
1:54 pm. – A-E.D. – A-I. – A.T. –

1:54 pm. – A-E.D. – A-I. – A.T. –

1:54 pm.






49 74 Facebook Friends

1:59 p.m. Right now.

A- Sacred Portal 59.

On one side it is Elegant Imagery and on the other side as Numbers it is the Long. awaited End of The Story of this reality.

5000-4974 = 26.

I went to bed slightly troubled, and by still being in this End Game.

Manifestation for all to begin to experience ends the 29 year plus years in this Dark Energy
Matter resolving it back to Light.
Resolution of Conflict.

R O C.

That is what I named it in my short Script for the Festival of Sharing
A.K.A. Festival of Paylasmak.in Turkisg

2:09 p.m


*I just noted that I have 29 U.S D in my Perry Elis brown wallet.

I was disturbed by a final post from Kamora Herrington 25 Mutual Facebook friends.

And then by the voices of laughter and discussion down Stairs. It was not that loud but was the throw back of that battle of the last year of the so called woman and man who sound had made it appear that it was comminh from upstairs when I knew it was from downstairs 217
Until you all saw the play that it was not from upstairs but but downstairs and via a play brought Kim Arthur Hinds Jr confession that he know who not only who they were but that he knew Malcom who lived down Stairs. And so the mystery was solved despite the Property Manager saying and implying that I was delusional and that play with intention and Malice which I named and the Echo of the play confirmed as “Murder She wrote”
And “How to get away with Murder”

All this took place after my post yesterday.

A Defiant Challenge.
Dantes Inferno.


I was not vexed since I knew it was a play and after a year of this, I understood that it was all linked to the illusion and the Arrival of Jae Sherman as part of the play to define Evil as Negation and liars.

And the Evil Ancestors. ..the Dead Memories intruding with the Living.

So, before I lay down I went to the Altar Art Science where I had left Kamora’s letter with orange twines and white with Green where I had placed the Wow Africa Card I had used to call my Mothers younger brother.
And which Kamora had signed with Peace.

See the meaning of the name Erin Frieda
Peace, Peaceful both names.

But there was still no peace.
So I removed the Peace note and decided that for the play of the two people conversing and laughing in 217 that I would respond at last with Action which I had promised.
It had long since stopped being about then little dog placed out side my window or my explaing and making my complaint.it was about intent and Justice being served.

Jae Sherman J.S was being defended by Julie Black, the Propery Manger.
And no Keys were recoverded.

I was aware that the Ancestors had used yet another way to acess me.
In the play which brought me into contact with Kamora Herrington.
Via Kim Hinds Jr who I met after attaining Perfection at 900 South Road.
But despite all appearances in the Script I found nothing to confirm Kamora as the Evil.
But I had introduced Jae Shermsm to Kamora because of her sexual and gender stance.
It made sense.

What I knew about Kamoracwas that she was aligned to the Beautiful Ancestors and that wave, Including immediately connecting her to Liberty C still then at
900 South Road.

There was no doubt Meddling of the Beautiful Truth as well as the Ancestors as the Lie.
But the more I observed read and interacted with her, I knew it was my bio blood line linked to the Energy line of my Grandmother.

It was incredible for me personally but it was true.
We would connect at 29 Lincoln street while Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Kim Arthur Hinds. Benjamin C.Krajewski and Alexa Vertefeuille were at the 33 State Oregon.

I knew how Deception was the Key used in this play to create confusion for me to extricate from the Thread and Line of the Truly Monstrous liars and the Ancestors True who were not even meant to be present in this Play at this point after I had attained my 64 portal
And then was forced to go back down backward to 29 Lincoln Street.
29 L.S.

I do not trust or care for this play in which such evil was used.but I trust me and my senses and my direct experince.
And she was the one who had been honest about Sex Magic and her seeing with her third eye the truth of Kim Hinds being an Ore of a Mountain of Magic.

Magical Portal.

She had come clean and told the truth.
The foam orange letter y. I had found underna tree in front of her house.
Her statenent that she felt therevwas a man in her.
Her Matrix Car which was totalled.

I was and am no longer in the mood for this silly stupid play which does and permits the absurd for me to make order of,
But I had posted often how my Grandmother had been awarded the highest tile in O.I.Bri by proving with Evudence her memory of he past life was a Fact, by what she had buried under tree in her ancient life time in the past.

Nothing made sense as to why she would betray the truth now.

So I sent her a text message this morning to get her voice.
I had made my intention known and if she had been in contact with Jae Sherman as she had harmoniously been with Esteban Miguel Filgueira, John Mack

And I added that today is 4-9;and she being 49 the last time we connected.

It was 11:40 a.m when I sent her the message.
S P 40.

I was relieved by her response.
She is 50 and she had not seen Jae Sherman since here when we first met.
But it was Sheknow Crow who had met Jae Sherman telling her each time that they had met before over and over again which each time Jae would deny.
It was obvious to me at that point that Jae Sherman was lying.

Kamora’s age Code is 5O.
Emeka Odiamma

Ogechukwu Edeh

I knew just in time I had got all the Beautiful Past Ancestors, which I had to make sure even after Keith- Knight play yesterday and the Wood Forest People Flower of Life Lightrr and the parallel universecplay of they taking away until the riddle was solved of Harminy Nature.

Exhausting play to get the E.Truth.

Sharia… that was Sheeat crows name.
I coded it as Shari- Islamic Law.

Here is the Sharia I have.

Lou Shari L.S
Shari Sissoko S S.

Then I had to resolve the conflict of the Law…The Police.

I could not left such a plague and play of such cruelty just lie and the continued threat and disregard for my life or anyone life because they lie.

That is when it came to me.

L. R.

Lucas Roca

He works with the police and undercover in Connecticut.
And as he posted he is a “God Fearung man.
And is not only aware of the play…but told me how the insane battle with his ex wife who he said he knew was a “Witch” by his experiencing a literal Darkness Blackness covering her House like a Nightmare in a movie.
Thunder Lighening.
He recounted me the story it was bad, bad he was almost killed and then he recalled his original faith, and I did what was natural to help him fight her.
And that is he got involved with the police who recruited him.

All I knew in had to do is give him and them my page to read of the last 17 months here.

The Black house in my Altar Arts Science.

He has all the tools, and large office he was given and a Team.
Private investigators, Detectives
Special Forces.

3;35 p.m

This is also why I tagged him, to begin it right now.

And please see the meaning of his name

Lucas Roca.

Light bringer to the Roc Alpha.

Solid as a roc.

Sacred Portal 3..3-2…5.

And J.S?

John Shaw.

I was with John Shaw who met Fritz Venneiq
rep of the Beginning
and it was John Shaw who took that Victory photo I have been sharing.
Who filmed the entire interviews of Dear Mr President.
Then the film of my work called Eleuthera

Link Connect.
I cut .

And aee Stephen Johnson

S J.

Being a Female Y Chromosome does not require a Penis… a clitoris will do as long as you have Direction
A Compass which points Due True North.


13. 11-28.
4. M
D.M. 39.. 12 3. 27.

17 Q.
C I.


4-9. 20 22.


3:50 p.m



3:51 p.m

C- E.A

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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