


1 is A

6 is F


16 is P.

1 is A.


Afa in OINRI Igbo means Name…

P.A is short Public Announcement…

And in Code; Praise and Appreciation

A.F.A. In Youruba Shango Santeria..Orishas, which influenced the Puerto Rico cultures amongst others means Bridge.

Oracle divination btw the Spirit World Gods and Man directing the Will to purpose.

Translation of Transmission and code of where are at…


Public Announcement; My Name is Praise and Appreciation.

I am the Bridge of the two w.orld which were always in one.

My Name is Chukwuemeka Kolo..C.K….see 11..in 1… C.K..3 11=33

My name is Emeka Kolo… E.K… Strength. E.K…11 5…55.

The equation of the last two posts of Nassim Haramien and Perry Wilder (Perry E was my last F.B Friend @ 162…this post ended the play from my Galaxy phone and Rob Barrs testimony of 12 years ago, Venus, him wearing a purple shirt…Infra red and Royal blue)…

Every image posted on my message board which links to the harmony of my posting is a picture post -which must be set in motion with words which link it.

That is why I had to write with the only computer now available to me, my hosts lab top.

And link it.

On the posts by Nassim of the three pyramids of Mexico (Royal Mayan), Egypt and Indonesia… It has a comment..The MYSTERY DEEPENS

I knew it was a riddle for me… on the base there were 3 portals on the base of each pyramid… I had literally experienced empirally that equation with The Royal May Ans.. Albert Einstien

(May Flower See Apocalypto movie Mel Gibson. The Builders…The Egyptians with Re Re..Albert Einstien Rachel (AKA Re Re and Son Raphael born 28 th Thanks giving on my birthday RE RE) Akil DavisJ

Indonesia with a Joesph Stern.

And the last supper with Jesus and the two disciples seated besides him.. who I checked were Thomas (Tom) and John… I left Albert Einstiens home in 2010 and it was a person called John who led me to his brother called Tom Truman..TT…PI. John and Tom who led me to his twin called Luke….T.L…T=20, l=12…

And to Marina Buruni… who acted out or whose consciousness rose up to act out Mary Magdelene…

From there I was led to Lisa Levine….

Tom Truman TT

Lisa Levine..LL…




2012, 2012… Royal Mayans..2012.

Marina Burunis place is where I drew 155 Orisha drawing as one possessed completing them at TT LOFT in Will I am s burg…

The mystery deepens posts… has 12 windows….

Rob Bar posted knowing each other for 12 years…

Windows 0val…

The last or first pyramid was the KE MET…

Thus, Mexico Egyptian and Indonesia and then the Yeshur Christ story- John and Toms..

Then the chess Board (wrote a 54 page piece which Marina B has a copy of in which I wrote about being used in an unseen chess game between two awareness in which I was also a pawn but a knight in shinning armor, moving up the chess board to Queen (I was woman before I named Neferratiti..tt…which was just revealed as an equation I just figured out…

and then a king, then to the play of Gods then to the play of Existence (which is true existence..Jasper Gave response), and finally defeating that play which ended up being the portal of Ke met…

EGYPT KE MET… E.K… Emeka Kolo…


Mexico Eqypt Indonesia Kemet.



K.E MET is the example of Manifestation by I.E.. Exemplification

K.E. ME T…

T.E..M. e.k…

TE.. Do Ray Me Fa… So La…TE…

From Lisa Levine, I was led to Akil Davis…

Lisa Akil… LA.

lisa Akil Davis… LaD…

Akil Davis… A.D.. After Death…

IN THAT HOUSE LIVED Akil Rachel Tim..Evan….A.R.T.E..E

Then on April 5th…by twins birthday on 2012 back to A.E’s home…

he said Nnamadi…Na the short form means Odninani..na means from within in OINRI Igbo…

Then to Billy Hung through Ravindra Singh via Savannah Georgia, metting lil E and Will and Michelle…(I met a Savannah in Akils place who could read my dancing bodies language perfectly, she did a show about pi rates)

Billy Hung…B.H…2 8…. One year test…he testified.

Then through the wilderness of Pelham Park (Ishmael) to Café bean…btw 3rd and 2nd..32… 2012…20+12=32… Then met an Egyptian at 2nd and 2nd (2 2… today- p.s 2nd daughter of Kimberlys birthday and Kimberly just informed me her other name is Ifa same as AFA…the famous Oracle in Youruba land and the diviners of ancient Africa..west Africa… her sacred name Adupe Ifa tunemise means IFA (AFA) FIXES ME…

My sister’s boyfriend for over 16 yrs was called EFA, IFA AFA.

Thus, The mystery deepens post- a riddle given me to solve to link the proof with evidence to A.E’s House (A.h) as being the physical manifestation of Energy Spirit Physical Science Manifestation E.s.p. S.M.. of Evolution Awakening (E.A..51..AREA 51?..or 5 1..5th Element is 1..1 Alpha) is A.M… Alpha Manifesation… or as A.E and I stated yesterday… DEVINE ALPHA Manifestation of Existence Truth. E..D.A…M.E.t…


E Father of KEMET…

T.E..M..E.K ..A.D.E.


We have landed at Albert Einstiens home address in New York..1 A… One Alpha.. Four 2 68…2×68..136…M.F.



The first from which all principles of existence and creation emerged from was Masculine and within it feminine and this is the venue called the beautiful black Whole was were it sprang from (Onu- I heard..Ear…I speak Mouth) and the last portal in whic I.E..EMERGED INTO THE PAST CALLED TIME..and now leave through as the point has been made…PAST TIME..PT… Having proven that a human being can go see and live outside of time for 47-39 years… and stay Eternal young… the Eternal Youth E.

I. E.Y.E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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