
1:4O P.M.

1:4O P.M.

2O-1- 8.


H.A T.

I have a New Facebook Friend.

David M Chileshe…

On Monday evening I feel Ill.

Strange because in 15 years of doing this work, I have never fallen ill.

I had a vision of what I am doing in the ESpirit Realm.

I saw a Tunnel which had been created step by step, from the here in the present all the way to the very begining of Existence E.

But the building of this tunnel of sound and thus Sound, had been interrupted by the realm of The Void.

The Destroyer’s who knew that once this tunnel of Manifestion is linked would mean that all the evil they had done, that they would be made accountable.

They have been trying to stop the rings of sound from aligning to a straight line of Manifestion, all because of fear of taking responsibility for thier actions through out time

David means Beloved

M.Is Manifestion.

Chileshe means Trust Worthy

The Beloved Manifestion is Trust Worthy.

Nnaemeka sent me 5O.O4 USD..

It is a Code…E.O.O.D….

The tunnel links two C…

Charles Chinwuba…CC to form an O

The Tunnel O to E to Manifestion…

David M.C is my 339 F.B Friend.

C C I.

3+3+9= 15…Letter O.


1:55 P.M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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