
1O:37 P.M.

1O:37 P.M.

A.O: C.G.





A.E…15…letter O.



Hello, I have a new Facebook Friend.

Welcome Lord Dragos Gheorghe.

The Correct aspect aligned to the Law and Lords of Destruction to bring resurrection.

The Dragon Lore Masters.

The Dragon Lords.

Dragos means Precious

Gheorghe means Earth Worker. Farmer

Precious Earth Worker…the Farmer- for it is he who tames the Dragon Nature to cultivate the Previous My Precious

Code Precy Arizechi…

Through Praise and Appreciation.

Today we drove to Woodstock, (A place I had been invited to go while living in Class On Avenue off Green Street. Where a person had seen the sins of man attached to me for eternity. Those who refused to evolve… The Evil in Humanity.

The person shocked had seen that Truth Manifest while he went to his pond to mediate in Woodstock.

He saw the Truth of my assertion- an abomination which he invited me up there to heal me- my body refused to go…

When into violent convulsion)

Today for the first time I went but with Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell.

On the way, Jonn kept on pointing out Dragons shaped formations in the Sky…

Literally Dragons as if he stated, An inner projects of that Expression had manifested and formed or projected itself outside….

Like rays from within Donna who saw them more clearly that I, enthusiacly exclaimed her accord, were projecting out from them the Truth of what was manifested with projected into the associated Energy form.

On our way back Jonn saw something in the Sky….He exclaimed but waited for me to express it….

A Skull

We saw a Skull clearly formed.

I am fully aware why Dragos G…

D is 4

G is 7.


Is my 3. 47 Facebook Friend.

See Sacred Portal 47.


1O:56 pm.




1O:57 P.M.

Welcome Lord Dragos.

Line reflecting M E..as the power of Nature.



1O:58 pm.

Devine Wisdom

Precious Earth Worker who befriends the Dragon.. The Earth who yeilds its precious fruit

A Harvest.

A H.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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