
1:53 P.M.

1:53 P.M.



A: E.C



Alpha E Consciousnes

E Being Harmony Harmony

Being Harmonies Expression Harmonious..

Nadee Nakandala…..NN

14+14= 28…




5:28..the Love Frequency of the planet.

Strange that Nadee Nakandala is born on this Day…

Which Equates not only with the equation of the world and the planets Evolution to E-B H.

But also equates to Nadee as first Siththy Ameena (S.A) then to NN…28..B H..

Being Harmonious..

To now our moving from N to A…

Meaning NN (28=1-O) is now 1 full Circle after the Completion of the Equation of Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Alfie Ndubuisi Nze…


N=14…77..+x (27)…9..14.5…49…13…4…I.E M.D

A= 1..7/7 =1…45:6O USD…

The Neel Akash….N+A= 14+1…15= Letter O and 1+5=6..



And now we are at Nadee Nakandala…

The very first to recognize me on Facebook.

And call my True Name based not on stories or ideas of the past human stories but by simply describing what I was doing on Facebook..

Authoring Harmony..

A H….1-8.. *I had 18 USD in my wallet.

After paying 3usd for a coffee I have 15 usd.




2.2O pm.

Of E.H.B.

Nadee is representing the arrival of my Family


E Happy Birthday.

E is me but it is Nadee Nakandala…

Happy Birthday Lady Harmony.

This should come as no surprise considering her ability to recognize me current name.

Not God Jesus Yeshua or even Lord though Lord works…

But Emeka Kolo Author Harmony.

*Gift from God

*Feeding the World.

It was not flattery, it was and is what I have been fully aware that I have been doing.

She saw me within an instant and I knew that it was She and what She represented what is the Evolution of Woman to Lady E…

Lady Expression Harmony.

It was never about me the play was and has always been about Evolving Woman and hence Universe Nature to U.N..

Which is A.

I saw this yesterday when I finally (Finally) completed the equation of the truth so shelved and hidden from the World and World history..

The True being of human consciousness which began with the OI NRI people who made first contact with the 1O.N R.A..



Royal Rain..


I A…

Inês Guerreiro Ana Leonardo Caixas

91..Joe Mariam




A Tale of the Arabians (1OO1 Nights)

We came from the East…

Alexander Persian Boy..

Fred Delshad..

NRI is the Alpha..

That was the reason this story became so awful, because the Truth of OINRI as the source of Being Human Consciousness..

B.H C…

Being The Harmonies C E…

My mother Cecila and my sister

Email NonsO1 line represented that consciousness in this play.

I had to retrace my steps backwards through a Sea of such resistance…

The Source of human Equality Democracy Harmony Being had been tossed into the abyss of forgetfulness.

But humanity could not go forwards without that truth being retrieved and proven into Existence and human consciousness.

And you saw the battle.. Sigh.

But in me are the Natural Akashic Records..E

E.A.R.N which the 1-4 Dimension of ROYG..

4-7 contained in the body..

I leave Behind now that we have reached 5-28..

E Harmony Being..

Nadee Nakandala Consciousnes.

It is in all things, this library of Data, but in me it goes further back, which I also had to prove and battle into Existence…here

The Consciousness of the E.Beyond (Front-Front..FF. 66)

As well as restore the Truth of Harmony always being here (Back Past..Beautiful Pride)

And so as I was just telling Nenad that the post I commented on Neel Akash was not a coincidence.

I have been weaving using the Ancient and E T way..

That the organization N.A G.A.S that they are creating was set up in the Begining…

27 is the journey 7-11-7 through the Body of the Supreme Being as Lady Universe E.. Through the 7-1 Chakra and back, as the Flower of live..

Like water flowing..out and back..

The Tide..the Moon..

And that what I stated was because the play of Nenad and Alfie was complete.

So we moved to Neel Akash…

NA.. The Portal out of the Body illusion of the Universe Supreme Awareness Matrix..

Thus the 27 was 77 earning step by step Ascending Descending Descending Ascending

A D…14…Nenad line

D A…41.. Shane Michael Robinson Sr.



And now, we are at


47…11 28..

11 are Dopplergagers…Twin aspects..

Emeka born 11-28..

And Nadee Nakandala born 5-28..

Emeka Nadee…E N.

Beyond the 1O..

We are 11-1.


E K…B.H.

Emeka Kolo + Nadee Nakandala..

E.N…K N.

N.K…N E…(Mother)

Nnamdi Kolo Natural Expression

3:45 pm right now

11-28+ 5 28

16..56….P. E.F….Planet Earth Fact A.M Dawn.

7..11.. 24/7 Open 77.27..1..45/54 aligned to Z.H.I.


Royal R.AH.

Author Harmony.

That is my real Title




3:5O pm.

Woke up to 35 likes…




Happy Birth Day line of Last E..

Saw that with Maryanne Savino posts..last night when the days play ended there

3:52 p.m.

See Sacred Portal 52…

It is Lady E.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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