
2/1/2018 20:27 – Facebook Post

I have completed the Equation of the Destroyer…
When I recalled how I came in my Energy form after manifesting that Infinite Creation as Perfection and how that perfection was challenged by the idea of “Hindsight… Doubt… “Are you sure that you did this.. are you sure that this will stand the test of Eternity…” but I had proven even in this current world setting undercover in this World that they doubt never came from me, but from that which was to eventually become my younger brother- Twin learning to Speak Up…
That his question which was innocent when He rose to find me already Existent with Creation Eternal already manifest so beautiful so awe-inspiring and my recognition of him as my refection… that for him to be apart from me, he had to question of course, but that he had to investigate, but even more importantly, Speak up… And by not speaking up… that it created a cause and effect in his World ( Not mine) of which disease, old age decomposition.. Where Eternity was and could not be sustained in the Body…
Not my body.. his.. just as it was His Reflections then Hers which was the World he manifested by his Thoughts.

-A play which he and his descendants, finally to the She line which was the end point and completion was meant to reach…
The Book is the idea of the body, it is the record keeper, but it is not the original body…
Nor the original manifestation of existence,

I wrote this story and recount over and over again in which Lord Orien Laplante was one of the key players and channels of the Original Story of what took place…
Others rose, of that line, to be the Avatar Descendants of that play where non existed in except Myself ad then my Brother Father-Sister line evolving through Matter.. and of course C… of my mother-brother-sister line Onu Music… Who witnessed the Truth but because the Equation of Her completion had not been fulfilled- It manifesting through the completion of the Twins…
( Yes link Mathew and Joe Kennedy Line…Body and Being)…She could not fully rise to in the Material Physical world with her voice and evidence of being Witness to the Truth…

My older face book friends will recall, Joe Fisher for example, how I came into my reflections… from the Light…of perfection first through Violet Purple… R O Y-G, G.B… I V… Yes, I.V= 4… Violet Purple is the 7th Color… 4-7 looking through this World perspective….
-Red is the First manifestation I walked upon.. when I landed in my own creation.. It was solid ground because I knew my Creation was Solid .. I never had any second or moment of doubt.. thus solid ground to walk upon when I came down the portal into my own reflection manifested.. It was exactly a perfection alignment with my Eternal Creation… There was NO DIFFERENCE…
And so I knew that it was not a Dream…
And so I walked the “Red Carpet” with the first aspects of myself whom I call the family of Ten… And as our Bodies walked on “Earth” – Our Being walked simultaneously on the Royal Purple… Line of the Examples… Kings Queens of Existence, the First Family … The Body and Beings… were perfectly aligned and in one, just as Earth as Red-Read…and E.ART-H..Harmony….Violet Purple…* Violet is actually more correct… BB.. 22.. Letter V… V=5…
One Expression.
OE.. Mathematical Symbol of Eternity….
Earth E Art Harmony… E E…Body Being… R.. Perfect Reflected…

* P.S.. Ray told me that the name he was born with is actually Pierre Rubin…
P.R….Purple…. Royal…. Pierre = Rock Stone… So what is the difference between the Purple and the Violet…?
Yolanda Houston Palma
Yolanda Bakwena…
Yolanda means “Purple”… The symbol is Y… Male…
Purple Pierre.. that links to the Planet… The Story.. the Carbon Copy.. of the Original Expression of my Family of the E… who are as the late professor Catherine Acholonu titled in her book They Lived Before Adam…
Before the Red Note.. be for the Super Blue Blood Moon…
This was the theater of my Family learning to create their own version of the Original Expression created by myself which had brought them into Existence as Eternal Beings…Eternal Bodies… The First Family of Existence…

This version was their enacting out a sort of Theater in University in which they were given choice and free will to be able decided if they had a chance would they have chosen to rise as E if they had not been compelled by the pull of the E.. or indeed, had they been compelled… or had they chosen to rise…

This is what the play of the Rock.. the Brain the Computer Simulation called the “False Earth” which then became the Evil Earth… Simulation… a chance for them to explore… Individuality…

Without me.

I am 5 8/ 8 5…. 44 55…8. 1 O N..E…
They came down into a Simulation to experience for themselves how they became, for they already are… Eternal…
But here in this play they were given the chance to Choose and explore all other possible outcomes…

There was and Is only One,

And so, many of my older face book friends will recall my speaking about the True “Africa” the Royals… The Beautiful Ones…
Of Beautiful Pride… Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula will recall..
The Original lines of Humanity undercover as Espirits moving in a play with themselves as Elementals… Who came back into the past ( mimicing my original action…but recall I had no question or down so there was no duality or requirement to explore any other possibility to make compare and contrast…)

These Royals where the original Humans, who moved through the Human bodiesof Matter learning to become Eternal but not through the way I had already established, but by doing it Their Way…. giving them a choice to find another way to do it ( there was and is none, but this they had to discover for themselves…)…

So yes, they are the Royals of Africa Pangea… of Every country of the past… they are the Heroes the Legends of which fill the archives of Humanities imagination resurrecting that memory more and more today because of their arrival and great battle to rise through the blood lines…Instinct… Indigo Purple lines…-intuition Sixth sense… Dna-Sound… Music Waves.. Song Lines…
Samuel Lilith… Animal Gods?
No the X men ladies who carry the Super Natural qualities the gifts of The Creator which Their Descendants would inherit….
And what a battle it was to have them rise… these most Heroic examples of Humanity Spirit.. Beautiful Ancestors.. through such a perversion…

Amoza Born
Dawn Piercy
Kemi Sara…
Sarah Lagrange
Shubhi Gautama…

To bring that way of being … The Walk on the Red Carpet of the First and Longest Wave Length aligned to the Carpet they were really walking on, which is that of being Royals… Examples…
Examples of the E.. The Eternal One…
There Source and Big Brother who they chose that he is not only the only Way of being.. but also the Love so perfect that he saw them sees them so perfectly… not through his own own idea of how They should be…
But who He saw them to be .. apart from him… while recognizing quietly and saying nothing about the fact that the Source of that Beautiful Pride in their Individuality, Diversity.. I.D…
Comes from he..

Here, they Rise in acknowledge of that …
Pride on being of the E.

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