
1:55 pm – 1:56 pm right now. – 2

1:55 pm

1:56 pm right now.




6 -12 was the code on my page today message and Likes

and so of course I knew I was at Arden Gemino and Nadja Hope

6-12-2003. Arden – A.F.K.G.= 25.
Evidence AY

And Ephesians 6:12.

I was not able to sleep much because the Little Dog was left maliciously once again at my below my window and began yelping and barking from early morning till after 11:58 pm.

I knew that it was about my calling the police, and as usual, I knew that it was a set up- I mean, I have all these phones, the last of which Liberty C now at 41 Mutual Facebook Friends, had set up for me, and since the script and all things made it clear to me that at last it was time to leave, and all the line of the E Family had graduated, I did not wish to speak to anyone at all because I did not wish to explain or talk anymore.
I was done.

But then this play, of the woman upstairs and the man downstairs, and the use of the little dog, should have never gone this far without the Truth of Cosmic Law and the Eternal truth manifesting, but it did not because the script was not finished.

* P.S Jae Sherman just placed the 100 USD on the Table, so at least that code is gone,

And I had recieved a message from Liberty C, she is feelingg better and sent me a message at 12:50 pm L.E.O. Leonardo Da Vinci- she had been overwhelmed by the Darkness all around her, and today sent me a picture with Azure’s smiling Face outside with her, and the words Azure Skies.

I admonished her to read my page, that it was still all about her line and the World she was chosen to represent.
That it would anchor her and not allow her and others to move into that dark place of depression- that nothing is wrong, that this delay is linked to the play of the Eternal Truth and the Ancestors Nature-Naturalness and their meddling.

As for the Play going on here, I understood why I did not have quick and easy access to a phone, and why Officer Carter * ref Michelle Carter. M.C.

Link and Connect Christopher Marlow in the Heart of Darkness, which is the Play Script we have been in right here in this portal. M.C/ C.M

*”Christopher Marlowe
Years active 1564–93
Era Elizabethan
Notable work Hero and Leander Tamburlaine the Great Edward the Second The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus Dido, Queen of Carthage’

Gues who Liberty C mentioned, Leader Gemino. L.G / G.L 7-12.

That is what 6-12 on my page transformed into once I acknowledged 6-12.

2:22 pm.
2-22-2022. Onuabuchi Cecilia.

So I am aware fully of where we are, we’re in the play, and that the lack of telephone, which is now about to be resolved was also set up, and I realized this morning as the Evil Demonic nature is fighting with all it might to keep its foothold before being flushed out.

And that is when I realized this morning, that this was a Hate Crime and that is how I will tell the Police about what is going on right here, resolving that brought me some relief, “But of course!” and though I woke up with my Body so twisted- after the immense progress made yesterday- the twisting today is so intense as if these demonic forces of non-existence- because I assure you they are not really real, but only have been allowed to endure so long because their final riddles were not solved.
And because the door was still opened and not closed, ref the play with Delois Larkin, Kim Hinds Sr and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr in Alabama 22nd state- and that history of African Americans in Alabama as well as most minorities. The hatred of those beings who suffered such atrocities during the Slavery wanted justice and would never forgive especially with creatures present here proving that true, that there is no remorse, nor will there be reparations and so that hatred for this species by the being of the modern past, is of a black rage beyond belief, and desire that that that Factor of which all E.T and N.A went mad with true black hatred for the persistence of the absolute refusal of these beings carrying to this very moment, in Afro and all other races that hatred and suspicion of the Pale Race.

I have spoken about this evil seed in the Human Race, not just in the Caucasian race.
It is a Hatred so deep and profound that the Spirit realm just refused to let go and trust that the Judgment of Terrible death will get them Justice, but they did not trust the Truth after what they prayed for, the demise of America and all American who carry still that self-entitlement, that Generational curse, a rage which was so filled with Fury, that in many, they called for the extermination of the entire Caucasian race.
Of course, that was ridiculous and not fair, and so this play in which I Africa and Afro and minorities going beyond even the Royals and the King of Belgium- the Partition of West Africa, the use of Colonialism, the Arab world, China, American Indians, Polynesian, Viet name War, all he atrocities created by the West and Europeans, in that their self entitlement and privilege had come to a head. and because I was being used as the Bridge and Fair, their rage became turned on me for being Fair and giving all a Fair hearing.

And in conclusion of my being the Bridge Builder and used to rep the Middle East and Middle Way, I was beaten up, while moving through the script of this Ancient and Modern world in especially the 4th Dimension the unseen realm.

But yes, my conclusion today was that those who were so fraudulently guilty and who show no iota of remorse, as the play here showed, be judged even here for Hate Crimes, and that is what I realized how I present what happened here as.
A Hate Crime.
And Attempted murder of one man and the rising evolving human species.

*”May 4, 2021 — Per Connecticut law, a person commits first-degree “intimidation based on bigotry or bias” if the person deliberately injures another individual …”

There is more, but I do not wish to speak about the Demonic Nature which your Bible -Revelations called out would be seen more and more clearly at the end of Days.
At the End of the Script.

But as I was aligning all this in my mind space as Logos Order, I went out to see where the little dog was, instead I saw a youthful looking man about my age code, who I recognized his Energy, he had done work on the balconey just outside my window, and it looked very, very good.
He called out to me cheerfully but with quiet intelligence, and asked me my name, telling me his name is Kieth.
I told him mine, Emeka.
I was already in the play again, I had known throughout my Life story two people in boyhood, both who lived near and who homes I visited one who lived across the Street was Calvin, a child prodigy pianist and way too good looking for his own good, and Keith who loved down the road- all the way to Keith who was the Maitr’d at 80 Spring Street at Baltahazzar who I have posted out play.
80 Spring street, right after Anne Gogh and Yoyo Sacred Portal 80.

Emeka Keith.

Word/name Celtic
Meaning “wood, forest”, “from the battleground”‘

Wood Forest, from the Battle Ground,

He was working with Wood, the floors, the wood floors.

I spoke to him about the Little Dog and he made a face and said Sheesh, as in unbelievable the noise, I said it was the owner and caretaker.
“The person lives on the 3rd floor? right”

I said yes.

I called out as he went to continue working in the building, and apologizing for the noise, that he had done a great job, he had, and that it was not his working or the noise which had bothered me, but the malice of the persons above and below me who were using a dog to get at me.
Thanks, he called up to me, is the floor dry,?”

Yes, I called down to him, my mind on the play and making myself a coffee.

I am now at 3511 Facebook Friends.
Code is C.E.K.

Calvin Keith. C.K.

3:11 pm


I will be back after this pause to code my new Facebook Friends.

3:12 pm.
Liberty C 41 Mutual Facebook Friends.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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