ends at 5OO..But I did not have enough evidence and facts so I erased my comment..
And sure enough I only saw two people added to the play, which brought a pause at 499.. Which turned out that I had to complete that play with the Galley Ship play and my father self returning the favor to the enslavers by going back on a ship of Vengeance to lead them into the center of the H-Earth to live in the Hell they created for others, without remorse even after a course of miracles to rescue them from what had created…

One Gate two portals.. one to the End…and one to ARIA-D.N,E…Transformation…
All depending on which one each Individual made aware of the play chose to enact out while being shown that and given solid evidence that they are being moved and who took the time to acknowledge the message and the intel their Espirit within each person was seeking to bring to their awareness..

And since I had done that same purpose, at age 23 alone in front of a mirror of Cleaning and Purifying my contemplations of my life up until that point so I could go into the future present sparkling clean not carrying any extra baggage…

Only to find after all that self cleaning carrying a whole world alone on my back- to prove the Existence of the E when this was already known and really did not need me to explain…
Which is why my Double or my reflection who played my Father as Dark Matter…Night.. in feminine expression
Finally conceded that he was wrong to send me back to help the World, by sharing this knowledge because it made them take me and Him Her for granted, and not only did it give rise to Jealousy and then Evil…But that this was my responsibility to carry this burden alone.. Instead of it being shared equally..
But instead I was forced to bear the responsibility alone,, in agonies which I daily surmounted, while every one gave me burdens of not only solving their riddles but making me explain my =self over and over again, while I proved to father and mother, that they already know..
Because I.E, planted a seed of E, the All knowing E.H.F.. E.Harmony Factor X.Y.Z..

And so for 23 years I was forced into the most impossible battle because Mother and Father, the One Father who played the role of I.E, could not believe Humanity capable of such selfishness and cruelty of on HE made so obvious was sent by He;She…

But that is because they were indulged and thus became spoilt rotten to the point that even now they will willingly enslave and work to the death, and add to the burden of those carrying unfair burdens not even their own.

I noticed that Susanta Nayak has 99 Face Book Friends…
Sacred portal 99…

Susanta means “Quiet’ in Hindi… Quiet Heart… Q.H…
And Peaceful..Tranquility…. Q..H.P.T…

And Nayak… Means in Sanskrit ‘The Guide’
as well as ‘Leader’

The Quiet Guide….

The Quiet Heart, Peace Full Ruler…
The Guide and the leader of the true way home…
Which I explained yesterday how to pass through a 2 by 2 D picture and go into it through the Q,,H.,And observe as it Transforms Being and the Picture a Painting…
In to the multidimensional Portal of Q.H..I,E… infinity Eternity Immortality restoration rejuvination..Resurrection…18 18 36 O.. 18 54… Sacred Portal 54..’Super Nova..’

Susanta Nayak..



The Beautiful Truth of the way Home..

Stephan! “‘Crowned with laurels of Victory S= 19 moves to R 18, Robert “Shinning Bright Famous Light” 17..Q.. Quint-eros…Quantum…transformation transfiguration, transit, through transmutation of Lead Death to Golden and then While Light…
Blue Rose to Pue Whilte Graceful Water Lily..
Blue E-Rose Krishnna.. Christ…
Yes Hues AH..Supreme…

16 is P..Planet Harmonies

P.S Susanta is one also the same person as Gutama Buddha…

Shubhi Gautama…. Lady…Long time face book friend Waiting to Exhale A,H…Shubhi be Do do doo!”

The Happy Buddha…H.B…
And is associated with the number 28…

1O:55 p.m.

A,O. EE…

And so we ca see at 5OO…
That obviously a Supreme Source is acknowledging me

4 7 11 28… as its Source…
A Hue-man Being..

1O;56 p.m

Right in front of the World for 47 months..

And hardly an iota of Acknowledgment or Respect…

Even after carrying the Heaviest burden of Solving the riddle of the Existence, publicly and forced against my will to this journey and sharing my Home Work with the World..

Which is why Father brother Mother Sisters stay behind to clean up their mess with Dragons Fire or the Orange and now the Blue Flame…
to respond to the insult to I.E…

11:OO p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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