
1:58… 1:59 p.m.

1:58… 1:59 p.m.

4:33 p.m



A Portal has opened up for me after a play took place with Jesse Macias.

Was about me standing up, speaking up for the Eternal Actual Truth, of what is really taking place in the world and in each persons life.

I have had to do this for 18.5 yrs, 17 of them consciously.

And since I said no to Susan Train in Paris, editing my journals.

26.8 years ago.

* Yesterday, after John Mack and I finished speaking it was 8:26 p.m

For the last 18.5 years, this is the pattern I found myself, in.

Having to play this role of being used as a P.C for the Eternal and the Divine.

Playing a Messenger of the God Father.

And after witnessing the Truth, that everyone I met, has gifts and revelations of Truth and what they did with it.

I saw that I was here sent by Father – trained by him and I had to surmount my relectance of living with people and having to let each person know, that I was literally sent by Father and had to show each person evidence of the Truth of His -Her presence.

I had to give them the chance to see all the evidence, the facts, and allow each person to then decide if they wished to acknowledged the evidence, and then I had the most awful of having to act as a mirror to call them out to things perhaps, they could not see in Themselves, and did not trust anyone who did.

So, in order to gain their Trust, I had to be more gracious and tolerant and show that I could see their Beautiful Truth.

And that was sincere, because to See and be Conscious of a person, I have to open up myself to that person being able to hurt you, mostly by their not accepting my Truth abd my intentions as real.

Or some taking advantage of that Nature, believing me weak, or suspicious of my intentions or why I cared so much.

How could they understand if thier past experiences in this realm, traumas, points of view which did not take in the full picture such as other peoples points of view not just theirs.

That their personal point of view was not accurate because they were living in their minds and hurts which was making them get in the way of seeing clearly.

People getting in the way of the way of thier own progress.

5:06 p.m

* I just had a conversation with Liberty C Liscomb and she just sent me a message that it lasted 56:56 mins secs


Eternal Famiily.

1:23 a.m.

She is the last rep of Sacred Portal 155.

Galaxy Historian.

The line of the Author Writers Editors (A W.E)

I have been looking for, for 26.8 years..

Since I said no to Susan Train in Paris.


Tree Sage


Full circle back to her as Liberty C Liscomb.

She is the line of Editors.

Kim Arthur Hines arrived with Serinity arrived with Benjamin C. Krajewski.

Then Lucas Roca with Brown David

And then John MacDonald arrived, and I will visit Liberty on the 29th on my way Home out of this play Holographic Universe of the Animal Kingdom

1:29 p.m

Libertys son is turning 19.

What took place linked connected you have a right to know, but it was is just too much to convey, I will try to summarize it tomorrow.

But it is Evolution Awakening of Everything.

Its has to be recorded, for History, how the records

But there are 3 4 lines awakening who are E line and they are qualified to tell the story to you all.

1:35 a.m


13 5


I R U O P. A.H

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