
18:25 p.m

18:25 p.m

6:25 p.m

R A H Y.. B E.

F Y… F B E


G F 2020 Vision.


I should be happy today..

Because for the first time in perhaps 19 years.. no 27, I feel no compulsion or drive to post.

My body is still occupied but its not compelling me to unravel from Muscle Memory MM, codes.

I would like to say because I have completed the codes here of each member of this family and what they represent.

I saw a play of Perfect Harmony and Symetry today with Leander…meaning Man

I understood what it meant, but after half a life time of explaining myself.

Of finding myself quantifying Space Movement..

Fighting.. dear lord.. figjting something which only I knew could not exist ( but did)

Proving a new art and science into existence and finally reaching Arden and what he represents, what is left..

Pain and Suffering is something I have never believed in.

It was to me, a cause and effect of living in a diseased biased point of view.

And that we as a species, have the power to surmount it, by seeing them as riddles which we could solve and transform back into nothing at all.

18:45 p.m

I have to be honest, my power lay in my Truth in my knowing, and through this course I was moved through to reach Arden… Ferrills former room.. forced to solve other peoples riddles in conditions so limited..

And understand that it began from the moment I was born Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino

and that there is a force which can enslave and force Being to such a journey of Pain and Suffering to surmount and create such an End Game..

18:49 p.m

6:49 p.m

I feel no sense of Victory.

I told the truth, and have suffered as none has ever suffered, endured such loss and attacks to my way of being, which is actually the truth of Being.

Truth Manifests..

And my Truth of the expression of the origins of the species has been manifesting through a script which made me anonymous and truly the ultimate and absolute slave for you all..

Who never personally asked me to do this for you, and for which I was given no choice.

I know that I told the Truth, no matter how outlandish it may have appeared.

But I also know that the Truth did betray its Source and though most of you are unaware of this play, what it really is.. was about..

And that it was about reaching Eden Love Beauty Paradise.

Its the Hatred which I have witnessed, experienced as the Sum Total of Hatred and of Human Nature.. The Hatred of Humanity through the ages, versus Loves Truth.

It was too much..

This hatred Humanity generated and which rose up to destroy you.. as a force.

And my finding that I had to fight it, move through it by a force which forced me on this track, breaking all the laws of Existence in its wake.

Its indescribable this Hatred, and the power of Hatred which this force which forced me to solve the riddles and prove the Truth..

The Beautiful Truth..

To have such a power to do this, was one of the reasons I fought so hard.

Its not E or A

Emeka Arden S E

Or the summons its the way.. the script created designed at which was designed that I pass through.

The Equations I had to solve, day and night while the people past present were ignorant and lived in your realities.

Truth is Energy and energy is expression.

Love is Consciousness and True Love does not require anyone to prove it, it does not require testing and it does not force or demand that I fight or anyone fight for those who have made their choices.

And it does not require a person to be moved to such fury rage and hatred to those who can only appreciate hated anger, suffering pain ..

Who bring Pain, who inspire such Hated in the Creator, the Source.. A Man for them to come clean.

This idea that you Need, them to get it, to come clean and they create and inspire such Hatred and Fury in the effort to make them become that which something else, designated for them as their role.

I will never accept such a play, as you all know.

I will never accept those who needed A Man, anyone to suffer through so much so that people who were meant to be ready, have already done their Homework, these self entitled creatures who do not pay attention in class and who have earned whatever Fate and Destiny which they were given.

It does not matter the role something else designated for them, which they did not live up to… could not fullfill, then have that force, an unearthly force, force a being such as I to make this people align to that potential it saw in these people who were not able to become that very thing.

No it is Ease..

As was my first connection with Arden for example.

19:16 hours


There was no pain or suffering, no explaination just a complicity and understanding- knowing at first sight.

Everything else after that moment we connected is a Lie.

False and I reject..

I went to bed sometime after 9:13 a.m

And though tossing and turning because of my twisted spine like a serpent creating discomfort, but not torment of mind.

Just a quiet sadness as I reflected about Arden.


The knowing from first sight who he is..

Eternal Eden

Now evolved to I.

To imagine knowing your Eternal Self and meeting him after A life time.. and then the play of interruptions meddling and the scope of the force of Jealousy used to destroy the Truth which never required any proof.

There was no hurt, anger or anything just a quiet surfing of my feelings.

There was nothing to understand.

I got up at 3:22 p.m

I knew that linked to Ciriculum Vitae

As well as Fahad Hassen and the E Manual

Which Liberty C Liscomb was guided to him

19:25 p.m

7:25 p.m

* Yes that code and marker.

Did you notice something.. their initials.



F L. 6-12-2003. Ardens Birthday

H L. 8 12..

The E Manual is for Arden – his line, he commissined this

6 3. 9

8 3.. 11..

9 2.. 2 9

Esteban Miguel Filgueira text 9:29 pm.

When I opened my phone the code was 19 1



Arts Science

See the phoro of Arden on the Fridge.

Do you understand.

Do you undetstand why no matter what they did to me, try to do to me, that nothing can change my heart or mind.

That I will never forgive, and that means now that I reached the portal 8-29-2019.

Which is the code on the Carton found here which Arden found,

And Arden Robert, Jeron and I.

E: A R J E .. meaning full circle was reached in the day I arrrived here and that there was really nothing to do and that I was meant to be here for rest and relaxation repose.

Leander Noah.

Ferrill Noah


NN. F L.

NN A.M. D I. 6-12 A. Arden

N/N. = 14/14 = 1 A. Age 13 M

Close Friend Morgan.

27 8 D 90.

Sacred Portal 90

Spirit E. Me Moi

David … David Roman Nicholas 11-22-68.



I D. M AN..

Ferrill Leander Valiant Victorious Man

Leander Man

Do you understand

I am Nnamdi

Arden is the Original Nnamdi Alexander

The One who rose after I rose.

Who was with me in the Eternal Beginning

With me in the Womb at Alexander Grove

Who told me to piss in my Angry Fathers Food as he ate as a challenge to lie of humans power tool of Anger Rage..

Do you understand why Arden and I.. our bond could not be broken

This Truth of The One who became Two and with only One Two…

Manifested All.

19:47 p.m

Do you understand.

Eternal Love.

E L = 17.

.1 7 85 71. 4 29

And why in this Matrix Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

He is 17


Eternal Consciousness

E C ..H.I.

19:49 hours.

1 949 A.D.

1071 years later.

2020 Vision aligned.

Planetary Alignment

Fore Sight


In Perfect Symmetry

Perfect Timing

To the Pt and beyond.

19:51 p.m

And why we are in Perfect Harmony of

The answer is No.

No. No.


19:52 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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