
1:44 p.m.

1:44 p.m.


I received an back hand challenge from Sirius Ugo..

Of course, I was aware that he was back under that name and had come as Ugo Nwamama before..

I let him back in because as I have explained, this is not my play.

He arrogantly commented that I seem to have alot to prove.

Lord… The play is about Expression, the more I express the more the play moves forward.

Existence IS Expression; this is what this whole challenge has been about.

This is what My Father Brother also wanted knowing that he was in in me and that I would Vide empty myself and in doing so express things I did not choose to express.

And because he knows me, he knew that I would be obliged to explain and clarify myself to this world reality despite my knowing that you would not understand, and at best recognize this as a story, a familiar story.

But at the same time, it would appeal to your imagination where the child exist which would then access the Eternal You..

Which is haS..

Full Circle…

MY Expression explainations was never intended for you, or to prove anything to you, it was aimed at activating the child in you…

And that Child in you whom you think or thought you had murdered is still alive ..of course, the Child is the Roots of who you are, The Youth the Trunk…

Youth Child.. YC.. Yeshua Christ…

Nature Naturalness …

Eternal True Nature…


T E N Y C…N E T….

See C S Lewis…

Look at his books…

Narnia and The Screwtape letters…

Narinia for the child in you…

The ScrewTapes to Screw the lie in you and send it to Helll Fire.. which means to burn… the rubbish.. the waste…

I mean please…it is so clear ..

It is in all your prophecies… The Lion The Witch and the Wardrope…

All a code… As you can see…

All made plain and clear for those who can see… read…

A Play..

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