
2/1/2016 16:04 – Facebook Post

From Joe Fisher

Solar Plexus….S.P…Sacred Portal..

3rd Charkra… 3 planet from the Sun…
Earth Ground…Rhea…

Naval Chord… N.C.. Natural Consciousness..
Natures Cee..

Wolves, Elephant… ( Moon Memory)

Inverse… Head Stand… 69.. Realign the View..
Sight…Like and Hour Glass…

Great Intel…
Lord Joe Fisher

Please Notice what it reads in the Dark Green ( D.G) sign in the background…

Code number 8 64..

Reference to play with Ariane Oates… and Jonn Blackwell today
code 64…Sixth sense the 4th Dimension “Energy Air Water, Expression”
E..A.W.E… Code 26, A-Z. Crown Chakra, Awakening on track and aligned for landing…
Played out through texts from Ariane Oates affirming “Milky Circle”- Silver thread- “Milky Way”- Full Circles- Code Legend Aria-D.n.e,Thesus..
Pluto Hades… The Underworld… Aria-N.E…(N=14 letter, 1+4=5..E Evolution through Nature- D the 4th Dimension)

The 9th month in the Womb of Universal Mother Father…. The Holograph.
-Portal of descent of the Hues- affirmed from Araine- Crown Chakra- Aurora Borealis A.B..12..AB.B.A ( 12-21)..33 6…O
Sixth Sense-Nine…S.N..I.E…S.I.N.E…
Renee.. Rebirth…
Of the Individual…
Through Equation “Stand on your Head”
6th sense transformed from a symbol “Number” to a Fact…F through Emotion Reason linked E.R ( Earth) to Link with Empirical Empathic conscious experience, to link U, Universal Understanding creates a Conduit and pathway-of lines of Expressions, charged to become Energy and lines charged with communication- Sixth sense of the imminent event…
Creating E.R.+U..R.U.E….Rue “Street” – investigated to prove T.RU.E..
Simply E.S.P aligning S.P ( Solar Plexus-Order=Harmony) to E.. Expression to form that Line which becomes the “Arrow of God” reaching its intended destination..
The Point Awaken and Rise…
By understanding through Sixth sense the 9 months in the womb, 9 O’S
1 Billion…Time Span…the meaning of Infinity is an Individual..
Who in a Simulation “Womb” Holo Deck, have proved themselves to be True by proving their Truest Nature is their most beautiful Nature and there fore, they can be born as A fact…

Before you can come home you must “Die” Transform from a role into your truth…
Fact I.. Exist…
Only you can prove this True…

T=2O, R=18, U=21, E =5…

Code affirmed Today by Ariane O…and J.B…and I.E…





Ede in OINri Igbo means “Coco Yam” C.Y/ Y.C..Yeshua Christ..
See the sign in the Dark Green background” at the end it says J.C.

Coco Yam is the symbol of First Woman…
May Oc-o C… May Fifth Month..

First Man.. F.M….6 13..19..S…1O…A-O.1. Ariane Oates…
First Woman.. F.W..6 23..29..B.I…( A.O.J…B.I..E).. J.B..Jonn Blackwell..I.E would be me at 4 95 Face Book Friends code represented in 495 Face Book Friend Jai Italiaander “Victorious”
2+9= 11..1

First Man …F.M…Code Fey Mirach, Mânâ Protanthropos…1
First Woman…1


Andromeda Milky Way..
Man Woman Same thing…
Same Source ..I.E…


Individual Expression..


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