
1:46 pm – 1:47 pm – 3-19-2022. – C

1:46 pm

1:47 pm



I- W.E are at 4615 Facebook Friends.

David the worker, has not come as promised to fix the door, the one who comes with his female companion who could be his daughter, and who talks shit about everyone, who came before as idiots.

While leaving and making a mess, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, and I found that we were thinking the exact same thoughts about him, he even called the persons upstairs, ‘That Fat Guy”

Village Idiot.
Out of the three men I have met sent by the Landlord, he is the worst.

1:59 pm.

And that is what I was feeling anyway, that this is the script for the end of the Script of this world, and so he fits right in.

Just as one part of me, is so astonished that a person such as myself is still living in these conditions, after publicly being made to prove with Evidence, Facts Proof for 21 years tomorrow, like a beggar, in a Guest Room reserved for him by the Script.
I was contemplating this today, this script, this play that would go this far to negate the presence of The Source and how people in all accept this.

That I can not go to the dentist and must rely on Liberty C for money for the play, and how it was set up literally this way.

That this is all about me saying that there is No Evil, so Evil has been given to me by forcing me into this play of insult, negation and for me to prove evil out of existence by giving me such evil and making me prove it out of existence, while this force uses it at an excuse to get back at me, with such Venom, and thus this is the script created to manifest the End of this world and the species in it.
What has the power to enforce such a script and make me live it?

2:11 B.K. B.A-A.. 27

Do you recall my telling the story of my meeting David Campillio’s family in Barcelona, and how at the family gathering of all sons, their Father presented me with Burger King Crown, saying that I was the True King?

And do you recall The Impossible Burger, I found myself buying twice at Burger King which I had never in my life ever been inside of.

It would appear that the Mission Impossible script. Mission Impossible 7.

2:17 pm.
B.Q. No, that is 3-17 Fairfield
This is more about the Garbage Bags.

*Mission: Impossible 7 is an upcoming American action spy film written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie. It will be the seventh installment of the Mission: Impossible film series, and the third in the series directed by McQuarrie, following Rogue Nation and Fallout. Wikipedia
Release date: September 30, 2022 (USA)
Director: Christopher McQuarrie
Budget: $290 million
Produced by: Tom Cruise; J. J. Abrams; Christopher McQuarrie; David Ellison; Jake Myers
Based on: Mission: Impossible; by Bruce Geller
Cinematography: Fraser Taggart”

Oh, I am aware of the abomination which created this script and the evolution of the Sacred Feminine from X to Y. Masculine
24 E.M.F.
Y Evidence AY
Total 49.

I am Nnamdi, the Orginal N, so I know that I did not do this myself, rather it was the Evil Nature and lie of Woman and her children as the Illusions allowed to exist by a do-nothing attitude which as you can see is the truth of this script.
The tolerance of Evil, Lies and Cruelty and people indulged and allowed to do as they please, and thus holding up Manifestation by seeking to make me proove again and again that the Impossible was easy, simple, yet it allowed me and all to see the truth of people of this world… Such as David the worker, who with every breath he takes, like Jae, even worse, who negates and spreads Toxic expression with every breath that he, they take.

Why was this script allowed?
Why was the hatred of Nature for Humanity allowed to go this far- creating this war, and this script for me to plow through, rather than let Humans Evolve?

That is very simple, and why there is no E.Family only 56= 110=11O. A-A-O.
And Sacred portal 22.
Jealousy Hatred Superiority and a Yeshua Christ and then Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalena, and Arab Hindu African script, of the malice of “How Dare you say there is no Evil in the world.
There isn’t evil in True Nature nor is there in the Real-world, this is a simulation scheduled and coded for self-destruction, but from the misconception that this was about saving the world, showing compassion for the world which was then proven that that was a mistake, for no Human being who is Natural could ever abide what was being done to me, or anyone who brings The Message of Truth.
The destruction of this world and my having to get the proof.

There was no holding up the destruction of this realm in the Opening Scene of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, there was no extension granted, there was Logic and impatience with the species protesting, and a brusque response that did you not see the writing on the wall in space alerting you all about this, giving you time to make a protest and Earth being destroyed to make way for a new High way.
( H.W.. W.H.Y)
And this has been script has been identified as that script since 18 Mountain View chez Jonn Delguidce Blackwell and Donna O’ Sullivan, J.D/ D.J and the Castille soap and the color Purple which pervaded their home.
That was 2015-2016, so what had the power to create yet another extension from 2004, 2012, 2016, and even 2020, and now we are in 2022.
And Mission Impossible has been proven again, that I am 7.G.

Belief, I have said was never required, just Empirical Evidence Facts, and in truth just the word.
Who included you, and your point of view when you are not even aware or conscious even after you were given choice, use of your Free will, and instead of taking advantage of that which I was forced into doing, you still chose to not pay attention nor take the proof and facts of your own imminent demise as truth true, leaving me as The Messenger and as the source to prove it into reality by a foolish children Enders Game which was allowed to be meddled with and sabotaged.

Was it the folly of hope that you would come clean?
Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, confess to what you did when you were not yourself, hiding it and presenting your selves in only the positive light and if you were called out for your own bloody benefit you would do as Laura Walsh did leave in a huff when The source calls to attention that which you should have said, expressed where you had been less than impeccable, forgotten the 4 Agreements, forgotten your promises oaths and vow, the covenant you made with your God Selves, once you got what you wished, after praying so hard, and then forget it, and not even recognize the messenger who was, is really The Source, and who was forced to prove it to you? That you have no respect, no self-respect, not honesty despite you knowing the truth that you know what you did, and instead use lies of omission, excuses, denial until one has to prove it and call you out.

Passed all these excuses a long time ago.

I am and have been looking at and reading this play not really a play anymore and not saying everything I really see anymore, what is the point, you will deny lie or simply act as you did not hear, or what I am pointing out, does not apply to you.
Nor do I care, never really did, the Pure True and Honest would not need prompting when they knew that the one calling them out has no iota of malice but is simply being what I am, Truth Satya Veritas Eziokwu, which is why I am fully aware of the ridiculous absurdity of this script, Naturals come clean, its in your films books, everywhere this understanding, but so very very rarely on my page, everyone, nearly everyone acts as though they have never done evil, or felt remorse and regret.
You lie to my face and expect me to call it out, while only showing a shinny light basking in my words of praise which really serves only one purpose, which is to get your Beautiful truth, that true being, and get to Arden Gemino and the One as All.

That said and done, you can all do as you please, take this any way you wish, I never cared, Nnamdi did, Noni Promise did once, My mother C never did, she saw the world people clearly and you horrified and scared her, which is why she never landed here and called this world Evil, and in that, I saw as she saw, but I never saw Evil as real, but yes it is a fact.

I know that there are some people quietly reading whose lives and reality are changing through recognition of my words, very rarely I have noted is it of the so-called Superior races… But Juste People, but rarely do they speak up as they once did 6, 7, 8 years ago, perhaps they have vanished or waited so long for this manifestation that they went down into forgetting, or hiding, observing with quiet horror at what has been done to me The Messenger, A Man and who is the Source of Existence, recognizing that which they always knew, but its true scope of horror as they read and recognize through what was done to me, right before their eyes the truth of how horrific this world and people in it have become and why does this not play End and Manifest.
And yet, they know, these are the silent ones who really read my posts and understand what I must be feeling as I read and listen to the echo response.

I noted how none liked the Mohaba Mohammed post I shared, I smile- your prejudices and fears, none of which is of me, just your stories and fear of what others may think. so tell me how do you think that you can awaken transform and evolve.

I will share 6 New Facebook Friends, I have no interest in calling people out.

3:49 p.m.

P.S. The Little Dog is barking again uncontrollably, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr noted that something is amiss and going on.
David the worker, is heard it and said that it is insane having heard it for the past 3 days, he recommended calling animal control since the dog has been left alone.
Kim is calling the Landlord and after which we will call Animal Control, David and his girlfriend said this is crazy, the yapping.
I know it is a long time to call the police and not just for this little dog but also the case and to also see one last time before that what the Landlord will do, this one last time.

Liberty C has one more day at 900 South Road.

Thus it will be 21 years to the day, and because of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr premonition all today, I know that it is at the climax.

Friday Alhassan F.A.

Michael Diana M.D

Magdalena Leila M.L.

Easter Veronika E.V.

Helene Cira H.C.

Whitney Sheila W.S.

The Message:

F.A.M.D. M.L. E.V. H.C. W.S.

F-A.M.D.M. L. E.V. H.C W.S.

First Letter.

F.M.M.E H.W.

Last Name-First Letter:

A.D. L.V. C.S.

This playscript has gone way too far, I am aware as you can read- F-A.M.D.M. L E.V. H.C. W.S.

/ South Whitney.
Connecticut Harford. E Victorious

Fact A.M. Dark Matter, Delta Manor. L.

Lucifer Light- Liberty C that it was about the Sacred Feminine Evolving and 3-20-2001.
3-26 Z-3
C-Z. C.Z Guest.

I was meant to be gone from here and the awakening but the unspeakable was done to keep me here till I had reached 21, The age code I left my mother in 1988 but arrived here age code 22 and begab Talking To The Silence in 1989. 22 V.W-VV.. WAVE.

5:11 pm.
E: A-A

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