
2/1/2016 18:21 – Facebook Post

From Akil Davis..A.D.

“Angel Mask In the Snow’

Code ‘A.M..I.T…S…

Please see the meaning of the name Amit…

“Meaning: infinite or immeasurable or boundless, colleague, friend, praised and beloved”

Photo by Eric Allen… 51…Area 51…Energy Atom..S-N.O.W…

(John Snow Game Of Thrones, Edward Joseph Snowden- E.J.S..-Guardian-Eri means Guardian.. Snow Flake- Symbol of Infinity Individuality, Snow is Infinite, Harmony Infinity, Immeasurable…Boundless, A consciousness representing a Colleague, Friend, Praised Beloved… C.F..P.B…Circle Filled with Pride in Being)

Akil means in Egyptian -Arabic “Intelligent… Wise Thoughtful”
Davis means “Son of the Beloved’

Eric means ‘The Eternal Ruler”
Allen means ‘Harmony.. the Stone or Noble, Fair Beautiful Handsome”

A.M (Dawn -Snow) is the Grace,”John Joseph” to “Add’ the Intelligence of the Supremes Ones (=19=1O=J=A.O..), the wise and thoughtful ones, of infinity, the representatives of the Individuals, under cover in the Snow- Supreme N.O.W, the Colleagues, the friend and beloveds.
Rising in the Energetic Area 51, line of the 6th Sense of Harmony…Consciousness “Snow Flake”- The I.E, Examples called the Individuals and One with All S.NOW as well as Each and all being ‘BA”
Unique, Individuals Personalities…
The Noble Ones, the corner stone of all Expression and consciousness. The Fair Beautiful Harmony embodiments of Harmony..
The Line of Zorro- “Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn’-
R.O.Y..Yellow as the 3rd Wave Length Consciousness representing the 3rd planet from the Sun is actually Golden.. Hence, the Golden Masks..
The Sun is White so what is Gold represents…Gold is shinny, gold is of Earth…The Shinny Ones, the Extra Terrest-R..I.A..L..
Abundance and Wealth….

I simply wished to demonstrate the Consciousness of E Harmony, which from this post, one can read and interpret messages and intel, from the E Harmony moving through the Entire Species- but elevated by those who did the work of cleaning.

I wished to demonstrate the Consciousness and perception of Actuality Reality which I have lived with undercover all my life..

You say things represented in the actuality of your lifes or existences in this Holographic present..
And you can see why I call it a Holographic present because I can read and communicate with the Truest E line beings in you undercover in a play where they have to communicate through an Illusion of life and an Avatar not aware of what he or she really are saying or what I a really reading from their expression…

Which both Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan have been “Used’ in this “Unseen- but obviously Seen play, witnessed for 6 months before the entire world..
To ascertain to Humanity the Fact of the E line being real…
Where I hear them say simply things which align in All Dimension and when I link full circle thier meaning, Anchored in the Stone Foundation of Harmony, Fair and Beautiful which comes from linking the foundation of Harmony to pure Reason.. Pure Reason is devoid of emotion- it is White Light..
Meaning as Snow it is a consciousness of Lightness and Light, and so everything is seen from the Lightness of Heart… Like Zen and with feelings of Beauty Serenity, because emotions have been stilled like a River reaching its Source, a Pool pond and lake, then stilled to calmness,then to Stillness, to Reflections one can peer within the Lake to see your reflection…
Which then turn to Ice, for Stillness is Cold, like Death just before Transformation..
But first you must, through a process of Transmutation and transfiguration pool into the I.C.E…Individual Conscious Expression, full Circle until you have seen your life expressions linked to meaning until understanding of Expression aligned to Consciousness is complete (Learning to Express what is within you outside in a different language other than your secret language of Individual expression, that I we are all born with..The Voice and Voi-C.E within.. Who must bring forth Expression from within onto the 3D Consciousness of this world and then the Expression, like an Arrow From Sagittarius Centaur “Chiron” must reach its intended destination..
A person place or thing and manifest I..E + C= 5 +3=8…Harmony Infinity….
I=E.C.H.I….Full Circle..

And from that place of watching your life from outside the Pond Lake of your life’s reflection, transforming all experiences to Transfiguration, Transmutation to the Golden Worth…
The Warmth of your Transformed Cee to Harmony great a Heat with creates A Mist, a Dew which rises to the Heavens, Quantum Quintessential transformation of Darkness called mystery of simply unanswered questions answered through Harmony and Reason and Cee…L.A.O..T.’ZU.
“Now I know”
Light as a feather the illusion of gravity begins to loosen its Bind and Hold on you..
After all the one true religion is the a World View..
The Word Religion means ‘To Bind”- and what binds us is a experience of life and what we believe we know. But really is the Umbilical Chord- the Navel-Navy Ship, traveling along the Sevens Seas…Which pulls us to see within…And That is the Portal out…
Because now you have perceived that only now you know that your understanding of the Full Circle of your reflections, is that you are not from any World View or Religion of this World…

And that is when you no longer have to peer inside the pool of your refection…
Realization and Awe, cause you to Ascend, rising like mist and the Dew, as with the Fire you transform what you see now was a world view to the realization that you are from beyond..

And so you rises and rise with through the Air and the Wind Expression – the Two last guardians of the Line of the Ethereal Elementals…You let your being pass through, because you are now as light as a feather..
Until your understanding aligns to Cloud 9..
Mount Olympus in Greek Roman Mythology and from that place now you see the expanded view..
The Full Circle of those original pool of reflections, now Expanded to a Beautiful View.. all the way to the Heavens and then to Harmony Infinity and finally to the Source of Expression beyond manifest Creation… To the Realm of the E…
And then, Ah then you realize all is E…And that you are literally free of the cycle of life and death- because you have aligned from here in this world play, the beautiful truth of the full circle, links from within to deep to above -Crown Chakra and then to the Express Way to Infinity.. Where at the end you will find the Original you as the E…
Now become an I.E…
And so you return from cloud nine as an expression of Hades Pluto.. H.P transformed to Harmony Peace..Happiness..
And so full formed 9 turns to I… 5th Dimension turns to E Plane. Embodied now in your Being.. Crystallization then occurs and you begin to materialize in form as Snow Flake… And From Cloud 9 To C.I..and to I.C full circle
I O I..II I..You gracefully descent from the Energetic Cloud 9 and Universe Galaxy I.C 11 O1/1O 11 C.I…to Land on the C, third Planet from the Sun, the Individual -ie Snow Flake..on Earth.. Having Understood Hades Pluto 9..Expansion…
Joseph “Add’ 33=6…
9 6 3…I.F.C..
I Fact Complete…Expansion Add..Individual Expression..
9+6+3= 18…
I.F.C =I

And so the Beautiful Truth of the Original E.T you rises from the Past to the Future all while sitting in the present, until the Transmutation Transfiguration Transformation is complete…
TTT.. And that is How Humanity Energetically Spiritually Physically Transform… E.S.P.T…

E is the Supreme Point..

Intel code Akil Davis… Intelligence from the Beloved…

Photo Eric Allen.. Eternal Ruler, Harmony Stable noble Fair Beautiful Handsome…E.A..Code 51..19 64…Jonn Blackwell Ariane Oates I.E
5:17 p,m

E.Q…Equation Quint-essential Truth… Quantum Mechanics of Change in the E.T Lexicon of Consciousness not of the World yet its foundation at the the same time…

All this and more I can read- all from people unaware, being moved from beyond in a play of Evolution…


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