
18:26 hrs.

18:26 hrs.

6:26 p.m. M.M 626.

At 14 72 Facebook Friends

N. A.D. 1972.

We moved to Winnipeg Canada from Birmingham England.

I woke up, in a cheerful humor.. the air was cleaner.

Then I was bitten on my Forearm and my Ankle.

F A.

See Forearm Sacred Portal 35.

And ANK L.E.

I sighed, I knew I was being forewarned that I was going to face irritation and be bugged by the Insect Queen

In Sect Queen once again Enders Game and that play.

I had made plans to chill..

No work.

I had made that clear to Arden, that I was being used as his voice, literally made clear yesterday after I found myself moved to go upstairs and in a good mood.. when suddenly I was overwhelmed by an energy of fury, and I began speaking about why people, especially youth expression can not come out from undercover.

I was being compelled, squeezed to solve the question and riddle.



Family.. Friends.. All they ever knew..


Safer under cover in their Secret Gardens and worlds only for the initiated

Then I heard some pounding upstairs..

I went to a place of fury not really mine.. I called it up.

Then went to investigate, it wasn’t Arden.

Then it hit me, I was back in that damned play.

A moment later, furious and exasperated I went to my room.

I heard Arden come down as I spoke aloud that how is it that something is still attacking myself and Arden.

Later I saw him upstairs and asked him the same

His expression was so identical to what I had said, I almost offended him by saying did you hear me say that..

He hadn’t

And oh of course, I knew that to be true.

But I was just so startled by what just took place and what it meant.

Since the completion of the Purple to Lavender S E A… play with Jeron, Arden, .. Morgan.

( Morgan Youssi. MM 626 )

I knew we had crossed back to E Realm and Frequency of The Beautiful Ones.

And to be honest, felt no desire to enter this play, or post.

18:49 hours..18:50 right now.

There are 4 Teens in the house, line of Arden.

And add Robert, who I came into the Kitchen where I was doing a little cooking, full aware of the 4 upstairs.

And Tess- ( in my Life blue print, I know her as Ashley)

who apart from Leander, was the first person I saw when I got up, after the crazy night of posting but only till about 2 because Arden had guests.

Leander Tess… L.T..

Then again we bumped into each other on same place on the ground floor again with Leander Gemino present.



E. Loves Truth.

John G- A.LT.. G A. L T.. Yes, the pants I was wearing Gallery Academy A llonsy

G A.

1 7 85 71 4 29…

A L T. Loves Truth

Alternatively Universe

18:58 p.m

R = 18

Robert.. Famed Bright Shinning Of Light.

F B. S.O L..

My conversation with him was extraordinary but I see no reason to have to detail what was said and document it publicly for you anymore.

Which of course, for the past 8.6 years has been used by many against me, this E Law of Transparency.

But we did laugh a great deal, and through him I knew that the Human Reflections.

P.ERS I A.N. B O Y .. book novel play was confirmed and that they were more than ready for Evolution Awakening…

But we did speak of Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy and The Movie: Contact.

The rest… Ah…

19:05 p.m


S F. E

A I O.E.

7:27 p.m

19:27 hours.

Confirms Intel from Jeron Satya S Lang = 60.

Boogie- Perfume



Jump Man

Leander sat in front of the Red Dragon computer

Arden, Autumn, Tess Morgan and Robert surrounded him.

Oh….Happy Day!!!!

7:31 p.m

19:31 hrs

P.S. After the quiet play today which is now private.

And the intel from Liberty C Liscomb

Earth Orgins at the base of her shoe…

I opened up my Facebook Page on my P.H ONE it said 50 comments.


Between discovering the code of Earth Orgins on the base of your shoes- you did not make.

And 19 years… 8.6 ..almost 8.7 years proving that this is a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

U S A. M M. M Y 626….

See the time of this post.

I would say that I am Cool with the result via my phone Liberty got for me.

86O. 8O4. 19 O 5

19:38 hrs

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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