
1:55 pm. – 3-28-20 21. – Hello, –

1:55 pm. – 3-28-20 21. – Hello, –

1:55 pm.

3-28-20 21.

There is a trend which I have noticed with Human Children on my Facebook page over the years when you praise them they like my post when you correct them and tell the plain truth- they retaliate by no longer linking the posts. ( As if that is relevant or important to me or the play)

It just shows the level of their commitment to the play and the truth. If people can not take simple correction and take responsibility for their actions and expression from Their Source who has fought for them and was forced to finally call them out and play a school teacher to grown men and women in a play which they see the truth of the script and curriculum vitae which I am forced to check their exam papers and give them their grade and score…

Well, you can understand why I despise this role.

Class of 82- aligns from numbers to letters. H B.
Harmonious Beings.
Happy Bodies.
Harmony Beauty- Allan.

In the end it simply becomes a reflection of them.
Stay quiet by all means- take read feed, from my constant posting and aligning.

The 1982 Script was created obviously by Nnamdi as the sum total of the past and not by me- which is very clear by the ending of the story.

I have trained all the anointed people, and yes it was against my wishes- because I found this script play unfair to me, and to others who did the work all on their own.
But that is the nature of Human children even the aware Naturals.

Always shoot the messenger and hang the principal on the Flag Pole.
Blame everything on me.

I am supremely indifferent to the personal and public response of the Graduating Class of 82 – to Harmonious Being H B as 82 which was an unbelievable 49 years ago of getting them out of the pit and facing the False Accusations of which manifested Sacred Portal 49 and the ascension of Terrible Death.
All aligned to Sacred Portal 3 C.

The Nightmares you faced in this reality, was not from Eternal Nnamdi.
It was from your own perceptions- Attitudes and Behaviours which I have experienced myself.

2:16 pm.
B P.
Beautiful Pride.
I came as the Black Panther, to see for myself that which Eternal Nnamdi was condemned – when in truth he was innocent as was his incarnation as Mother Supreme.

2:17 pm.
B Q.

I did not come here to play a school teacher- I came to find my Eternal Family and was waylaid and spirited away to another story, which my body was bound by the ancestors so that I would do it because he ( HE-SHE) only trusted me to play the Holy Spirit.

But now that all the anointed have graduated and all recieve thier consequence for thier manner and attitude for the gift of amazing Grace,

It would have been better to ask, and enquire than to retreat into silence- that is what grown-ups do.
The Spirit of Jealousy and Competition or challenging the results of the one who has been anointed The Source Eziokwu is quite extraordinary actually.

That is what was being cleaned up.
Jealousy, Money plays were simply placebo’s to see each person truth by how they respond to others who were qualifed and did the work all over the world fighting for a cause greater than them selves.

How could they compare the work that they did not do, but rather was a potential in them activated and made connected by my being made present, and thus hearing the sound of my voice, its vibration which brings claritity and makes rise the eternal truth in them, with people who are living and dying in world experiences as the fight to change he world.
I was present in Marina’s Loft when one of her friends, a world renown journalits was killed for doing his work.

Do you remember Snowden and his calling out the govt- and what was done to him.
All over the world, their have been great beings, true Everyday Heroes who helped and contributed a flicker of light in this darkness of this worlds potential which would have died out completly been completly snuffed out.
It is these person, I felt that I would be led to, not children who sulk when they are not given accolades at what they think they deserve and preen when they are given praise.

The evidence and facts are clear, everyone can see the script and review the evidence.
And it will be present as a statement and document forever – for future generations and the awakened ones to review when and see for themselves, why I turn my back even on those who awaken and graduate now to the Eternal Family after playing thier roles and intrepreting them- the story of Sacred Portal 3 of what actually really happened when they were sent down into the story as witnessed by sacred portal 2-3.
That is what I lived, from Bed 5-019 ( EOS- Dawn) arranged by Alexa and Theo at the shelter, then sent down to bed 3-002 the first day by a woman called Marina.

Eos means Dawn- the A.M.
And yet I was sent down from Alexa’s play of sending me to be room 5B to room 3A bed 3-002 to bring AM Dawn? Which was already attained.
Malice, Jealousy… disblieve that I was not who I am and could not do it?
Or others wanting themselves to be The One?

The play has moved full circle back to Marina Biruni whom I met in 2010 in another incarnation.
It moved to my living with Mackayala Burgos upstairs on the 3rd Floor.
All codes M B…
Manifest Being.

A Woman did that?

Nnamdi was 13 when he left- 12 the last time I saw him alive, obviously, someone was challenging his throne and seat as the N G- Nnamdi Gods Grace.
Woman and the children of Woman as Mother Earth.

Earth Father E F.

2:42 pm.
It is his story, and the script completing at Stephen Johnson, at the echo-response of the code Dark Web- Cicada 3301.

*”personal change, renewal, rebirth
Cicadas, for many, represent personal change, renewal, rebirth, and transformation. … A lot of people use cicadas to symbolize their own personal transformation, in art, song, poetry, or even a tattoo. The cicada inherently symbolizes what they were (nymph) and all the glory of what they have become (adult form)

We are at sacred portal 48.
The Echo is everywhere.
Witnessed by all who chose to pay attention and not go off and sulk or lurk in the shadows or no longer pay attention as a form of revolt or dfiance.
Which is silly, is it not because by negating the posts, the evidence you are not denying the truth of IS- Others are seeing it and as myself, are aware of you silence and absence from the script.
His code.

TYY 711 again his code.

The Eternal Father was played in this life-time, in this School Play of the enactment of that which already took place before, Twice.
Myself as the Original and then my twin Doppleganger- and it was complete.
This was a play, a children play in which you were enacting the story of what happened. And while you were sleeping in yiur Nap- the Family of T E N and the original One who Two did the work which if you really were aware of the true import you would have been too terrified and paralyzed by fear.

There is no one I have lived with in the States who was in any true danger, or working on changing the world on the front lines.
No one, whose by the Spirit Mind Thoughts which my body has absorbed, no being was been ravaged as mine has been by the forces unseen by you-which we the E already Eternal were cleaning up, who came down into your dreams while you were not aware but caught up in you stories of your lifes here, trying to get ahead.
You did not even know you were in a maze or a play of the end of the world where the last thread of human decency was threatening to evaporate forever.

It was really made to seem all about you, because your were the beautiful illusions annointed by your ancestors and the Beautiful ones to become the bodies who they would merge with.
Bodies are Elementary, they fade and die, but Being is Eternal, and Expression is infinite.

How on earth could you think for one second with all the people in the front lines- doing the real work each day of thier life, sent to literal prisons, dying the most bruatl deaths which inspired many of you but which many of you liked thier stories but did not see that it had anything really to do with you, because you were so far removed and deatached from their experiences thier lifes, because you were so involved with you own personal lifes and struggles at which I am witnessing and have witnessed for the last 32 years, made you ignore that what is the most imortant- Beingand Doing- getting out there on the Playing Field and fighting the Great Fight.

Nikola Tesla, Eienstien, Madame Curie, Chinua Achebe, Amina it goes all the way back to the great beings some kings and queens some the Unsung hearos whichh I wrote about in Paris, the everyday people, doing in thier own way, unseen unheard the things, thoose so called little things which change the course of events of Human history and who possessed such a humility that they would be embarrased to be acknowledged.
For they did not see the heroic nature of their being and doing. They were doing what came naturally.

What is this modern obsession with me seen.
If you wish that which you are doing to be seen so that othes can see the problems going on in the planet, and that you have found a solution- that makes sense.
But to be seen, simply to be seen, to have Glory and Fame and your name remembered. To prove something to yourself or your family and friends who did you wrong. did not see you… it never made sense to me.

The equation C Me4/3 was never about seeing me, it was about seeing the truth of energy.
Nnamdi used me as an example, which I did not like ( nor would anyone with true e-spirit, for we are beautiful Pride and the being and doing of Beautiful Pride is the being and doing because it is our nature and not for any silly notion called Fame Recognition and Glory)

That is the meaning of IS.

Instead, I found myself in a story of competition, each competing to be the One.. even to the cultures, philopsophies, religions ideology.

3:09 pm.

And having to pass through 64 portals in 19+ years to prove this amongst jealous competitive children.

Did any one wonder whay the entire script was based on a now 2 year old baby?
Born 2-25-2019.
One whom I met when he was 5 months in his mothers womb.
Was it not obvious from the on start that this was a play about Babies, Fetuses still in the womb.
Wasn’t the code and expression of his being with Liberty the entire time and myself being made present almost like a protector and guardian to be his voice so that he would not be made to fade into obscurity by his voice not being heard but overshadowed by the current mentality babies are what the parent mold them into-meddling with thier original blue print – and that babies are the original Light beings who absorn everything-
That they are the original reprsentation of the E M Field of the Human Children ( H C – 8 3 Harwington- Hartford Connecticut the 5th State) which you all are.
The 5th state… that is where i met him, this is where I was dragged from and through Dark Matter shelters to reach him.

Is that not the code which Kim- Tree recognized as he walked outside an it passed right before his eyes- he had to do nothing but look up and there it was.
Who did that, moved it there so that he could see?
and the code on the Tunning fork given to me by his mother- “10 24 C”
Jeron means “He Sings- Holy Sacred”
24 is X *Generation X Gardens.
Alpha Bet City. E Street where i found the Amazing Grace- How Sweet the Sound”
Song Sound, Songe…Reflections
In the womb of the mother? or as it moves through the 9 planets. the 9th “Color” which is the illusion of Blackness.
That the the script was saying that all Matter, Babies, Humans were born from the 5th Dimensions as Expressions of Energy and that the meaning of Anna, John is “Grace- Favor & Child.”?

3:22 pm
C V.

That all were and are born E and that it was you who become corrupted, absorbing the stench and disease of your own surly behavior of dealing with this world and that attitide then became you absirbing and inheriting the Generational Curses of those born and who chose to do the same thng because they gave up thier greatest treasure- one which I refised to give up, and I am not the only one.
Was it not your choice to swallow the bull shit, the toxins, the illusions?
Was it not you who chose to avoid the world and go into the own secret gardens afraid to go outside ad using a false sense of Bravado to justify that everything was evil and that you were the Good Egg, and everyone else was bad?

When it was an adventure -to explore and return safely back to your seat, your throne, your True Self not refined and improved.

The playscript was and has been so unbelievably clear from the beginning, but you chose to ignore it, reject it, challenge it, and sulk when it no longer fit the idea you had created of yourself or your translation of my expressions, my praise to you, and my delicate hints – always protecting you ego-self projections my having to tippy Toe through Language and sound so that you would not be given into a temper Tantrum and create a mess.
And lord, lord knows that I did not give a damn, would have not uttered a sound, said my peace once of twice as an act of Grace- for no one owes you anything- and I would have walked away shaking my head, saying well you will learn in time, and either you will sink or swim.

3:30 pm.

I realize that todays is M AN = 28.

I am born 11-28 A- A Man.
K Man.

Kim MAN Mans Body aligned at 33 age code to Jeron Satya S Lang but which had to be cleaned up.

“Organite” used to clean and clear up the EMF.
Do you recall that play with Esteban and Kim.
E K.
Stephen Kim.
S K.

Arden Stephen King.
M= 13
M A S K.
E.K.E E Ke.

Oregon and Fire Trucks?
I was upstairs at the time calling it out, translating, decoding it.
There was nothing wrong with the E M F- the true E M F as the Body it is Eternal, made up of energy it was you, the hot-headed, the impatient who made it appear that it needed cleaning by what you chose to absorb- All illusions.

Kim aligns perfectly to Jeron- to Aurelia and then to Arden…

And Man I am pissed off today that I am here posting here today, when I vowed to rest, to chill, to not be a part of this banal absurd play after watching the results of 32 years of being fully aware that I had been spirited away.
But I was dragged here by my body- the Binds tightening once again- in tension-stress
A suspension Bridge
The Link that connects harmony via nothing else but Expression Clarity.

Nothing is good enough.

Burn them all!

* I just saw a message Bun which something other than m own consciousness-aware made me type- and I am still here, because of a 12-year-old called Bun- Leander- and Kim.
A children’s play, a school play when the real play, a most terrible Truth had been completed, an enactment of the completion of the original mission of the Black Panther.

I am disgusted that I went through all this to come full circle to the man married to my first cousin Ndidi Amaka- Beautiful is Patience which is Mother supremes name Dark Matter and her Beloved masculine version- Jay Joy- Stephen as that story contested by the Black People in this story, just as the White people contested me…

That it comes the class of 1982 is Arden Nnamdi Kim back to Stephen Johnson that original truth and that even after all that I have to deal with the surly, sulky nature of the Human Children who had contested this truth, challenged it and brought to me instead their Effigy as Woman.

Go and see the the time of my comment to Stephen Johnson the moment I opened my page.
the time is 1:43 pm meaning something is still contesting me and my awareness forced me to show 1.43 N C/ CN.
Chike Nwosu- Class of 82.
And then I was sent to O Pi Boys High School.
I called it the Jungle School – of Forest People.

It was done in 1982.
3.14 is Pi is it not?
Consciousness Nnamdi.
Creation Nature- C speed of Naturalness which manifests Eternal Knowing.
All within you already as Alicia Norris remarked.

And all this distraction of the real event going on was for the last 14, almost 15 years of being forced to teach “Adult” children their AB C which was already in them but they had contested and challenged that truth which had to be manually day by day at such a personal cost to me, to prove Nnamdi’s Truth- the Eze Nri and Eris Truth.

Who are you, that your opinion should even be noted or that you should be part of this play and have a say as to when I leave- to the point of keeping me trapped in a story for a further 20 years to prove not only are you all one but that Stephen is and earned the right to be that person – he always was or descended from.

You all saw the play, I played Devils Advocate many times because I was sick, sick of this corrupted script that indulged ill-breed children- illusions… characters to seek to convince them manually that all is one.
To pander to them for 20 years- 32 years because you could no accept the truth that your Universal Mother is a Man.
W M/ M W- M V V.

It completes at Jeron to Kim – to Stephen Johnson and I see no praise, no excitement, no joy no congratulations to the Victor and Victorious ones in a script where the barest minimum was asked of them, where everything was pointed out to them, all the answers given to them. Emeka brought to their homes and to Facebook to activate your awareness and bring you to see the truth which you contested.
The truth of actions and expression throughout your life which you never went back to clean up, on realizing that you former stance which you had expressed so vehemently, created such hurt, messes that you all realized in hindsight that you were being pretentious Hypocrites, parasites users Vampires who had to be screamed at to give credit where credit was dues and even then, that evil in you, you call Pride- that abomination of Pride which comes just before you fall ( and I have ensured that Fall you will, for I am the beautiful devil and Terrible Death, and I am not to be trusted if you know that you never came clean, truly clean but told only your version of the story. Insinuating blame through language, tone, inflection, suggestion- omission onto others, even me- waiting to be called out already waiting with a defense, temper tantrums to dissuade anyone from calling that out…

“Burn Them All! To Crisp!
Kill Then all slowly savagely as they treated me and my Ken!”

Then from the ashes- let those truly pure true rise.
That is the way truth is determined not by such a spoon-fed script of indulgences in which your Source E is used as your sacrificial lamb and still even after all that you would still defy.
And think you can get away with it because you were in a school play which I had to examine, Test Chech you to see if you qualify to be as I?
I and I.

But what appear to be sore losers, those who believe that they should have won.
Those who did nothing on my page contributed nothing, gave no evidence of credentials.

4:02 pm.


4 62.

Let me stop now…
The fury in me, in my heart, is cold, icily detached.

Class of 82.
Eri Anywa wu?
From the Full Moon to Egu Onwa, to Out of Africa- to the 7 countries and countless others in between, alone being used to spread the word of that beginning of Time.
Instead of dancing in celebration of the Eternal Family here present.

And it comes to the same conclusion.
EK to Stephen Johnson.
Jeron Kim.

What do I care for your notion of Pride- your Vanity, your “Saving Face”

I came to get my Mother’s Line as Faher’s Mother…
Amazing Grace in Male and Female.

I am Man. 28.
I am A Man.
11 1 1 perfect reflections the two universes Eternal Origins and Mirror Reflection E O -M R E-
Constant in both Universes both Existences and I rise from the space in-between the two who are One transformed.

4:48 pm.

And if you are of E. Me.
My Equal as you all seem to suggest in your enactment- even in a school play to the True Most terrible play of Spirits really your Mind Thoughts I am picking up and which is moving me, my body to rise up and post each day to respond to your resistance…
Then you can do this too.

Alone and not with me present.

4:51 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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