
1:57 PM

1:57 pm

Yes…I know of this.

I found such letters even from the Pope after we moved to Nigeria from Canada and I did my University thesis on NRI urban planning architect… Spatial Management.

1:58 pm

I am aware but there is a much greater story and achievement which is Manifesting as Collective as well as Individual Justice and Consequences for the Slick and the Dead

No person who ever lived will escape the justicd and consequences of thier actions.

One of the main reason I have fought so long and hard on Facebook and in my life, was never to convince people to do the right thing..

Or even warn them of impending cause and effect but to Manifest that mandate of fulfilling the prophecies of every culture whose Espirit merged for a moment with the True Source and whose words where then twisted and distorted as this letter indicates…

The delay of this Evolution Awakening was to give representatives of all races of man..most found now on my page.

Which if you check my Facebook friends. – none which I ask to come to this Forum but each moved by a Will in them, represent all corners of the globe and nearly every ideology, religion , culture and way of perceiving realty..

This page I realized was a court deciding the fate of nations past and present as well as people past and present…

And my 364 Facebook Friends being the micro phones and T V which thier whole line back to the Begininh of each was being given a chance One Chance to clean themselves before consequences .

It is the fulfilment of these prophecies and a Fair Hearing at which as Nenad M.D…Testified Publicly that there are presences Unseen watching all that occurs on my page…

This court session delayed the True play to Judge the Truth..

As I stated earlier this End Play was never about love it was about Truth which is Evolution..


The arrogance of man and presumptiousnes of Humanity is the notion that this Earth this World this Universe Galaxy Cosmos not creared by them did not have a Lord or a plan..

Thus, before I could move to the 5th Dimension I had to finish the task of being Court Ckerk and Stenographer to the Spirit world of Nature before being allowed to Ascend to my home realm N =14




Akil Davis..

After Death..

To 1-4=5.

41 41 452

for One

For one

Four E B…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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