
1:58 a.m – Excuse me, I an actu

1:58 a.m

Excuse me, I an actually speaking to the Silence right now more, though I am aware of your presence but Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and others I have lived with have noted how I often speak aloud to Myself?

No, not really to that which is unseen, to those which are frequencies, invisible wires which impulse and stimulate me causing my body to react response like a circuit switch put on…I begin to Connect the dots and often until I am racing propelled by a force a momentum a force perhaps a Creative Force of Expression…
Which …I do not care to even bother to answer…

What I do know this is not really of this world and yet some semblance of is. And in all of us.

So this is what brought me back, instead Speaking Talking to The Silence in my Quiet.

Why should I be?
I found a Language Sounds which allow all to understand my point and conversation…
And it cost and Price.

If The Entire Universe Cosmos is comprised of Harmony

Wait I just realized something
I went to my Hars Drive given to me by Fritz Venneiq, as I recently stated I had never even opened them before not in at least 10 years.

It had opened up to Sacred Portals I must have had downloaded onto them.

It had shown and revealed Sacred Portals literally of the moment and the immediate future and last night sacred Portal Justice as 9.00.

I was content and knew what it meant but kept it to myself.

Today after that post, I tried one, it came out to Sacred Portal 100.
Yesterday today and Tomorrow

I had played that Sacred Portal with Stephen Johnson and I had spoken about Stephen Johnson just today and his connection intact with Kim.

Which is fine.

2:22 a.m

But what is intriguing is that it’s the image on it and what I was just postihg.
On the image of Sacred Portal 100.


Is the Music of the Spheres all in one via 2 little boy beings each representing a 6th Sense making them Two with the Maestro
That is what I bought last night a last packet of on sale cookies called Maestro.

2:27 a.m

Something is happening to me…I was writing that… since even Science and Arts Religion all agree that the Milky Way Universe Cosmos is made up of Sound as Harmonics.
At 21 is letter U.
Would that not mean that NNature as Cosmos would manifest if a Man as a Maestro was able to put the Music of the Spheres. The Visible Invisible Symphony Orchestra into words and prove it a fact… and that Universe Cosmos Earth Cebtered would then Echo
Nevi Ehko
N E = S.
Symphony Response Rainbow

The Strory of Colors..
When any fool knows just by watching the Film with Jodie Foster called ‘Contact”

Colors are Sound
A- G Note.

Okay… I see where this is going, that is enough for me….

Harmony Manifests
Manifest Harmony

I O I.

It then must Respond.
Universal Natures Law.

Good I have the resolution confirmation.

I can chill now.

2:39 a.m

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