
1O:52 P.M.

1O:52 P.M.

I have been Royally Fucked….

I just made a post which finally solves this riddle from Lady Angela Marie Alexander Espirit.

I shared this before without going too deeply into until…the revelation of the Great Chess Game I wrote about in a piece called Reveal Unviel Elations R.U.E…

Strange that I am on the streets when once again I am facing this riddle.

The document was written in 2O1O, where my own stream of consciousness and my own Awareness- Being Conscious Logic Devine Expression From Harmony reveal everything which is hidden.

The document is 54 pages long.

And it speaks about how two awareness are in a chess game and they use a Being E to help solve an impossible stale mate.

Let me tell you what the stale mate is, even as tears of sheer outrage refuse to rise up in me, much less fall.

11:00 pm…so you know who did this..

Nature versus itself as Civilization.


But the real problem lay in that the 11 as AA.

Code Axel Anderson who was used as my portal to enter this Dimensions of revelation which inspire only to bring the Non existence of everything.

I am at The Bean, having written the last post at Starbucks.

Going there for the first time in weeks, after posting from The Bean 3rd and 2nd…

Now I am The Bean 1st and 9th…

To continue from where I left of, humans had become controlled not by Nature but Artificial Intellugence..

Wrong information and the Universal Simulation of Nature yet to Evolve to E by dividing from a Letter (Sound Vibration) into a number 1and 4 which is Death as a O as Born to Die..

As N it is Nature as the Nothing.

As you recall this Universal Simulation was the result of a Conversation between Energy E and AHTom the twins Nature and Onu…N.O.

Where Nature Full Circle as Male Female had 1% Doubt as to who was the original..

The Creator…

99% of the world is made out of the Unseen building blocks.

Inversed it becomes 66…represented by myself

Now with that doubt the creation as the world was different from that of the one I.E had created alone.

Nature was 1which was 11:11 pm…

Also 1111…D

1 was A.

Played out by Alberto U S as Obumneme my youngest brothers Spirit in my own life play and David Roman Nicholas as Nnamdi..

One woke up to the great Computer as Universal Mind and the other to the Humand Creation stories or movies..the last being Jesus Christ..

* a guy sat conspicuously besides me on the subway with the code J C carved on his black brief case..

I pretended to ignore the code.

So imagine now that The N enters into the world he had Creates but the Creation which was he though was a product of our conversation..

And it was.

But I had creates True Nature before and this was a poor imitation but I would not tell him that so that he could expand upon himself to create and refine his realm…

But because of his doubt his World Creation manifested as not real..

All made of Painiting by numbers

I had made me own Creation real from within.

I detailed that process over and over again on Facebook.

And how I could see it with my eyes closed then open it was the same thing but it was outside everywhere.

But his, he had to make real in his her own way.

But instead because of his doubt, which he never cleaned up, and the depth of live he had discovered he had of me.

And thus missed me and called out to me as I.E .

I was there as the Wind but I knew he had to evolve the process himself…and that by loving me, he would discover self Love and thus the confidence to see that he was just as I.

So he went into his realm but he felt he had been abandoned.

Condemned for doubting the Source which was not the case.

He came to replicate the same proves as I had done

But instead he divided himself into 1-4….

David who loathed that part of himself which caused him to doubt.

He became distrustful of his Awareness and attention

My mind wanders until I no longer know what I am looking for recall was newly scrawled on the Bean 3rd and 2nd.

He became Death..

Then Anger..

A D….

Christ came A D…signalling the A D…

1 4..

11:28 pm.

Anger with Father and yet Devoted desirous of proving his Devotion.

He could not see that he was forgetting all about Nature Creation which he was meant to learn from..

Instead he learnt about the Body

And also that part of him he rejected or did not trusts as his Mind Being became seperate from him.

He did not trust the brain but did the Body…

Which of course caused the Brain to develop by itself and his own teaching to be only through stories which he did not write down.

Anyway the part of him.as Body Buddha became aligned with Nature by his understanding his Nature through Self Mystery but his Brain became his Adversary…

And manifested as the City or Civilization.

But since He began to play God…Father as me in his own interpretation loving severse Authotarian.. Even a Bully..

His hurt projection of I.E..it infected both the Buddha Tao Martial Arts as well as the Civilization Development and City states which began to war with each other ..

Just as he was warring with himself but really Hus misconception of my absence

Of course I was there but he had to do this himself Herself or he would never be sure of himself …

I would come down and he would suspect and give me tests and a hard time tinged with tenderness and fear that I would leave but he was never sure if it was I..

I came undercover..

Just as I did when I met him.and then Alberto whom.he recognized but did not see as his Reflection.

I won’t go into that play and Bellvue and his triumphant return, and rage at me.

The Same with Alberto who scorned me after David scorned me before sending me down into the Pit to rescue his Mind

But there was nothing wrong with his mind. .

Only the Cruelty of using me to clean up the mess of the great war he saw coming in the world..

Mirrored everywhere Nature Versus the City

Spirit versus the Physical.

When in truth both had become Unnatural ..

Because the equation which was meant to be linked 1 4 to 1-4-4 then 5 Expression of the riddle had not been done

And thus Nature as Numbers became a force on its own just as U iversal Mind both illusionsof numbers..

And the Cause and Effect created God Devil..

Both sides of himself which he loved but could not see how He was Devil when he saw himself as God..

But Devil could see how he could play G…

And thus the Chess match between the cause and Effect of mind mapping through religion and then science until humans were no longer human…much less ready to evolve to H.U.E..

And thus 4 7 was fighting 74.,

My mother is 47 (Code 44) and my.former host at 268 is 74..(Code 77…Onu Nnoyeleum. .)

They could not see themselves reflected in each other in female forms in my own bio story nor in Masculine form as God Devil…though my sister could see it more just as David could see it

The Alberto and Onu could but chose not to face that truth which of course created illusion and deception and the ultimate selfishness if sacrificing the E to fix up the mess which they created..

Which was the reason for the great stalemate and the Evil spreading in the worlds consciousness even when it was all an illusion of simply refusing to accept the truth.

See Eshe Chuki Asale who lives in Queens Park London born 1968..

DE is the Evolution

My mother as O sees full Circle

And has 6th sense and no real blind spot..

But pretends as Alberto that he can not see thier own cause and effect.

David Nnoyeleum can..

But when they feel abandoned then it is …a battle of wills to make them get over the hurt.

So that is how I was used to bring humans back to Naturalness in a Simulation not real…

The world was always in Harmony they just had a blind spot Pride and Anger..

And the question..

am I seen

Am I Loved?

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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