
2/10/2018 21:09 – Facebook Post

Another Con as a Facebook Suggestion…

From Sethikus Boza…
He was a Facebook Friend and had left…which is why I had pressed accept with realizing it was a suggestion…

… another Con…

Like Renee… I already have Hampton Renee Rhonda… H.R R…
The correct one.. Hueman Race Radiance.. R R…Reborn…

This the Maze of Daedalus…?

Look at the Dow Jones… and its codes and tell me if you really think I am the one trapped in the maze of my mind..
Or is it you…?

And I am Jason the true Jason forced to play Jason the Argonaut ( Astronaut) to go down into the maze Ariadne, with the Silver thread to prove the Silver Lining and the thread of Memory … Linking from the Under World… the depth of supposed ignorance to Enlightenment Realization Re-Remembering Epiphany..

My coffee at Star bucks is 691… 6 91… 91 Is Ms Manners Portal to meet Ms Hell Fire…
9 1…I.A… Icon Apparel…
You think you can Con me… I C On… and I Con…

7:55 p.m…
I am Jason Williams
Jason Izen
Jason Reynolds
Jason Galindo… J.W… J.VV…J.I…J.R…J.G…
And I just was given a book from Rahiul D’Silva which I read years ago… he said he was looking for me to give it to me to read, and proceeded to finish it before me and handed it over to me…
It is from Rahul father given to his mother dated 6-16-90…. F P I O…
F P S I O…. Forest People” Certainly not….!
Future Present…S.I…O…/ O IS… Perfection Fact…

8:00 p.m

The Book Jonathan Living-Stone…
( Pierre David moi)…
A living Stone… Rock…
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull… J.L.S… 22 19…41…D.A… E

By Richard Bach…. R.B…

Pierre David P D… 16.. 4… 20..Letter T.
Dawn Piercy 4 16… 20… T… 20 20.. Vision.. 2O 2 O… B O B O… 22 OO V O O…( ADD 19.. and 18… TO 2 2… 4..+ 19… 23… 18.. 22… Bed 4-018.. last year it was bed 4-019…)


Rahman is now sitting besides me, meet him a long while ago but just asked his name- he is the one who spoke about the true work and exhaustion of the Work of using the Brain and Mind to link and connect data and information….

Amanda.. A MAN DA… Rahul Rahman… R R.. Red to Red…R R,… A Full Circle..
Doe to Doe.. D D… A Full Circle… Sound Color… Solfegio Sight… Wave Lengths.. 22 O O… V O O… E O O… E 15 15… E 6 6… E F F!…
E C…
5 3…
Infinite Harmony..
Standing Up.

8:09 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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