
1:50 a.m.

1:50 a.m.


I just noticed that I have moved from 15 45 Facebook friends ( rep sacred portal 15 as the Full Circle and 45 Sacred portal 45 and the 4th and 5th note Blue-Green.

I am now at 15 43 Facebook friends, representing the Full Circle O the Door of Life.

A E- D C.

This is in perfect harmony

As well as my discovery that the series Humans is set in Doctor Georges House at 53 Queens Park, which is my age code and the address I moved in with my Sister in late 1988 and left in 1989 Sept.

1:56 am.

William Hurt (W.H) plays Doctor George which means Farmer


7 6.

1:58 a.m.

Posting this in compliance with the Enders Game Video Game

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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