
1O:33 pm

1O:33 pm




A person just passed by with the name Alaska on his T Shirt.

The 49 State…

I have two new Facebook Friends..

Welcome Angel Light Ariel..ALA.

and Stella Griffith….S G

Ala is the OINRI Igbo Earth Goddess..

E G. 5-7..Today’s date

If you notice I shared the only two posts on her page, and I am her only Facebook Friend.

The two posts are codes 2:43 pm

And 2:49 pm.

In my sacred portals these represent Sacred Portal True Life.

And Sacred Portal Existential Death.

The Beautiful Rage Consciousness B.R C..I wake up to in the morning each day in the Shelter from bed 49 is the fury of this being the Response to the Sharing knowledge at such a price..

1O:49 pm right now.

A Shelter?

I am reading a book on the History of the World of Philosophy called Sophie…

Sophia means Wisdom.

Ala is Wisdom.

Mother in the Story of the Family of TEN is Wisdom Grace..

When I looked up to see the man wearing the T shirt of Alaska the 49th State.

Emeka Tutu…

E T.

The two persons met at the Belle Vue Intake Center


Emeka means Great Deeds..

Tutu means Cold or Morning and You You

Alaska is Cold…

Anchor Age.


I felt at least the satisfaction that something Someone is affirming the Quiet Rage I presently feel…

And is Affirming.

Angel means Messenger of pure Being meaning of pure Consciousness…

No Doubt.

Light is Perception of Consciousness to See.

Ariel means Lion of God.. (a Griffin?)

And Sprite in Midsummer Nights Dream.

It is also Arch Angel Ariel of Death.

And is Natures Animals protector who works with Arch Angel Raphael….

She is also the Arch Angel of the Hearth..

Protector of the Hearth (Home)

She is Nature Animals Fairies Elves Sprites..

The Elementals Devine Magic and Manifestation.

The Messenger of Consciousness Being of Light which allows perception to see is the Lion of God the Spritely one the Arch Angel of Death..

As Nature Animals Elementals Devine Magic and Manifestation N.A. E.D.M.

11:11 pm..

Twin of Archangel Raphael the messenger of Healing and The Song of Love.

Obviously one can see the code through the play we are in..

Especially after Kajally Saidy who texted me concerned with Aid to his family..

The Source is moving the E in people, whose name form a picture..

Kajally means Khol which highlights the Eyes and means Healing Lotion…

The name Saidy and Said Y ( Yonathan Yohannes Grace Grace back and front)…

Followed by these next two Facebook friends shows once again that which I have sought to bring to the worlds attention.

That you are in a Matrix and the more you are able to read the codes of the Matrix you can find your way out of the Labrynith which if you do not it leading you to the 49 state.

Existential Death.

Yesterday I came back to the Shelter after reading the comment of Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula ..

To see the Matrix was on the television…

I watched it briefly, my mind on the True Version of it that I went down into.

Solving the codes through a play similar to the book I found aligning to the name of Donna O’Sullivan daughter..

Who just texted the perfect harmony of my current state…

This play of the Evolution Awakening made such an ultimately evil and cold indifferent play..

No matter that I know why, each day I can not even begin to explain the stupification and incredulity of the Life I have been forced to live and the Evil done to my Existence, to human existence to play a role in a story which is so evil that I literally feel sick to my stomach that such a play could exist.

That human consciousness went this far or evil as an independent force was able to become this powerful because of human complacency and apathy…

In the Book which I am reading it states why does Gods last message through Christianity and Islam


Not forgive everyone.

Because He came undercover to investigate the Truth of Free will and Choice after making availae all information so that people may choose and discern for themselves.

There are no words to convery the response…

11:28 A M.

Or the feelings this play of Nature Playing God and the horror it has spawned and the effect it has on human consciousness to just sit back and make demands or deny Its Existence and lay Blame on anything other than looking at thier own actions. .

I have been downloading the codes to the Matrix called upon to act it out and explain it in circumstances so belittling to the Beauty of Existence that of course, I understand the manifestation of the 49 state of Existential Death as a natural juste consequence of this play and the script and peoples Apathy Complacency and Insult Dare.

If you are that Being show us your power..

On our terms….

No, there is a reason, why only few are chosen..

Because in every single person the consciousness of the E was planted but only few paid attention or gave Respect.

Stella means Star

Griffith means…hold on..

Griffith means Chief Fighting Fierce Strong Warrior or Lord…

The Star of the Fighting Chief, Fierce Strong Warrior Lord..

The Lion of God the Messenger of Light, Perception to Cee and See, Protector of the Hearth…Nature Animals the Elementals (Fairies Elves Spirits) Devine Magic called Manifestation..

317 Facebook Frienda

C.A.G…Emeka David


Nicholas Cage

Victory of the People Caged in the Matrix called Age..

Instead of Consciousness is Awareness Graceful Expression.

This is why there are so few.

And while A LL are qualified only few rise to be family E

11:45 pm.

Because of the refusal to change they way they think and link.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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