
1:48 am – A D.H. – A D I. – *”1:4

1:48 am – A D.H. – A D I. – *”1:4

1:48 am

A D.H.

A D I.

*”1:45 a.m.

A: D.E.

1:46 a.m

1:49 a.m Right now.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just sent me a message a moment ago that he did tell Jae Sherman that money would be with her by the 17th.

So when I asked her, here she lied.

Why would anyone be surprised, she hid the Bill so I would not see it.
211 B.K. B.A-A.

What does that tell you?

My page is and was only about those who had graduated to the E Consciousness.

So there is no excuse.

A simple play by rep Line Stephen Johnson and Bill Lord.
S.J. B.L./ L.B.J.S.

Just see and witness what took place… Clarity of Expression had been personified. And still look at the play, so simple yet look at what took place by Lack of Communication and wilfulness.

That is one thing which I never do, no matter how vexed I am or maybe, and lord knows I have the right to be.
I communicate.

Liberty C does so more so now since she aligned to the True Christ Consciousness.

1:58 a.m.

Each to their own own consequences, Kim had been trained, to Perfection, I had no role to play really, except to intervene when the 211 Code play was being delayed, and that should not have been by me.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr should have intervened knowing the code of the Ever Source Bill was integral in the play.

I have no interest in what others have to say, I was made to see, cee and then forced to be seated here, that day when it all came out, and forced again to be present here again.

I was made to witness it all by you know who.
2:03 a.m.

23 W.
I moved here on 10-23-2020.
Double VV.

I use the most depilated Heater here, and only when I am in my room, and I unplug it after a while.
The code of the Heater is from Yo Yo, who gave it to Kim, who lent it and then gave it to me.
Its code is 86 set there and I have left it there.
Sacred Portal 86.

I was made to experience every step of Arden and Nnamdis play and evolution earned and merited in the vilest way, A to I, and N to E.. I.

8-6-2020 was when I last spoke with Arden Gemino, after a play of Harmony played out for one year, where he as a 16 and then 17-year-old displayed astonishing awareness and attention to the play he was not even meant to be in, to Perfection right to my arrival 8-29-2019 and my departure on 7-21-2020, and finally to 8-6-2020.
And even long after, right up to his images Aurelia at the wedding of Chris Gemino to Lace. G.L and right to the Black Honda Pilot car he inherited.

I was not even to offer reminders, or communicate with him, by his own will and secret message.

2:12 am
Bill Lord.
The Bill of the Lord, I paid it, Ever Source. E.S. Pegasus Fuel Gas Station.
Forever The Source.

Lucifer Beauty.

I know who was paying attention and consistent with it.

I do not listen to what anyone says or tells me, I see and now I and I, as I, I & I.

C.I. See
L.U..C.I. F.E.R.

/ R.E.F. I. C. U.L.
12-21= 33.
Sacred Portal 33.
6 is F.

Every step was recorded on my page.

And so you all got to see the entire play Attention Awareness yourself and can judge.

2:17 am,
Being Quantum.

As to who was paying attention and that which dropped the Ball.

I have no more time for that play, she has got the money and that is all I will say about that play.

2:19 a.m.

And why the Bill of 211 USD and it date for payment was on the 17th, and why Jae Sherman lied.

2:20 pm.
22.0. V.O.

The rest is simply about a Blindspot, and not seeing your role in creating confusion and chaos, and after all this work, of True Clarity from me,

2:22 pm.
What caused the Chaos Confusion and the Table of Babel.

2-22- 2020 when My mother left this realm because I had already made it to her Truth as Arden Gemino, then Ferril and Aurelia.

No one can change what I know I experienced, saw, and what the I and I & I saw.

But that role of calling out who lied is not for me to do anymore thank the Lord God.

2:25 pm.

I was at 3319 Facebook friends and received two more requests and I am still at 3319 Facebook Friends.

There is a reason it stayed there and did not move to 3321, I know why, do any of you?

33 19.

33 is 1. and 3+3 = 6. 3×3 =9.

so 1 6 is also 1 9. Batman 6/9.

2:30 pm

33 19

33 +19= 52. E.B.
C C=1.A. 9=I.
Sequence Frequencies is in Logos Harmony Order.
3/3=1. 3 squared of 3 is 9.
So it ends at 9 which is the letter I.
There is nothing to add or times or equate or read.

3- 3 =1… =9.

I was at 3305 and then 3306 yesterday.
So 13 people answered the summons 9+4= 13.
13 M.

33 19.

Now here are the last 9 Facebook Friends.

Louise West L.W.

Linars Geraldine L.G.

Vanessa S. Sanchez (V.S.S) V.S

Katrina Mack K.M

Carrie Lyons C.L.

Mike Candy M.C

Brian Banning B.B.

Emeka Eze E.E.

Mario Griffin M.G.


L.W. L.G. V.S ( V.S.S ) K.M. C.L. M.C. B.B. E.E. M.G.

That is so absurdly clear that all I will say is that Sacred Portal 9 is M.C- Master of Ceremonies Past to Present – Future Present, even as a story of the King and Prince, K.P. / P.K. Potential Kinetic via a conversation with ones own Self as King and Prince, two really one.

Arden and I.
Emeka Nnamdi and I.

First Letter, First Name.

L.L.V. K.C. M. B. E. M.
M.E. B. M.C.K.V. L.L.

Last Name First Letter

W.G.M. L.C.B. E.G.

I have never begged for money or anything ever in my life. And only begged for mercy when a private play was enacted on me sexually for 20.9 years.

I am the E.G. Sacred Portal 57, The Example of E at G-& Summit.
aligned to 75, to 12 12 L L to 1 25. Evidence AY

2:59 am.

Being Sacred Portal 59 and B.E…I.

Emeka Eze means Emeka is the King in OINri Igbo. Emeka means Praise. Praise King.

or simply 5 -5 is 5/5 = 1. A.

3:01 am.

31 C A.

3 61 C.F.A

3:02 am

3 62 the 62nd portal

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