
1:45 p.m….A.D.E.

1:45 p.m….A.D.E.

31-12-2O15..35…8… A…C-L-T.O-C.E..H

Alpha Cee Loves Truth to See Existence Harmonious…

*That is a great message…

12-31-8… L-C.A-H… Loves Completion Ah!!!

After this post I will Share with you sacred portal 145 which aligns to the time of this post, and the message solved through the date.

Be well aware that each day, I am made aware of each days equation or set Goal. which I keep in the back of my mind as the days posting unravels and when my solving merging, weaving and linking leads me to the full circle to this above posts of the The Alpha See (Those who stayed aware) are to to see the Alpha, the One Cee of Loves Truth, are to witness and experience the Phenomenal expression of Existence as Harmonious

What many can not conceive as possible, that a Wave unseen yet experienced Individually and collectively, moving everything into Harmony.

A World and Species in the grip of fear of survival, suddenly being transformed so simply and gracefully reveal a Harmony in All things, cleansing by a Will and Conscious Intelligence of it own, revealing the true play and plan…

Very much Finding Forrester

Avalon Landing..Light..A.LL.

Aryana Luna Leone….Noble Luminous Light of the Filled Circle Le One…

L-ions Roar of Praise and Approval, L-ion of Judah..

Let me demonstrate.. the play, and script I have been solving and unlinking with an Unseen-Seen consciousness, in which no face-book friend who has witnessed this play, can deny that Something is conversing with me..

Asking me questions, stimulating me through posts to a Truth I had already written about and made rise as a solid memory and not my imagination of another realm existing right here from a Consciousness and way of Being from way beyond the consciousness of a 3 D Holographic program indented in our Bodies (Personal Computer, literal All Seeing Eye)…for us to play out..

Which the more we link and decipher, we link the two Realms and Plays, to transform our D.N.A To D.N.E..

Which represents Freedom from the Script and Roles, we had to play…

Merging the Consciousness and World existing which I call the 5th Dimension with the 3D Holographic Projections of Ego being cleaned up the the true 3 D consciousness, which allows one to navigate through a Matrix Web, life even as tainted as this..

But living existing on a rarified Air and Frequency, which moves you to Cee what others existing on Lower frequencies (Tuned into the Monstrous and the banal)..

The are the Ones moving with me to 5+3..to 8…Harmony.

Seal of Melchidezek…

This is our last day of the play of the year as a Matrix code, decoded and transformed from a Barrier to the last Portal..

Cross Roads.. Kalfou…Eshu…The Devil… In my case, the Beautiful Devil..

Lucifer Lucy…LL…24…X

Professor Xavier..24= Alpha Omega… 2+4=6

Father F.a.c.t…

FF=66..Finding Forrester the movie…Finding the One in Charge of the Kings Woods

*See Sacred portal 66.. 12 3…18…9…39…12..27…

2 6..Z…8..H…Zeina Hanna…Beautiful Harmony-Grace and Favor- Landing…

Yes, they Rare Air, is Harmony…R-A.I.H…

Ray of Harmony..

Sunshine Rae…

And tis they who are moving with me…through 2012-2O15…

The Alarm Clock went off day in 2O12, not simply because of the Mayan Calender which was correct but because of the Response from Human Nature…To an Asteroid and Meteorite…in Russia and the U.S.A…

R.U/UR..Kingdom of Ur…Hebrew-Bible…

R.A…Egypt…Book of the Dead..

Our Homework, our Examination of what we understood of the last World play in which the present World Consciousness has based its foundation on.

And of course, the Element of Surprise…

O.I.NRI in West Africa, linked to Ancient Egypt and the Hebrew Race..

which creates E.H..Which we know according to P.I.E..

Proto Indo European- Aryan Dravidian A,D..links to the Phoenician Sumer-

Letter E..

Hence E=OI-Nri, E.H…E..

E.N.E.H..Greece…Rome..H=8..G=7…8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -81-1-8..O.H..


This 4-3 year play of reaching 2O+12=32=5.



*I am currently at 18 Mountain View where both Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell have the codes 58-85…

Donna even to her car license plates, to her very a.g,e. code to even her name meaning O Sullivan means Hawk Eye..H.E..

to Jonns Birth code…

Which then means from 2O12 to 2O15

2O.12..T.B.L.A..B..Truth=Love…Truth Beautiful La! of 6th Senses Awakens Being…

2O-15= T.B.O…

Solved with the Arrival of Tom Benzian and Amy Harper Willis…Through Jonn Blackwell..Full Circle..

then to 35..C.E..the Point…

C E meaning Consciousness Existence…Cause Effect..

And once this is achieved…

*I am currently at 458 Face Book Friends represented by the Frequency of Donna O’Sullivan…Vehicle (Body) A-G.E..Awareness Graceful Expression… 1 57/75…Which we reached yesterday…

See sacred portal 58..Espirited Away the Correct Way

compare with the Seal of Melchidezek (Abraham story)

posted by Kim Marcussen the second one…


But not before passing through Jonn Blackwells portal- Meaning what he represented..

85..See sacred portal 85…Solving the Riddle of the C of E

Which had to be solved and proven…

Which of course was played out with me and the Consciousness I call Father Tom, Twin- my Younger Twin in the Higher play who I call Nnamdi…

and his Children whom were called Adam and Eve, but whose correct names is Nwoke Nwanyi…Naturalness Nature…


See Code J.O.NN…Do-NN..A

See Nadee Nakandala…

N+N is 14+14=28…Donna 8-28…1O…J…


1O=Alpha Omega…A-X Greek.

A-Z…Alpha Zeina Zeta

Alpha to Beauty…A.B.B.A…Father..of

Alpha to the Last Born…A.T.T.L.B…Humans.

Do NNA…28-1 O..One Full Circle…


Chris Franco..is of my Mothers Line Cecilia a Being of 6th Sense of the Christo Wave of the Freeman

All played out and affirmed here…

And so, here we are on the last Day having passed through Sacred portal 85..of Jonn Blackwell and then of Donna O’Sullivan then of Rosy whom I call MacDonald- their 21 and 1/2 year Cat… Sensie and Guardian…

And so finally we are at 58-85 in the 4th Dimension,

completing in perfect symmetry to 85+58= 13+13..M.M,

Maritza Montes..( Really Ritz Montes)

26 8

through Alberto Santana Dharma ( Lotus Santana, Eshe Chuki Asale)

to reach

Z.H…Zeina Hannah…

And Finally to Hassan Hassan..HH…88…64..Code Jonn B..as well as 51 (Area 51..E.A)…8-5…H.E…Who came from the E…He=E…

And then to Adem Dursun…A.D..

Recall Amit Dhawan was a Face Book friend, who left but not after I had established through his images, on Stage with Mother at the Palace which links to the play with Mother and I, reflected in my own version as Cecilia Onu Umeano (My Mother) and I, Victor Chukwuemeka Emeka Ikemefuna Kolo..

And to images of Actors Backstage…

See the topic of my Posts Today…

Notice that Adem and Amit have the same initials…

A.D.A.D….A DAD…DADA…1 4 1 4…5 5…E E…55 =1O..1 Full Circle, x 25=Y.25 B.E…Y.B.E…E.B.Y…

= 26…and 35…Z.C.E…

2+6=8, 3+5=8…88…H.H..Beautiful Beautifier x 2…16..2O16…T.B.P.A.F…36..9..18..27..9..I.

Truth Beautiful Pride A Fact…I…Individual…

One arriving with a Persian Turkish (P.T) name, and the other a Hindi (H) name…


*Meaning that we are at the Point of Harmony..

PTAH… See Egyptian God Amen Amon Ptah!…

We already established the meaning of the Name Adem (Adam) Dursun…(Dur Hard Sun)…Adam Duru, Dursun….

I will take the liberty to refresh your minds about the meaning of the name



Amit is a common male name, in India, Nepal and Israel. In Nepali, Sanskrit, Hindi, and Bengali, Amit (Hindi: ????, Bengali: ????) means infinite or immeasurable or limitless or boundless. It is the wordstem root of the Amitabha Buddha and one of the 108 names of Hindu God Shri Ganesha.

Name Amit generally means Endless or Boundless or Incomparable Lord, is of Indian, Hebrew origin, Name Amit is a Masculine (or Boy) name. Person with name Amit are mainly Hindu by religion. Name Amit belongs to rashi Mesh (Aries) with dominant planet Mars (Mangal) and Nakshatra (stars) Krithika. Name Amit is associated to God/Goddess Ganesha

Find qualities of Aries (Mesh)


Aries is the Mesh…


Aries Sagittarius




1O8..J.H..Jonn Haun, Jimmy Hendricks, John Hancock…

Correct code John Hancock…Meaning ones signature,

1O8 means Completion..

Today is the last day of the Year…

in this play of 45 months of an Energetic play being aligned to the its corresponding Physical anchors in this World View and Consciousness here and now..

1O8 is the completion of Amit-AB-Ha…

A Ha appeared on my page yesterday at the very precise moment Jonn Blackwell paused me to convey a story of Betrayal of one who went too far away from the E to investigate that which I personally already knew was not the True Way home…

when Jonn had completed his intel, I showed him the words typed on my page where I had paused at…

Strange that Amit who unfriended me, and sent me an impatient text would be moved to come back as a Face Book friend, in perfect symmetry and in perfect timing…

Aligning Reflecting in perfection

Adem Dursun Amit Dhawan…


How could he have known, how could both of them know…?

457-458…45 45…78/ 87..54 54… Full Circle…

I am at 87 54 54…Played out by myself before I came here and also by Jonn, the place he worked and I accompanied him a few times and even did a days work which earned me 1OO u.s.d..see sacred portal 1OO…

Is it not two Twins and yet the same Person..

the Past Self and Future Self meeting in the Beautiful Present and Becoming one..but yet they are now Two…

The Original Two who have helped manifested the Two She

in One Donna Sophia……

Like Hassan Hassan… 456 Face Book Friend..


Two Males..

Two Men A Youth and a Man…

That is sacred Portal 57…

Merging of Father with his Youth…

His Eternal Truth…

Dhawan means

Dhawan Name Meaning. Indian (Panjab): Hindu (Khatri) name based on the name of a clan in the Khatri community. It is popularly believed to mean ‘runner’, ‘messenger’, from Sanskrit dhav- ‘to run’.

Hassan Has S Anna…The Beautiful One, very goodly, very well mannered, the Beautifier, x2..Heaven Earth H.E, is the Well read Man, the Man who is as the Red Brown Earth, of the Last Color Wave Christo and the last Born Human as well as the First Note of Do..(R.D…R,R.D.D/D.D.R.R)..

The First Being in Existence…

The First who is also the Last, (F.L…Fort Lauderdale..5 11)-

AD.EMME DA.. EMME…Sacred Portal 55…

Let it be, stay..everything is crystal clear and lucid..Duru…

Hard Sun you passed through…

To Am.It!…

The Completion of the immeasurable, the boundless the Infinite, Endless Boundless Lord, The Remover of Obstacles to memory (Ganesh) who wars Aries, to untangle the Mesh, to reveal the weave and the Truth Beautiful Full Circle of Existence…

The Messenger (Sacred portal 28 Hermes Mercury) who Ran..

I Ran…The Full Circle from the Moment he was Born to to its completion


Today is the 12-31…8…

12 is complete so is sacred portal 8 Desire..

31…as code my Birth Year E…25=Y.B.E



34 7 12 1984…8.

Sacred Portal 4 has been done.. D..

But not Sacred portal 31..

Resurrection- Restoration-


31 has not manifested..

Not has 76…Awakening of the World



1O9 is beyond 1O8…18..A.H…

it adds Infinity



Beyond Amitabha Buddha… Beyond A.B..12 (L)..A.B.B.A..1221..Beyond Father…A.B.A.B..Y…Beyond A Baby (A-Lien Council), Beyond Harmony, H.E.E.H..

Beyond any Story of this realm of Balanced Harmony J-H…

Is I..

The I who IS




H A .S.S A. N


NOA.H…/ H.A! ON..

S A S…/ S.A.S

A.S.S…/ S.S.A!

O.N.A../ A.N.O.. meaning 4 in OINri Igbo (Ume-Ano..Meaning 4 Divine Breaths)

H.E.N…/ N..E.H

Nature Expression Harmony..

The E line and the E…Are Beyond Natures Expression Harmony..

N=14..1 4..A.D…(D.N.A)


E creates N.N..A..H E NNAH

E created A.D… E.A.D. (Area 51 Divine)

E is Beyond 58-85..

E links to 59-95… The Examples…I.E-E.I..

And through the E can the examples go home…

5O..51O..511…512..513, 514, 515…516…517, 518, 519, 5 2O…5 21…

522…523, 524…525…526…Ectera..

The King and I…

4:55 p.m.

D; EE…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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