
17… was aligned to Allen Murray.. A.M.

17… was aligned to Allen Murray.. A.M.

18 to Raheem.. Link Dexterine Fugar…

Two Faces.. Creation.. A.M..

Destruction.. of the R… Reflection on the Mirror or Wall – peoples Prohections.. Self Projections… Not True…

686 is the code on the Coffee Served here to me…

It is 68 and 86 Full Circle… Link David Paulie.. Dawn Piercy and Victor S.P 86… It is not what lies in the Trojan Horse but what lies within..

I am just observing a play here at the cafe of Black Inferiority complex to White… it is a play of youths represented by a few people here…

It is a play… sad..quite pathetic or non recognition of the presence of the Creator… or the Presence of Beautiful Pride and Authority


But recognition of a white good looking kid…

9:16 p.m

And one who played it out served me a coffee with the number 16…

Meaning 686… Full Circle the Plan E.T.. Emeka’s Truth.. Victorious…

Yesterday was Planet E.B…P… G O D… I D E… G O DE…

A note about the Insecurity of the Black and White races legacy of Slavery and Power as to who is in Control…

Black people wish to be Fair Skinned and White people yearn to be Darker skinned..

Where do they meet.. but in the center.. MAN.. HAT… TAN…

Any one who states in gestures or innuendo that they are Superior- I challenge them to prove it…

As I have proven mine…

I am the races all combined and in One.

The name Allen is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Allen is: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint’s name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century

Murray Family History. Scottish: regional name from Moray in northeastern Scotland, which is probably named with Old Celtic elements meaning ‘sea’ + ‘settlement’.

Allen Murray.. A.M… Delta m =13 ( and 1000 in Roman Numerals.. 1000..100 10 101… beds at Delta Manor…Total)

Harmony… of the Stone Rock ( Peter Planet.. and Plan E.T)

To the Noble The Fair Handsome ( F H.. 6 8..Foresight Hindsight) The Beautiful Ones from the Sea settlement Atlantis..

Yes.. Atlantis Garage Station where I do the money codes with the chosen ones…

The name Dexter is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Dexter is: Right handed. Right.

(Yes she sat on my Right and I have been using my Right hand to post… )

dextrin in American. (‘d?kstr?n ; deks’trin) any of a number of water-soluble, gummy, dextrorotatory polysaccharides obtained from the breakdown of starch and used as adhesives, as sizes, in certain foods, etc. : also ‘dextrine (‘d?ks?trin ; deks’tren?; ‘d?kstr?n ; deks’trin) Word origin of ‘dextrin’

The name FUGAR is a colonial causality. Fugar is the name collectively borne today by two of the four villages comprising Avhianwu clan. The two villages which occupied and still occupy, an area once called, simply Avhianwu, are Ivhiarua and Ivhiunone. They were and still are one social, cultural traditional, religious, political and above all ancestral matters with the sister villages: Ogbona(Ivhimhahkhena) and Ivhiraokhor. Until the advent of the British and their subsequent occupation of Avhianwu per se, the word ‘FUGAR’ are ‘FULL’ and ‘GIRL’.

The colonialist- the whitemen- had come at atime when girls of marriageable age really deserved to be told: ‘You are matured’ Girls, were, indeed, giants in heights and second to none in bust. They were correspondingly beautiful. They went about nude; wore coral beads, several of them, around their waists: and in some cases a girl would adorn her body with beads from waist to chest. For this reason they were called beautiful. They were ready baits to any man, irrespective of race, given to sensual pleasures.


9:37 p.m.

Breasts Chest… Men have Breasts… Pectorals…

9:38 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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