
2/10/2016 19:45 – Facebook Post

One to One..

One to One


Face to Face Time

Between the Violet Indigo and the Blue Dimension
7 6….5.

6: O6 p.m

6:23 p.m.



6:24 p.m.


6:25 p.m.



This Month…


F- Z..H…A.M..Dawn.

Code O.D.M…Full Circle Dark Matter -Q- Quantum Quintessential Change- Leap…Q=17…”Orchestral Maneuvers In the Dark” Q.M.I.N…Q=I minute 6OSecs – Full Circle Filled with Sixth Sense that there is an Awakening about to manifest in the World.. All orchestrated undercover in the dark- in the Black Well of Lady Eagle Eyes Vehicle- Black Mercedes Benz, Being.Manifest Body- containing the E Harmony Dream of the One Fathers Blue Print of Existence.. The Treasured Map, Home back to the Garden of ED-EN.

February is named after the Roman God “Februa” who is the God of Purification and Cleansing..Truth…PC..P.A.C.T…
Purifying And Cleansing , Your True Cee..
C.P..A..Accounts- Checks and Balances of your Lifes..

To me as Water and Ice…

February has 28 days, it is Unique.. 4 7..28..11 28…39…
It is the 2nd month J.F..1O6..16..7..G

6:39 p.m.


Fritz Venneiq.. Saw the Awakening on Nature while we camped just outside Pelham Bay Park…in 2O1O…2O..1O…
Sacred Portal 2O “Lady Echo’…S,P 1o “Dream of the One Father”
Echo “Fritz” Meaning ‘The Peaceful Ruler”- which is the Dream of the One Father, Harmony And Peace..H.A.P.P.Y.. to be Happy and for their be Happiness in the World…”

I do believe that it is a message to be, because quite frankly, I have had enough of the Evil and cruel play..

6:45 P.M

Yes, its is “Nnamdi”

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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