
2/10/2018 22:37 – Facebook Post

Here we are…

This is what it really has all been about..
All this Expression.. all these posts all these riddles Equations
C=Speed of Light…

To catch up to the present as in the Past Present Future all aligned converged in one Line… One Moment .. one point..
Eternity.. Infinity…

The Quickening…
A Power … a Seeing able to Link weave with Awareness and Draw Everything to align to the C=Light…
And so even in the Depths of what is meant to represent Human Despair.. A Homeless Shelter for the Mentally impaired ( or those willing to endure such to get housing in New York City)
And from Here this last venue ( and Star Bucks) in the Bronx was I sent led to move and align everything to the C…
The Speed of Light… 12 3… 1 2 ( 1O ) 3…C…

Undercover as a Human in the most Obscene play and meanness of Spirit of a Species I have come to truly despise- all except those who retained Naturalness and Hearts of Passion and Compassions… Imagination..

How I have longed and yearned for the Extinction and Annihilation of this species so so cruel, so hypocritical, so cunning and deceitful in their refusal to take responsibility…

Who refuse to apologize or make amends…
In the movie Hacksaw Ridge… HR… Human Race… a man comes to our hero and apologizes so beautifully for how he saw and treated the hero of the story who saved 75 men…

Shall I show you sacred portal 75…?
Hindsight Foresight…
7 Continents and 5 Seas…

The closest I have come to hear an apology which was sincere was from Fritz Venneiq and Kemi Sara…
and even then… only Kemi’s had grace … and it was done in private acknowledging how she did not see…

None has thought or reflected on the Harm. the Cruelty. the Hate done to me, my person my life my existence day in day out for an entire life time… and then publicly for 6 years… 8 years…
The Absolute cruelty… of your actions and expression…
Not one…!

My word, who the devil do you think you are…?
And all this punishment.. all this indifference.. all this malice spite.. watching me decode translate while my body twists and convulses because of the Frequency and thoughts and expressions you continue to infect the Air with even after all this…?

All so you could Awaken. all so you would not suffer, so you could rise to the True Beautiful Present and see the gift which has been waiting for you…

I have aligned everything, manually as a man, each day in a play so cruel so evil to demand such a thing, to prove to you, to accept a challenge, forced to “Lured into” with my eyes wide open to understand why such a hatred to simply bring you up to par, to raise your consciousness to fed you, to uplift you.. to end your existences filled with questions doubts hurts.. to feel safe secure so that you may hear the true music, be moved by it with your own awareness and understanding of it now that it has been explained…

And nothing… not even an apology but rather an expectancy to literally gain after giving nothing but misery grief and an expression of miserliness of spirit which truly makes most of you Victor Hugo’s contemptuous “Les Miserables”…

Oh to see this race extinct, annihilated and given for good measure a hearty and well deserved response to the Heartless Indifferent Hypocrites that most are.. is the one pleasure I have striven to…
That at the moment of the Alignment the Event Horizon manifest that all the Monsters are burnt exterminated sent of “Begone!” into that space where they will slowly fade.. paying for each expression which they convieintly forgot but none of which I forgot.. or forgave…

Until all that is left is the E…
It is to this end I strove even in the Hole of a Script which to my horror is truly reflects who most of you are…
2/3 will cease to exist… sent to the nether world.. Never Never Land…
While the Naturals shall Rise as the E… N E T… B..O…
Beautiful Ones…

I am the HEX… The One whose Curse has meaning and for the Unnaturals.. the ones who can take feed, from the Constant suffering of a man .. suffering you created intentionally so selfishly it strains belief…
But is a fact…
That is my Curse to the Unnaturals..to never die.. to never have that mercy… but to exist in non existent and in torment of mind body soul and every where you look see interact to have the response of a Hatred beyond belief.. and you will endure.. in that hell beyond imagination which will carry on after you think you have died and it will go on and on until you fade and you are no more…

This is my Curse Hex… I Nnamdi Emeka Kolo.. Eternal..
C H I N E K E…

Let only the Naturals rise and let them rise True and prove with Awareness from this moment that they are True…
Conscious Aware by their own choice and effort… if not let they begin to fade to…
For I am E.. Emeka..
And I am True…
And I move EVERYTHING To the Beautiful Truth or to the most terrible doom…How foolish to move a man as I to such wrath and anger.. How foolish…

9:36 p.m.

For such a will, will obviously reply… to such an Insult… of such an evil Race… of Non Existence…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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