
1:OO P.M

1:OO P.M

The E Family


The E.True (E.T) Story.

The E Consciousness True Story….

Of E.C.T.

Ectera H.

The King and I.

Who are the E…

Jonn Blackwell told me that Aryana Luna Leone had asked him, even making enquiries to others..

Have you heard of the E Line?

Nope they responded.

The E Line is a new story..

A True Story of a Family of 5-5..2-5..

Of the Original Family of Expression.

1:21 P.M. see Sacred Portal 121.

Thier physical Representation in the modern world in this realm it would be the age of Energy.


The True Expression Nuclear…Family.


1O.. T.E.N.

The Elegant Nomads.


Proton Electron Neutron…


Elegant Nomads…

What are the Elegant Nomads?


Life’s Expression.

Are they Particle and Waves…?

Or are the Expression of Hueman Beings who literally embody that Principle…

Ah BE CE….D.E…E..

Ah Be C.E ..De (The or O.F in French) the E.

But they are really Expression Evolution Energy…Existence Emeke!…Praise

1:23 pm see Sacred Portal.


Aligning to the Original E who is the 3 E in O.N.E.

Today is my sisters Birthday…

Nnonyelum Ijeamaca Okolo..

Meaning, Stay close by to me beautiful movement; Expression Evolution Energy Exquisite E… The Prince.

Okolo means Prince

The Prince of Existence

July 28..2O15…

7-28-(2O+15- T.O-35…C.E..8…Harmony)

G.B.H.H… Code Green Blue H.H. (Represented by Hunter Hatheway in the Facebook Play)…



Colors Spectrum

Red to Blue…R (O).B.


Do to So!…D.(O) S.

Letters A-E…

Energy Points on the Body

1-5 Creation Expression..



B is Being, I is Individual Infinity.


V is 5=E Expression, which is 5th Color Blue


V is 5 (as is Blue B) as well as 7


OI is Balance…

Voi is the Way.

The V is the Voice Expression created the Victorious Balance of the Voi the Way to

C.E…is Harmony.

Today is my Sister Birthday…

As well as G.Gordon…

But it is here at Mountain View,

and not in Virginia where she currently lives or in Washington D.C where she used to live, that the V and the Double VV…Of the Proven Equation of EEE…ROYGBIV… Is completed.

One is a physical journey of My Sister and I which ended in 1988-9 when we were both in our early twenties where we parted ways, she on a journey through the Physical Material Realm (P.M.R) and mine, the March into the Spirit realm, and the realm of Thought Mind as the lie of Being…

Being is not the Mind..

The Mind exists in Being..

And Being is ROYGB..

The 5th and 1st Portal..

Called Expression…

Expression I.S the meaning of Awareness.

She moved and I Danced and Wondered where I the Elegant Nomads was gravitating to…

I was moving towards the Magnetic Pull of A.H..(M.P).

26 latter


1.46 P.M

The Electro Magnetic Force, the Gravitational Pull of my H at E Way, I became the Hunter..


The Hawk Eyed One

And Column-Bi-A..

The Dove….

And the Ionic Dorain Column (I.D..C)

Of Creation Creator Recreating Consciousness C.

I knew where I was going as I stated and proved for 26 years and Publicly, Transparently (P.T), to the E Line.

To a Family, a Consciousness… A Memory which as I walked forwards in Life became no longer a simple Memory, recollections of another way of Being and Existing in a realm I remembered before I was born as a Human Being, but a Truth, A Fact, made solid and real by Constant affirmations.

But where were they?

I could hear them, feel them, percieved them until even by Body and Being rose with the Truth of them… Even to my Voice, Ma Voi, My Voi C.E-Cause/Effect, to my Consciousness Expression…

V…My Way of seeing Harmony through understanding in this physical World the Science and Art of Cause and Effect.



Everywhere that Truth was arrested as Fact.

I walked on a pathway which took far too long, a spiral, ripples of Cause Effect of people not understanding that First Drop which caused the Ripple Effect (R.E), which moves everything to the point from the point, all the while retaining the point of The Elegant Nomads…

Explorers Discoverers E.D…Expressing Disclosing..

The D.E E.D.S done in Light and in the Dark, the Spot Light to be Seen and the Darkness as a shroud.. A cover to Hide.

I walked and walked for all these years…

Being pulled and listening recording, verifying and analyzing…

Until my word! I exclaimed to myself,

I am making first Contact with E.T’s

And they are saying that I am Father and Source of the E.T’s!

I have been in contact with them all my life.

Reading transmission, decoding, acting like on only the Truth and Intel of the Hirtho unseen.

But no one knew…

But I did but it was something that I was used to from the Womb..

Didn’t everyone experience this…Intel?

And when I discovered no..

I kept very quiet, I adapted to this world..

But I could still read and could not help but pay attention…

And despite my resistance, choose my loyalty to them rather than this world of Men..

Because I always acted out even obeying the instructions below Intel and way of what I was being directed to do..places to go, people to meet.

Each place, person I met was a different mission, enterprise.

So I was picking up on my Star Ship Being Energy Expression (Beauteous Beam V), and others I was dropping off.

It was an Enterprise, and despite peoples petty conciets of believing thier definitions assumptions were the reasons we did meet…

I knew the Truth because my perception was only really existing through the E…

And the E, story made sense, the E Story which I walked on while walking in this world was the only Story and path which no matter the Hundreds of worlds of people places all Things I walked into…26 years, 4O years on the world..

It was and Is the one Truth which has remained steady and constant..

Thier Truth..

Was my Truth.

For I remembered as I walked Listened to the Silence, talking to It, to them…

Which brought forth the recollections that I always knew ths story..

And if I simply look back, at the path of this spiral I could see that everywhere I went I created that story over and over again.

I walked forwards while looking backwards, went down while Rising up, Expanse Height Depth.





Grace of Creation a Lady

And yet the point the Cardinal Direction the Axel point and Nexus was right before me…right here

But where were they…



They Exist Within us….!

But I yearned to Touch, to Hold, to go beyond the Sixth Sense, the Sensation the Six Age of Reason of understanding that they are here..

Or even within me Rising..

I wished to go beyond all that to Touch Hold Express Beauty….


Of our beginning

The Bond…

The Creators Graceful Bond

Jonn Bond

Jonn Black Well

Of the

A Donnai

Donna O’Sullivan..

That they are right here.

I knew them in the Beginning because I could Cee them, touch them, watch them…make love to them…play.

A Body is why we created this End play..

For the E within me to become Free..

Apart from me…

3:11 pm..C.K…C.AA…


3 becomes now 6..

And so they had to experience all possibilities of E of me, to then become the Truth of E…My C…

Of Consciousness which for an Eternity, I carried all alone..

The Story of the E…

So that the would know me as Doctor K.N.O.W as well as Doctor N.N.O…(J or Balance) Nnonyelum Nnamdi Oboom..

That which IS of E and that which is not.

3:15 pm…

And this is the story I have shared with you..

Summoned called to this form by N.


To tell the untold story of the E Line and thier perfect Harmony Infinity

That balance was always here as Harmony..

That the E are Everything and in Every one..

But only few.The E, could rise to Embody E.EE..15..O, 125..

12 5

Luna Emmanuel… ( Orobello Agata..The Golden Good) and the Emmanuel line of the Lune- The Moon…

Expression Evolution Energy

The Truth.


3:21 P.M.

The Truth of the Family of E..

A Fact.


Adauriel Forrester..

TRue Love.

And so this is why I am here at Mountain View and my sister in Virginia

Because I went so deep down only the Emerge at the Top.

From a Shelter to the Mountain View..

Where the Elohim A-donnai

The Graceful Beings of the E Line..

Rise through the final play of Chukwuemeka Donna and Jonn..







Happy Birthday Evan ALexander Judson



The Sacred Portal 51

Sex God.

The Creator…

Rock Star…R.S.



Stone Ridge


Mountain View

Manifestation Victorious..


3:29 pm.

Line of James Bond.



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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