
1:55 pm – A:E.E. – Sacred 155. –

1:55 pm


Sacred 155.


D-B.I- T-V.
D-A-Z.+A B C.-F.


No, I am not back.

As you know my phone was cut off on the 26.
That is Z.

Liberty C did not pay for my phone which was in Perfect Harmony with the date the 26th.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr is the one who surprised by buying me a telephone card.

I was not ar all eager to come back for even a day but yes, my body is still being moved to complete “The Script ”
Of the Z. END.

And it ended with my posting an image which out of the Blue Kim liked which was posted 4-21-2013.
As you recall that is the Queen Elizabeth’s true biryday.
4-21-1926 ( yes, like the Masterpieces GGODIVA Chocolates. 1926).
The other official Birthday is 6-12 which is Arden Gemino’s birthday.

Amon Rah.
Amon Ray.
First Ray
From the Sun.
First Adam.
And since I have been yet to be Spirited Away the Correct Way.

And my body is now suddenly being pulled so taught I am aware that in this Cosmic play of the Cosmin Being that I had to prove that in the Story from A-B / B-A.
That the Amon RA.Y is the Sun Source is also the Ultimate Black hole in this Enders Game
And that The Naturals E.

See Nevi Ehko N -E. V.I. E.H.K.O
/ O.K H.E .I V. E.
That the Naturals Expression with my frequency aligned had evolved Nnamdi ( which means Father is Here Present and Alive evolved from Nature via Naturalness to E. Existence.

By those aligned to the code Evidence AY could pass through the Z as the Black Hole of Absolute Zero
Code in this reality as 459.67 Degrees Fahrenheit

So during the absence of the last two days I watched two films which Kim had uploaded on my computer.
The Batman.


Abumulance aligned to NR. Initials of my last Facebook Friend initials which is R.N.
Registrated Nurse which Al Santana was Training for before I left.

Batman was also the play of him and I at 268 East 4th street.
I was aware that he was present since I had been seeing the code Al on Liscence platee no stop as well as it being the name of Kim’s Boss.

The cars I have been seeing where all by the 527 Amigo Market Bodega

In fact yesterday I walked up there to spend some a 5 US D
And received 3:87 US D.
And came out and saw Johnny Newman for the first ever in 17..18 months since my stay here.
He was with his handsome black and white dog called DASH and when I asked about John Mack and Mackayla Burgos he told they and their child have fun hanging out in The woids.
Yes Kieth of The Woods who repainted all here with Johnny Newman had lived here for a long time on the 2nd floor

The play of numbers was over by the 26.
And yesterday it was all about the Story of Colors and about 3 of my lighter
I could two of them.
One I had left in my Toulet Kit light Brown grey and another one I found in my Black Army pants which are actually Kims.

The play and test yesterday was so extraordinary and that even at the end I was still be challenged at test by the Unseen Extraterrestrial and the Elemental Queens.

3 as you know is the color Yellow.
Yellow aligned to Gold.
And Amon Rah
Amen Ptah.
Egyptian Gods.

They pale yellow rose on top of my Flash Light F L (6 12) given to me by Arden Gemino-
Ferrill Gemino was born in 2000 while I was creating and directing my Story of Colors in Istanbul Turkey.

So from numbers play confirmed and completed I was now tested by the Line of Sacred Portal 52.
Code Fork Flora Restaurant
And Flora the Cat.
Code Flora Auernheimer F.A.

Before there were Numbers there was Colors

I told Kim A Hines the whole story of what had taken place, including my finding the Tunning Fork which Liberty Liscomb had give code
” 10 24. C” on it
It was in a black velvet bag which represented the Black Diamond she had painted with the Purplle M emerging from it on the Light Blue Gemino Lang Liscomb mug.

As you might all be Aware Edwin Al Santana was carrying the Wrath of Alien Father as the Black Hole and Kim Hinds Jr is channeling him to a point that it has come so overwhelming I can not deal with just how real it has become
He is the real color purple.
The E and the M
On that light blue mug with the Black Diamond
And from the Sun King play.
Queen Elizabeth Birthday he aligned to Arden as I is the True Royal Reign Majestic
MA – Ritz.

3:18 pm.
C R.
Circle Round.

That he even liked that image and is close Friend of Obe IRoh
Recognized it….with the reason Al Santana mother who was called Lydia which in the Bible was the woman known for creating dyes for Royals Yusuf the color Violet Purple

There is really nothing more to say really.
I know the key to the Evolution Awakening lies in him and I which by cause and Effect Connects to Arden Gemino-Ferril Aurelia to Jeron and Azure.

I no longer see any reason to post or explain.
This was an Enders Game a play of 6th sense Royal and there is not an Iota of doubt or question that the Key of the Truth is in him.
Now that all that confusion of this play has left him completely.

The final riddle when I watched Ambulance and the most recent Batman.
All about Liars.
And saving Lifes …

26 Batman
I knew that the code was about turning 26 to 29.

That is why I accessed my Facebook today

And the way I watched my body move to my Altar Arts Sciece on the 27th by moving the objects on my Altar aligned to Jae Sherman rep of Pan Nnamdi E moving through her as Baphomet all the last codes on my Altar that I added came from the things she left in her room.

I Will share the photos I took.
Including the crystal stopper seal with the letter S.
Which last night to my amazement I discovered that I had moved it on its side where I had discovered a Perfect letter O Transparent like a Portal out of a blackness as Dark Energy
Dark Matter Expression
Turned into Transparent Lifht in which no one could see in Blackness or White Light.
Vieled and concealed.

E Nnamdi Kolo is in me and moving so clearly through Kim.
That I can not even speak any more
I suppose that is why we have never quarrelled or fought except Gracefully
He just went out, and left me a code N.K. F.

I am speechless
Arden Nnamdi Kim.


I.E- A.N.K. E Y.
A N.K.L E..

3:47 p.m.

3:48 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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